Air Quality Index Analysis: A Presentation by Shanmukh Kotharu Kumar Aniket Harsh Agrawal
Air Quality Index Analysis: A Presentation by Shanmukh Kotharu Kumar Aniket Harsh Agrawal
Air Quality Index Analysis: A Presentation by Shanmukh Kotharu Kumar Aniket Harsh Agrawal
A Presentation By
Shanmukh Kotharu
Kumar Aniket
Harsh Agrawal
Introduction ;
• Air pollution is defined as presense of certain substances which
produce undesirable effects.
• Easy to Understand
• Convinient and fast
• More accurate
• Secure to transmit in data form
• Real time
• Can be Automated using software
What are the health effects?
What is ozone? Ozone affects the lungs and respiratory system in many
Ozone is a gas found in the air we breathe. Ozone can ways. It can:
be • Irritate the respiratory system, causing coughing,
good or bad, depending where it occurs: throat soreness, airway irritation, chest tightness, or chest
• Good ozone is present naturally in the Earth’s upper pain when taking a deep breath.
atmosphere—approximately 6 to 30 miles above the • Reduce lung function, making it more difficult to
Earth’s surface. This natural ozone shields us from the breathe as deeply and vigorously as you normally would,
sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. especially when exercising. Breathing may start to feel
• Bad ozone forms near the ground when pollutants uncomfortable, and you may notice that you are taking
(emitted by sources such as cars, power plants, more rapid and shallow breaths than normal.
industrial The risk of exposure to unhealthy levels of ground-level ozone is
boilers, refineries, and chemical plants) react greatest during warmer months. Children, who often play
chemically outdoors
in sunlight. Ozone pollution is more likely to form in warmer weather, are at higher risk.
during • Inflame and damage the cells that line the lungs.
warmer months. This is when the weather conditions Within a few days, the damaged cells are replaced and
normally needed to form ground-level ozone—lots of the old cells are shed—much like the way your skin peels
sun—occur. after sunburn. Studies suggest that if this type of inflammation
happens repeatedly, lung tissue may become
permanently scarred and lung function may be permanently
reduced .
• To Analyse,
1. Sub-indices
--relationship between concentration and corresponding index
2. Aggregation of Sub-indices
-- simple additive form or weighted additive form
-- I = Aggregated Index = ∑wi
• A study to define Air Quality Index in India has been taken up by Beig
et al (2010) which includes air quality forecasting and named the
system as SAFAR
• This table depicts the comparision between AQI and respective pollution
• Fuel and biomass burning
India is the world's largest consumer of fuelwood, agricultural waste and biomass.
• Fuel adulteration
Mixing of fuels to get fuel at lower price, which can make more emmisions
• Traffic congestion