Presentation ON Earthquake
Presentation ON Earthquake
Presentation ON Earthquake
☼ An earthquake is the shaking of the ground caused by an abrupt shift of rock along a
fracture in the Earth, called a fault.
☼The size of an earthquake is indicated by a number called its magnitude. Magnitude is
calculated from a measurement of either the amplitude or the duration of specific types of
recorded seismic waves.
☼Magnitude is determined from measurements made from seismograms and not on reports of
shaking or interpretations of building damage. The intensity of an earthquake is a measure of the
amount of ground shaking at a particular site, and it is determined from reports of human reaction
to shaking, damage done to structures, and other effects.
☼ Within seconds, an earthquake releases stress that has slowly accumulated within the rock,
sometimes over hundreds of years.
The Earth is divided into a solid core, the The crust is broken up into plates. Convection
molten magma mantle and the crust, currents in the magma cause the plates to move in
floating on top. different directions.
How Earthquake Happens? OR CAUSES
Fault types
• Fault: sudden change in rock structure at contact between two tectonic blocks
• Cause: relative slip between tectonic plates:
– slow slip, which produces no ground shaking
– sudden slip, that generates earthquakes
Strike-slip fault: are vertical (or nearly vertical) fractures where the blocks have mostly moved
Normal fault: fractures where the blocks have mostly shifted vertically, while the rock mass above an
inclined fault moves down
Reverse fault: fractures where the blocks have mostly shifted vertically, while the rock above the
fault moves up
Oblique fault: the most general case, a combination of vertical and horizontal movement
MOVEMENTS OF TECTONIC PLATES: -They are caused because of tectonic plates are continuously
floating on the mantle and thus they are set in motion.
VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS: -They are caused due to internal pressure building up inside the Earth's crust.
SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE EXPLOSIONS: They are caused due to man made explosions such as
blasts, tunneling, etc.
• Earthquakes are very hard to predict
• Scientists can search for clues:
– changes in well water levels
– gas emissions
– cracks appearing in rocks
– even strange animal behaviour!!
• Computers can analyse data to forecast future earthquakes BUT they can’t be predicted
accurately as they occur unexpectedly.
Good panning and preparation can reduce the effects of tectonic hazards
EMERGENCY DRILLS are held to practise what to do in the event of an earthquake
FAMILIES can organise supplies of food and water, dust masks, spare clothes, basic medical supplies,
shelters, torches, batteries, mobile phones and other useful stuff
EMEGENCY SERVICES such as the Police, Fire Brigade and Ambulance service can be well
prepared to deal with any hazard
EMERGENCY SUPPLIES of water and power can be organised in advance
BUILDING & ROAD DESIGNS can be planned for earth movements so they don’t collapse under
the strain
e.g. New skyscrapers in earthquake zones can be built with a computer controlled counterweight, cross
bracings and special foundations to reduce the impact of an earthquake
Seismic waves
• Body waves
• – P waves: primary, compression or longitudinal
• – S waves: secondary, shear or transversal
• Surface waves
• – Rayleigh waves: earth displacements occur in a vertical plane
• – Love waves: earth displacements occur in a horizontal plane
PRIMARY EFFECTS of Earthquakes (immediately an EQ strikes)….e.g. Buildings collapse, Things
fall from buildings, Dams burst
SECONDARY EFFECTS of Earthquakes (problems hours/days after an EQ) ..e.g. Fire breaks out,
Disease, Water supply cut off, TSUNAMIS
Structural elements, such as walls, columns and beams, are only bearing the weight of
the building and the live load under normal conditions: mostly compression forces for
the walls and columns, and vertical bending for the
beams. Under dynamic load, they also have to withstand horizontal bending and shear
forces, and extra vertical compression forces
It is a mistake to believe that earthen buildings are more sensitive to earthquakes than
other ones which are built with stones, bricks or concrete blocks. The matter is always
how well buildings are designed and built..
Failure mechanism of walls
The behavior of building during earthquakes depends critically on its overall shape, size and
geometry. Hence, at planning stage itself, architects and structural engineers must work
together to ensure that the unfavorable features are avoided and a good building
configuration is chosen. If both shape and structural system work together to make the
structure a marvel.
In tall buildings with large weight-to-base size ratio , the horizontal movement of the floors during ground shaking is
In short but very long buildings, the damaging effects during earthquake shaking are many.
In buildings with large plan area, the horizontal seismic forces can be excessive to be carried by columns and walls.
When two buildings are close to each other, they may pound on each other during strong shaking. When
building heights do not match the roof of the shorter building may pound at the mid- height of the column
of the taller one; this can be very dangerous.
• Openings in wall
• Appropriate openings
1. Openings in the wall are
necessary for providing doors
and windows.
2. But larger and number of
openings make the wall
weak. Therefore the number 1. Distance between an exterior
and size of openings should corner of the building and the
be limited. opening should not be less
3. The width of an opening than2 ft (600 mm).
should preferably not be 2. Gap between two openings:
more than 1.2m. Wall length between any two
openings (doors and/or
windows) should not be less
than 2 ft.
3. The sum of the width of
openings in a wall should not
exceed 50% of the total wall
• Concrete is much stronger than masonry under compressive loads, but again its behavior in tension is poor.
• The properties of concrete critically depend on the amount of water used in making concrete, too much and
too little water both can cause havoc or destruction .
Steel is used in masonry and concrete buildings as reinforcement bars of diameter ranging from 6mm to
Reinforcing steel can carry both tensile and compressive loads. Moreover steel is a ductile material. This
important property of ductility enables steel bars to undergo large elongation before breaking..
The amount and location of steel in a member should be such that the failure of the member is by steel
reaching its strength in tension before concrete reaches its strength in compression.
This type of failure is ductile failure, and is preferred over a failure where concrete fails first in
compression. Therefore, Providing more steel in R.C. buildings can be harmful even!!
• Brick masonry buildings have large mass and hence attract
large horizontal forces during earthquake shaking.
• They develop numerous cracks under both compressive and
tensile forces caused by earthquake shaking.
• Appropriate choice of structural configuration can help to
achieve this.
• The structural configuration of masonry buildings includes
aspects like:-
(a) overall shape and size of the building.
(b) distribution of mass and (horizontal) lateral load
resisting elements across the building.
• Large, tall, long and unsymmetrical buildings perform poorly
during the earthquakes .
•In the above pictures it can be noticed that even after the earthquake the buildings retain their
rectangular shape because of base isolation method.
Flexible Pipes
Top-Floor Failure of
Flexible Building Between
Two Ridge Buildings This
flexible commercial
building was in a vice-like
clamp between two rigid
neighboring buildings.
This pressure caused the
upper part of the building
to collapse at the level of
neighboring structures'
Earthquake Oscillations Cause Collapse of Vertical Supports
The severe building oscillations deprived vertical supports of their load-
bearing capacity despite strong steel reinforcements. Note the absence
of reinforcement cross ties in vertical columns.