The Internet and Its Impact On Our Lives Presented by
The Internet and Its Impact On Our Lives Presented by
The Internet and Its Impact On Our Lives Presented by
Presented by
1. Internet Definition
2. Internet in depth
3. Internet’ positive impact
4. Internet’ negative impact
5. Conclusion
Internet Definition
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer
networks that use the standard Internet Protocol
Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is
a network of networks that consists of millions of private,
public, academic, business, and government networks of
local to global scope that are linked by a broad array of
electronic and optical networking technologies. The Internet
carries a vast array of information resources and services,
most notably the inter-linked hypertext documents of
the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to
support electronic mail.
Internet Definition
Internet access can be obtained through an access
provider to the Internet via various
telecommunication media, either wired (switched
telephone network (low speed), DSL, fiber to the
home ...) or wireless (WiMAX, Satellite Internet, 3G
Internet Definition
Internet is simply a tool, a data process
solution that makes our efforts to reach, to
collect, to share and to store information
much more easier.
Internet Definition
What makes Internet so revolutionary and one of
the most famous inventions of the twentieth
century (the first documented use dates back to
Oct. 1972 Robert E. Kahn during the first ICCC -
International Computer Conference on
Communications- Washington), is the quick access
to an enormous wildeworld database that hold an
illimit number of information as manuscript books,
video, pictures about any subject could nerver cross
our minds.
Internet in depth
A part from knowing new things, reading
about everthing, discovring other cultures,
civilizations, places etc.
Internet provide to us the possibility to
communicate with each other, establish
relationships with new people who could be
from our country or abrode.
Internet in depth
Internet has enabled or accelerated the
creation of new forms of human interactions
through instant messaging, Internet forums,
and social networking sites.
In this level, many social sites are famous and
the number of subscribed is immaginary for
most of them such as Facebook with 400
millions subscriber in the world.
Internet in depth