Types of English Sentence
Types of English Sentence
Types of English Sentence
What is a sentence?
Predicate: verb & modifiers, object(s), etc.
Starts with a capital letter, ends with a period
Expresses a complete thought
What is a complete thought?
It can stand alone
It doesn’t need another clause to explain it
Certain words can make a complete thought
less complete:
Examples--after, although, as, as if, because,
before, even if, even though, if, in order to,
since, though, unless, until, whatever, when,
whenever, whether, and while
These words can transform an independent
clause into a dependent clause
Types of Clauses
Independent Dependent
or or
Main Subordinate
Make sure you know the difference
Independent clause:
It has a subject and a predicate and it can
stand alone with a complete meaning.
Dependent clause:
It has a subject and a predicate and it cannot
stand alone with a complete meaning.
Types of Sentences
1. Simple sentence:
It consists of one independent clause.
The boys were running down the hill.
The boys = S.
were running down the hill = Predicate