• Prabhata K.Swamee’ The minimum area or the maximum velocity cross section, Is
generally adopted for lined irrigation canals. Such a section is economically most
efficient because it involves the least amount of earthwork and the least lining
surface. In the present investigation, explicit equations for the design variables of
various irrigation canal sections have been obtained. It is hoped that these equations
will be useful to the engineer engaged in the design of lined canals.
• Mahendra Narayan Umare, S.B Thank are journal of River engineering (volume: 2,
Issue: 4) an approximate estimation of seepage under the un –lined canal is 7 cumec
per million square meter &that of lined canal is 2.5 cumec per million square meter.
To address the problem, Prof.P.K.Swamee presented simplified algebraic equations
for computation of seepage loss for various sectioned canals, which accurately
replace the cumbersome evaluation of complex integrals.
• Yousry Mahmoud Ghazaw college of Engineering,Qassim University,KSA
Seepage and evaporation are the most serious forms of water losses in an
irrigation canal network.Seepage loss depands on the channel geometry, whereas
evaporation loss in proportional to the area of the fee surface.The proposed charts
facilitate easy design of the optimal canal dimensions guarantying minimum water
loss and computation of water loss from the canal section without going through
the conventional and cumbersome trial and error method.
• Pradeep sahu (Associate Professor,civil Engineering Department MITS, Gwalior
(M.P),India The purpose of this study is to produce a comparative study of
irrigation canal lining by the use of excisting materials.This study reveals why
irrigation canals lining and describes a number of various lining and there
analysis.These kind of lining such as long life or effective in price and most
satisfactory for all kind of locations.
Summary :
• I would like to conclude that the project, we are going to do this
based on stability, durability, economic and safety.
• Navigation system can be made possible with the help of the project
• Water will not be evaporated and water will be made to retain for
10m height.
• Canals and navigations are human-made channels for water
conveyance, or to service water transport.
• A Canal cuts across a drainage divide a top a ridge generally requiring
an external water source above the highest elevation.
• Canal is a channel usually trapezoidal in section. It is constructed to
carry water over long distances from the source of water.
• Navigation canals which are used to provide transport and facility
from one city to another city.
• Side slopes
• Berms
• Free board
• Land width
• Spoil banks
• Borrow bit
The canals can also be classified as
• 1. Irrigation canal
• 2. Navigational canal
• 3. Power canal
• 4. Feeder canal
In this project used for the Navigational canal
• A lined channel decreases the seepage loss and reduces the chances of
water logging.
• Its provides safety against breaches and prevents weed growth thereby
reducing the annual maintance cost of the channel.
• It also saves water which can be utilized for additional irrigation
• The lined canals are not designed marking use of Lacey or Kennedy
theory because the section rigid.
• Earth lining.
• Precast lining.
• Cast - in situ lining.
• Asphalt lining.
• R.R Masonry lining.
• Brick lining.
• Concrete lining.
In this project used in the concrete lining.
• The term freeboard refers to the vertical distance between either the
top of the channel or the top of the channel is carrying the design flow
at normal depth.
• The purpose of freeboard is to prevent the overtopping of either the
lining or the top of the channel fluctuations in the water surface caused
• (1) Wind - driven waves,
• (2) Tidal action,
Continues of.
• (3) Hydraulic jumps,
• (4) Super elevation of the water surface as the flow goes round curves
at high velocities,
• (5) The interception of storm runoff by the channel,
• (6) The occurrence of greater than design depths of flow caused by
canal sedimentation or an increased coefficient of friction, or
• (7) Temporary mis-operation of the canal system.
• General consideration for alignment:
• It should be aligned in such a way that maximum area is served with
the least length.
• The alignment should be kept straight as far as possible, it will result
in minimum lossed.
• It should not passes through the village, town, forest or costly lands.
• The alignment should be such that as far as possible a balanced depth
of cutting and filling is achieved.
• The pier has to be checked for stability the forces acting on the pier are
as follows:
(a) Weight of pier itself
(b) Weight of roadway with the live load
(c) Horizontal thrust transmitted by the shutters on either side of
the pier.
• Under these, the pier must be stable.
• Generally, the weight of pier and roadway give the stability to the pier
in overcoming the horizontal thrust.
• If a single shutter is provides, when a vent way is to be clearly opened
• The bottom of shutter will have to be lifted clear over the upstream
• Assuming that the bottom of shutter is lifted say 25 cms
• Above the upstream F.S.L. the top of shutter will be at a level
• The abutment will have its front face vertical to facilitate the working
of the regulator shutters in the vertical grooves, inserted in the front
face of the abutment.
• The abutment carries (in addition to the sideward thrust due to earth
and also surcharge due to live load) a vertical load.
• Being that due to dead and live loads transmitted by the road slab.
• Abutments, piers, wings and returns: Piers could be in course stone
masonry in cement mortar 1:4 and joints pointed with cement mortar
• For piers and abutments, the top 30 cms height is made up with 1:2:4
cement concrete with the top surface rendered smooth, for thee slab to
rest uniformly.
• The wearing coat is laid in cement concrete 1:1½ :3 with a maximum
thickness of 7.5 cms at center of road slab, sloping down to a thickness
of 5 cms towards the kerbs.
• Revetment walls are permanent structures located along the canal
frontage of land.
• Revetment walls prevent subsidence of the land into the canal and
protect it from erosion caused by the canal systems tidal waters and
boat wash.
• The concrete canal retaining walls have an engineered design life and
will require regulator inspection and proper maintance.
• A cheaper alternative to sea walls is the revetments usually built for
shore protection.
• Small diameter holes are generally cast into the wall during
construction to allow for the ongoing free drainage of ground water
from the land in order to relieve pressures against the wall.
• Wing walls provide smooth entry of water into the bridge site and
provide support and protect the embankment.
• Wing walls can be classified according to their position in plan with
respect to banks and abutments. The classification is as follows:
1. Straight wing walls
2. Splayed wing walls
3. Return wing walls
Reference from book
• 1. Irrigation engineering and1 Hydraulic structures – Santhosh kumar Garg.
• 2. Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic structures-S.R.Sahasrabudhe
• 3. MssC NOWN, J.S,”Sinkage and resistance for ships in channals” Jounal of the
waterways & harbours Division.ASCE, vol.2 ww3, Aug 1975.
Reference from journal
• [1] Basin, A.M., Velednicki, I.O, Lahovicki, A.G., Gidrodinamika Sudov, Sudostroenie,
• [2] Bhowmik, G.N., Xia, R., Mazumder, S.,B., Soong T., W., "Return Flow in Rivers due to
Navigation Traffic", J. of Hydraulic Eng., ASCE, Vol. 121, No. 12, Dec. 1995.
• [3] Colic, V., Experimental investigation of resistance for ships on the Danubean
navigation network in Serbia, and determination of the best calculation methods based
on experimental results (in Serbian), Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering,
University of Belgrade, 1993.
• Reference from website
• 1. www. National
• 2.
• 3. www.oxfordreference.c
• Reference from code book
• 1. IS 4745-1968, Code of practice for Design of cross section for Lined
canals .Indian standards New Delhi.
• 2. IS 10430-1982, the bureau of Indian standards code for criteria for
design of lined canals and Irrigation.