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Gas Turbine Engine

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For an aircraft to remain in level unaccelerated flight, a thrust must be

provided that is equal to and opposite in direction to the aircraft drag. This
thrust, or propulsive force, is provided by a suitable type of heat engine.

All heat engines have in common the ability to convert heat energy into
mechanical energy, by the flow of some fluid mass through the engine. In all
cases, the heat energy is released at a point in the cycle where the pressure is
high, relative to atmospheric.

These engines are customarily divided into groups or types depending upon:
 The working fluid used in the engine cycle,
 the means by which the mechanical energy is transmitted into a
propulsive force, and
 the method of compressing the engine working fluid

Engine Type
 Major Means of Compression
 Engine Working Fluid
 Propulsive Working Fluid
 Turbine driven compressor.
 Fuel/air mixture.
 Same as engine working fluid.

 Turbine driven compressor.
 Fuel/air mixture.
 Ambient air
Ram jet.
 Ram compression due to high flight speed.
 Fuel/air mixture.
 Same as engine working fluid.

Pulse jet.
 Compression due to combustion.
 Fuel/air mixture.
 Same as engine working fluid.
 Reciprocating action of pistons.
 Fuel/air mixture.
 Ambient air.

 Compression due to combustion.
 Oxidizer/fuel mixture.
 Same as engine working fluid.

 The propulsive force is obtained by the displacement of a working fluid

(not necessarily the same fluid used within the engine) in a direction
opposite to that in which the airplane is propelled. This is an application
of Newton's third law of motion. Air is the principal fluid used for
propulsion in every type of powerplant except the rocket, in which only
the byproducts of combustion are accelerated and displaced.

 The propellers of aircraft powered by reciprocating or turboprop engines

accelerate a large mass of air through a small velocity change. The fluid
(air) used for the propulsive force is a different quantity than that used
within the engine to produce the mechanical energy. Turbojets, ramjets,
and pulse jets accelerate a smaller quantity of air through a large velocity
change. They use the same working fluid for propulsive force that is used
within the engine. A rocket carries its own oxidizer rather than using
ambient air for combustion. It discharges the gaseous byproducts of
combustion through the exhaust nozzle at an extremely high velocity.
Engines are farther characterized by the means of
compressing the working fluid before the addition of heat. The
basic methods of compression are:
1.The turbine driven compressor (turbine engine).
2.The positive displacement, piston-type compressor
(reciprocating engine).
3.Ram compression due to forward flight speed (ramjet).
4.Pressure rise due to combustion (pulse jet and rocket).

A more specific description of the major engine types used in

commercial aviation is given later in this chapter
Power and Weight

This conversion can be accomplished by using

the formula:
thp = thrust x aircraft speed (mph) / 375
mile-pounds per hour
The value 375 mile-pounds per hour is derived
from the basic horsepower formula as follows:
1 hp = 33,000 ft-lb per minute.
33,000 x 60 = 1,980,000 ft-lb per hour.
1,980,000 / 5,280 = 375 mile-pounds per hour.
Power and Weight
One horsepower equals 33,000 ft-lb per minute or 375
mile-pounds per hour. Under static conditions, thrust is
figured as equivalent to approximately 2.6 pounds per

If a gas turbine is producing 4,000 pounds of thrust

and the aircraft in which the engine is installed is
traveling at 500 mph, the thp will be:
(4000 x 500) / 375 = 5,333.33 thp

It is necessary to calculate the horsepower for each

speed of an aircraft, since the horsepower varies with
speed. Therefore, it is not practical to try to rate or
compare the output of a turbine engine on a
horsepower basis.
The aircraft engine operates at a relatively high
percentage of its maximum power output throughout its
service life. The aircraft engine is at full power output
whenever a takeoff is made. It may hold this power for
a period of time up to the limits set by the
manufacturer. The engine is seldom held at a maximum
power for more than 2 minutes, and usually not that
long. Within a few seconds after liftoff, the power is
reduced to a power that is used for climbing and that
can be maintained for longer periods of time. After the
aircraft has climbed to cruising altitude, the power of
the engine's is further reduced to a cruise power which
can be maintained for the duration of the flight.
Fuel Economy
The basic parameter for describing the fuel economy
of aircraft engines is usually specific fuel
consumption. Specific fuel consumption for turbojets
and ramjets is the fuel flow (lbs/hr) divided by thrust
(lbs), and for reciprocating engines the fuel flow
(lbs/hr) divided by brake horsepower. These are
called "thrust specific fuel consumption" and "brake
specific fuel consumption," respectively. Equivalent
specific fuel consumption is used for the turboprop
engine and is the fuel flow in pounds per hour divided
by a turboprop's equivalent shaft horsepower.
Comparisons can be made between the various
engines on a specific fuel consumption basis.
Fuel Economy Continued

At low speed, the reciprocating and turbopropeller

engines have better economy than the turbojet
engines. However, at high speed, because of losses
in propeller efficiency, the reciprocating or turbo
propeller engine's efficiency becomes less than that
of the turbojet. Figure 1-2 shows a comparison of
average thrust specific fuel consumption of three
types of engines at rated power at sea level.
Fig.1-2 Compararison of the fuel consumption for three type
of engines at rated power at sea level
Durability and Reliability
Durability and reliability are usually considered
identical factors since it is difficult to mention one
without including the other. An aircraft engine is
reliable when it can perform at the specified ratings
in widely varying flight attitudes and in extreme
weather conditions. Standards of powerplant
reliability are agreed upon by the FAA, the engine
manufacturer, and the airframe manufacturer. The
engine manufacturer ensures the reliability of his
product by design, research, and testing. Close
control of manufacturing and assembly procedures
is maintained, and each engine is tested before it
leaves the factory.
Durability and Reliability

Durability is the amount of engine life obtained

while maintaining the desired reliability. The fact
that an engine has successfully completed its type or
proof test indicates that it can be operated in a
normal manner over a long period before requiring
overhaul. However, no definite time interval
between overhauls is specified or implied in the
engine rating. The TBO (time between overhauls)
varies with the operating conditions such as engine
temperatures, amount of time the engine is operated
at high power settings, and the maintenance
Durability and Reliability

Reliability and durability are thus built into the

engine by the manufacturer, but the continued
reliability of the engine is determined by the
maintenance, overhaul, and operating personnel.
Careful maintenance and overhaul methods,
thorough periodical and preflight inspections, and
strict observance of the operating limits established
by the engine manufacturer will make engine failure
a rare occurrence.
Powerplant Selection

In a reciprocating engine the functions of intake,

compression, combustion, and exhaust all take
place in the same combustion chamber;
consequently, each must have exclusive
occupancy of the chamber during its respective
part of the combustion cycle. A significant feature
of the gas turbine engine, however, is that a
separate section is devoted to each function, and
all functions are performed simultaneously
without interruption

A typical gas turbine engine consists of:

 (1) An air inlet.
 (2) Compressor section.
 (3) Combustion section.
 (4) Turbine section.
 (5) Exhaust section.
 (6) Accessory section.
 (7) The systems necessary for starting,
lubrication, fuel supply, and auxiliary purposes,
such as anti-icing, cooling, and pressurization

The major components of all turbine engines are

basically the same; however, the nomenclature of
the component parts of various engines currently
in use will vary slightly due to the difference in
each manufacturer's terminology. These
differences are reflected in the applicable
maintenance manuals

The greatest single factor influencing the construction

features of any gas turbine engine is the type
compressor (axial flow or centrifugal flow) for which
the engine is designed. Later in the chapter a detailed
description of compressors is given, but for the time
being examine figure 1-32 and figure 1-33. Notice the
physical effect the two types of compressors have on
engine construction features. It is obvious that there is a
difference in their length and diameter
Fig. 1-32 Axial Flow Engine
Fig. 1-33 Centrifugal-Flow Engine
 That in the axial flow engine the air inlet duct is one of the major
engine components; on the other hand, in the centrifugal flow
engine, air enters the air inlet and is directed to the compressor
inducer vanes through circumferential inlets located in front and
back of the impeller. The inlets are screened to prevent entry of
foreign objects that could cause serious damage to the metal
components if allowed to enter the compressor.
 The accessories of the two types of engines are located at
different points on the engines. This is necessary because of
engine construction. The front of the axial flow engine is utilized
for air entrance; consequently, the accessories must be located
 Other than the features previously mentioned, there is little
visual dissimilarity between the remaining major components of
the two engines.
The air entrance is designed to conduct incoming air to the
compressor with a minimum energy loss resulting from drag or
ram pressure loss; that is, the flow of air into the compressor
should be free of turbulence to achieve maximum operating
efficiency. Proper design contributes materially to aircraft
performance by increasing the ratio of compressor discharge
pressure to duct inlet pressure.
The amount of air passing through the engine is dependent upon
three factors:
 (1) The compressor speed (rpm).
 (2) The forward speed of the aircraft.
 (3) The density of the ambient (surrounding) air.
Inlets may be classified as:
1) Nose inlets, located in the nose of the fuselage, or
powerplant pod or nacelle.
2) Wing inlets, located along the leading edge of the
wing, usually at the root for single engine installations.
3) Annular inlets, encircling, in whole or in part, the
fuselage or powerplant pod or nacelle.
4) Scoop inlets, which project beyond the immediate
surface of the fuselage or nacelle.
5) Flush inlets, which are recessed in the side of the
fuselage, powerplant pod, or nacelle.

There are two basic types of air entrances in use:

the single entrance and the divided entrance.
Generally, it is advantageous to use a single entrance
with an axial flow engine to obtain maximum ram
pressure through straight flow. It is used almost
exclusively on internal or external installations where
the unobstructed entrance lends itself readily to a
single, short, straight duct
Figure 1-34 Accessory location on a centrifugal-flow
A divided entrance offers greater opportunity to
diffuse the incoming air and enter the plenum
chamber with the low velocity required to utilize
efficiently a double entry compressor. (The plenum
chamber is a storage place for ram air, usually
associated with fuselage installations.) It is also
advantageous when the equipment installation or
pilot location makes the use of a single or straight
duct impractical. In most cases the divided entrance
permits the use of very short ducts with a resultant
small pressure drop through skin friction.
The accessory section of the turbojet engine has various
functions. The primary function is to provide space for the
mounting of accessories necessary for operation and control
of the engine. Generally, it also includes accessories
concerned with the aircraft such as electric generators and
fluid power pumps. Secondary functions include acting as
an oil reservoir and/or oil sump, and housing the accessory
drive gears and reduction gears.
The arrangement and driving of accessories have always
been major problems on gas turbine engines. Driven
accessories are usually mounted on common pads either
ahead of or adjacent to the compressor section, depending
on whether the engine is centrifugal flow or axial flow.
Figure 1-34 and figure 1-35 illustrate the accessory
arrangement of a centrifugal flow engine and an axial flow
engine, respectively.
The basic elements of the centrifugal flow engine
accessory section are
(1) the accessory case, which has machined mounting
pads for the engine driven accessories, and
(2) the gear train, which is housed within the accessory
The accessory case may be designed to act as an oil
reservoir. If an oil tank is utilized, a sump is usually
provided below the front bearing support for the
drainage and scavenging of oil used to lubricate
bearings and drive gears.
The accessory case is also provided with adequate tubing or
cored passages for spraying lubricating oil on the gear train and
supporting bearings.
The gear train is driven by the engine rotor through an
accessory drive shaft gear coupling, which splines with a shaft
gear and the rotor assembly compressor hub. The reduction
gearing within the case provides suitable drive speeds for each
engine accessory or component. Because the rotor operating
rpm is so high, the accessory reduction gear ratios are relatively
high. The accessory drives are supported by ball bearings
assembled in the mounting pad bores of the accessory case.
Figure 1-35 Accessory arrangement on an axial-flow
Fig. 1-36 (A) Accessory gearbox mounted beneath the compressor;
(B) Accessory gearbox mounted beneath the front
bearing support.
The accessory gearbox has basically the same functions as the accessory case
of the centrifugal flow engine. It has the usual machined mounting pads for the
engine accessories, and it houses and supports the accessory drive gear trains.
Also included are adequate tubing and cored passages for lubricating the gear
trains and their supporting bearings.
The accessories usually provided on engines are the fuel control with its
governing device; the high pressure fuel pumps; Oil pressure pump and
scavenge pump's; auxiliary fuel pump and sometimes a starting fuel pump; and
several engine accessories including starter, generator, and tachometer.
Although these accessories are for the most part essential, the particular
combination of engine driven accessories depends upon the use for which the
engine is designed.
The accessories mentioned above (except starters) are the engine driven type.
Also associated with the engine systems are the non driven accessories, such as
ignition exciters, fuel or oil filters, barometric units, drip valves, compressor
bleed valves, and relief valves.
The compressor section of the turbojet engine has
many functions. Its primary function is to supply air
in sufficient quantity to satisfy the requirements of
the combustion burners. Specifically, to fulfill its
purpose, the compressor must increase the pressure of
the mass of air received from the air inlet duct and
then discharge it to the burners in the quantity and at
the pressures required. A secondary function of the
compressor is to supply bleed air for various purposes
in the engine and aircraft.
The bleed air is taken from any of the various pressure stages of
the compressor. The exact location of the bleed ports is, of
course, dependent on the pressure or temperature required for a
particular job. The ports are small openings in the compressor
case adjacent to the particular stage from which the air is to be
bled; thus, varying degrees of pressure or heat are available
simply by tapping into the appropriate stage. Air is often bled
from the final or highest pressure stage, since at this point,
pressure and air temperature are at a maximum. At times it may
be necessary to cool this high pressure air. If it is used for cabin
pressurization or other purposes where excess heat would be
uncomfortable or detrimental, the air is sent through a
refrigeration unit.

Bleed air is utilized in a wide variety of ways,

including driving the previously mentioned remote
driven accessories. Some of the current
applications of bleed air are:
(1) Cabin pressurization, heating, and cooling.
(2) Deicing and anti-icing equipment.
(3) Pneumatic starting of engines.
(4) Auxiliary drive units (ADU).
(5) Control booster servo systems.
(6) Power for running instruments
Compressor Types
The two principal types of compressors currently being used in
turbojet aircraft engines are centrifugal flow and axial flow. The
compressor type is a means of engine classification. Much use has
been made of the terms "centrifugal flow" and "axial flow" to
describe the engine and compressor. However, the terms are
applicable to the flow of air through the compressor.

In the centrifugal flow engine, the compressor achieves its

purpose by picking up the entering air and accelerating it
outwardly by centrifugal action. In the axial flow engine, the air is
compressed while continuing in its original direction of flow, thus
avoiding the energy loss caused by turns. From inlet to exit the air
flows along an axial path and is compressed at a ratio of
approximately 1.25:1 per stage. The components of each of these
two types of compressors have their individual functions in the
compression of air for the combustion action
Centrifugal Flow Compressors
The centrifugal flow compressor consists basically of an impeller
(rotor), a diffuser (stator), and a compressor manifold, illustrated
in figure 1-37. The two main functional elements are the impeller
and the diffuser. Although the diffuser is a separate unit and is
placed inside and bolted to the manifold; the entire assembly
(diffuser and manifold) is often referred to as the diffuser. For
clarification during compressor familiarization, the units are
treated individually.
The impeller is usually made from forged aluminum alloy, heat
treated, machined, and smoothed for minimum flow restriction
and turbulence. In some types the impeller is fabricated from a
single forging. This type impeller is shown in figure 1-37(A). In
other types the curved inducer vanes are separate pieces as
illustrated in figure 1-38.
Centrifugal Flow Compressors
The impeller, whose function is to pick up and accelerate the air outwardly to
the diffuser, may be either of two types - single entry or double entry. Both are
similar in construction to the reciprocating engine supercharger impeller, the
double entry type being similar to two impellers back to back. However,
because of the much greater combustion air requirements in turbojet engines, the
impellers are larger than supercharger impellers.
The principal differences between the two types of impellers are the size and
the ducting arrangement. The double entry type has a smaller diameter, but is
usually operated at a higher rotational speed to assure sufficient airflow. The
single entry impeller permits convenient ducting directly to the impeller eye
(inducer vanes) as opposed to the more complicated ducting necessary to reach
the rear side of the double entry type. Although slightly more efficient in
receiving air, the single entry impeller must be large in diameter to deliver the
same quantity of air as the double entry type. This, of course, increases the
overall diameter of the engine.
Centrifugal Flow Compressors
Included in the ducting for double entry compressor engines is
the plenum chamber. This chamber is necessary for a double entry
compressor because the air must enter the engine at almost right
angles to the engine axis. Therefore, the air must, in order to give
a positive flow, surround the engine compressor at a positive
pressure before entering the compressor.
Included in some installations, as a necessary part of the plenum
chamber, are the auxiliary air intake doors (blow in doors). These
blow in doors admit air to the engine compartment during ground
operation, when air requirements for the engine are in excess of
the airflow through the inlet ducts. The doors are held closed by
spring action when the engine is not operating. During operation,
however, the doors open automatically whenever engine
compartment pressure drops below atmospheric pressure. During
takeoff and flight, ram air pressure in the engine compartment aids
the springs in holding the doors closed.
Centrifugal Flow Compressors
The diffuser is an annular chamber provided with a
number of vanes forming a series of divergent
passages into the manifold. The diffuser vanes direct
the flow of air from the impeller to the manifold at
an angle designed to retain the maximum amount of
energy imparted by the impeller. They also deliver
the air to the manifold at a velocity and pressure
satisfactory for use in the combustion chambers.
Refer to figure 1-37(A) and notice the arrow
indicating the path of airflow through the diffuser,
then through the manifold.
Centrifugal Flow Compressors
The compressor manifold shown in figure 1-37(A) diverts the
flow of air from the diffuser, which is an integral part of the
manifold, into the combustion chambers. The manifold will have
one outlet port for each chamber so that the air is evenly divided.
A compressor outlet elbow is bolted to each of the outlet ports.
These air outlets are constructed in the form of ducts and are
known by a variety of names, such as air outlet ducts, outlet
elbows, or combustion chamber inlet ducts. Regardless of the
terminology used, these outlet ducts perform a very important
part of the diffusion process; that is, they change the radial
direction of the airflow to an axial direction, where the diffusion
process is completed after the turn. To help the elbows perform
this function in an efficient manner, turning vanes (cascade
vanes) are sometimes fitted inside the elbows. These vanes
reduce air pressure losses by presenting a smooth, turning
surface. (See figure 1-37(B).)
Axial Flow Compressor
The axial flow compressor has two main elements, a rotor and a
stator. The rotor has blades fixed on a spindle. These blades impel
air rearward in the same manner as a propeller because of their
angle and airfoil contour. The rotor, turning at high speed, takes in
air at the compressor inlet and impels it through a series of stages.
The action of the rotor increases the compression of the air at each
stage and accelerates it rearward through several stages. With this
increased velocity, energy is transferred from the compressor to
the air in the form of velocity energy. The stator blades act as
diffusers at each stage, partially converting high velocity to
pressure. Each consecutive pair of rotor and stator blades
constitutes a pressure stage. The number of rows of blades
(stages) is determined by the amount of air and total pressure rise
required. The greater the number of stages, the higher the
compression ratio. Most present-day engines utilize from 10 to 16
Axial Flow Compressor
The stator has rows of blades, or vanes, dovetailed into split
rings, which are in turn attached inside an enclosing case. The
stator vanes project radially toward the rotor axis and fit closely
on either side of each stage of the rotor. The compressor case, into
which the stator vanes are fitted, is horizontally divided into
halves. Either the upper or lower half may be removed for
inspection or maintenance of rotor and stator blades.
The function of the vanes is twofold. They are designed to
receive air from the air inlet duct or from each preceding stage of
the compressor and deliver it to the next stage or to the burners at
a workable velocity and pressure. They also control the direction
of air to each rotor stage to obtain the maximum possible
compressor blade efficiency. Shown in figure 1-39 are the rotor
and stator elements of a typical axial flow compressor.
Axial Flow Compressor
The rotor blades are usually preceded by an inlet guide vane
assembly. The guide vanes direct the airflow into the first
stage rotor blades at the proper angle and impart a swirling
motion to the air entering the compressor. This preswirl, in the
direction of engine rotation, improves the aerodynamic
characteristics of the compressor by reducing the drag on the
first stage rotor blades. The inlet guide vanes are curved steel
vanes usually welded to steel inner and outer shrouds. The
inlet guide vanes may be preceded by a protective inlet screen.
This screen reduces the chance of accidental entry of foreign
bodies, such as stones, dirt, clothing, or other debris, into the
Axial Flow Compressor
At the discharge end of the compressor, the stator vanes are constructed to
straighten the airflow to eliminate turbulence. These vanes are called
straightening vanes or the outlet vane assembly.

The casings of axial flow compressors not only support the stator vanes and
provide the outer wall of the axial path the air follows, but they also provide the
means for extracting compressor air for various purposes.

The stator vanes are usually made of steel with corrosion resistant and erosion
resistant qualities. Quite frequently they are shrouded (or enclosed) by a band
of suitable material to simplify the fastening problem. The vanes are welded
into the shrouds, and the outer shroud is secured to the compressor housing
inner wall by radial retaining screws.
Axial Flow Compressor
Compressor blade tips are reduced in thickness by cutouts,
referred to as blade "profiles." These profiles prevent serious
damage to the blade or housing should the blades contact the
compressor housing. This condition can occur if rotor blades
become excessively loose or if rotor support is reduced by a
malfunctioning bearing. Even though blade profiles greatly reduce
such possibilities, occasionally a blade may break under stress of
rubbing and cause considerable damage to compressor blades and
stator vane assemblies.

The blades vary in length from entry to discharge because the

annular working space (drum to casing) is reduced progressively
toward the rear by the decrease in the casing diameter (see figure
Axial Flow Compressor
The drum-type rotor consists of rings that are flanged to fit one
against the other, wherein the entire assembly can then be held
together by through bolts. This type of construction is satisfactory
for low speed compressors where centrifugal stresses are low.

The disk-type rotor consists of a series of disks machined from

aluminum forgings, shrunk over a steel shaft, with rotor blades
dovetailed into the disk rims. Another method of rotor construction
is to machine the disks and shaft from a single aluminum forging,
and then to bolt steel stub shafts on the front and rear of the
assembly to provide bearing support surfaces and splines for
joining the turbine shaft. The disk-type rotors are used almost
exclusively in all present day, high speed engines and are the type
referred to in this text. The drum-type and disk-type rotors are
illustrated in figure 1-41 and figure 1-42, respectively.
Axial Flow Compressor
The coverage of axial flow compressors up to this point has dealt
solely with the conventional single rotor type. Actually, there are
two configurations of the axial compressor currently in use, the
single rotor and the dual rotor, sometimes referred to as solid
spool and split spool, respectively.

One version of the solid spool compressor uses variable inlet

guide vanes. Also, the first few rows of stator vanes are variable.
This is the arrangement on the General Electric CJ805 engine. It
incorporates a 17 stage compressor, and the angles of the inlet
guide vanes and the first six stages of the stator vanes are
variable. During operation, air enters the front of the engine and
is directed into the compressor at the proper angle by the variable
inlet guide and variable stator vanes. The air is compressed and
forced into the combustion section. A fuel nozzle which extends
into each combustion liner atomizes the fuel for combustion
Axial Flow Compressor
These variables are controlled in direct relation to the amount of power the
engine is required to produce by the pilot's power lever position.
One version of the split spool compressor is found in Pratt and Whitney's JT3C
engine. It incorporates two compressors with their respective turbines and
interconnecting shafts, which form two physically independent rotor systems.

As previously mentioned, centrifugal and axial flow engines dominate the gas
turbine field. There are, however, several possible configurations of these engine
types, some of which have been tried experimentally, while others are still in the
design or laboratory stage of development.

From an analysis of the centrifugal and axial flow engine compressors at their
present stage of development, the axial flow type appears to have definite
advantages. The advent of the split spool axial compressor made these
advantages even more positive by offering greater starting flexibility and
improved high altitude performance.
The centrifugal flow compressor's advantages are:
(1) High pressure rise per stage.
(2) Good efficiencies over wide rotational speed
(3) Simplicity of manufacture, thus low cost.
(4) Low weight.
(5) Low starting power requirements.
The centrifugal flow compressor's disadvantages are:
(1) Large frontal area for given airflow.
(2) More than two stages are not practical because
of losses in turns between stages.
The axial flow compressor's advantages are:
(1) High peak efficiencies.
(2) Small frontal area for given airflow.
(3) Straight through flow, allowing high ram efficiency.
(4) Increased pressure rise by increasing number of stages
with negligible losses.

The axial flow compressor's disadvantages are:

(1) Good efficiencies over only narrow rotational speed range.
(2) Difficulty of manufacture and high cost.
(3) Relatively high weight.
(4) High starting power requirements. (This has been partially
overcome by split compressors.)
The combustion section houses the combustion process, which
raises the temperature of the air passing through the engine.
This process releases energy contained in the air/fuel mixture.
The major part of this energy is required at the turbine to drive
the compressor. The remaining energy creates the reaction or
propulsion and passes out the rear of the engine in the form of a
high velocity jet.
The primary function of the combustion section is, of course, to
burn the fuel/air mixture, thereby adding heat energy to the air.
To do this efficiently the combustion chamber must:
1. Provide the means for proper mixing of the fuel and air to
assure good combustion.
2. Burn this mixture efficiently.
3. Cool the hot combustion products to a temperature which the
turbine blades can withstand under operating conditions.
4. Deliver the hot gases to the turbine section.
The location of the combustion section is directly between the
compressor and the turbine sections. The combustion
chambers are always arranged coaxially with the compressor
and turbine regardless of type, since the chambers must be in a
through flow position to function efficiently.
All combustion chambers contain the same basic elements:
1. A casing.
2. A perforated inner liner.
3. A fuel injection system.
4. Some means for initial ignition.
5. A fuel drainage system to drain off unburned fuel after
engine shutdown.

There are currently three basic types of combustion

chambers, variations within these types being in
detail only. These types are:
(1) The multiple chamber or can type.
(2) The annular or basket type.
(3) The can annular type.
The can-type combustion chamber is typical of the type used on both centrifugal
and axial flow engines. It is particularly well suited for the centrifugal compressor
engine, since the air leaving the compressor is already divided into equal portions
as it leaves the diffuser vanes. It is then a simple matter to duct the air from the
diffuser into the respective combustion chambers, arranged radially around the
axis of the engine. The number of chambers will vary, since in the past (or
development years) as few as two and as many as 16 chambers have been used.
The present trend indicates the use of about eight or 10 combustion chambers.
Figure 1-43 illustrates the arrangement for can-type combustion chambers. On
American built engines these chambers are numbered in a clockwise direction
facing the rear of the engine with the number 1 chamber at the top.

Each of the can-type combustion chambers consists of an outer case or housing,

within which there is a perforated stainless steel (highly heat resistant)
combustion chamber liner or inner liner. (See figure 1-44.) The outer case is
divided to facilitate liner replacement. The larger section or chamber body
encases the liner at the exit end, and the smaller chamber cover encases the front
or inlet end of the liner.
The interconnector (flame propagation) tubes are a necessary part of the can-type
combustion chambers. Since each can is a separate burner operating
independently of the other cans, there must be some way to spread combustion
during the initial starting operation. This is accomplished by interconnecting all
the chambers so that as the flame is started by the spark igniter plugs in two of
the lower chambers, it will pass through the tubes and ignite the combustible
mixture in the adjacent chamber, and continue on until all the chambers are
burning. The flame tubes will vary in construction details from one engine to
another, although the basic components are almost identical.

The interconnector tubes are shown in figure 1-45. Bear in mind that not only
must the chambers be interconnected by an outer tube (in this case a ferrule), but
there must also be a slightly longer tube inside the outer one to interconnect the
chamber liners where the flame is located. The outer tubes or jackets around the
interconnecting flame tubes not only afford airflow between the chambers, but
they also fulfill an insulating function around the hot flame tubes.

The spark igniters previously mentioned are normally two in number, and are
located in two of the can-type combustion chambers.
Another very important requirement in the construction
of combustion chambers is providing the means for
draining unburned fuel. This drainage prevents gum
deposits in the fuel manifold, nozzles, and combustion
chambers. These deposits are caused by the residue left
when the fuel evaporates. Probably most important is the
danger of afterfire if the fuel is allowed to accumulate
after shutdown. If the fuel is not drained, a great
possibility exists, that at the next starting attempt, the
excess fuel in the combustion chamber will ignite, and
tailpipe temperature will go beyond safe operating limits.
The liners of the can-type combustors (figure 1-44) have
perforations of various sizes and shapes, each hole having a
specific purpose and effect on the flame propagation within the
liner. The air entering the combustion chamber is divided by the
proper holes, louvers, and slots into two main streams - primary
and secondary air. The primary or combustion air is directed
inside the liner at the front end, where it mixes with the fuel and
is burned. Secondary or cooling air passes between the outer
casing and the liner and joins the combustion gases through larger
holes toward the rear of the liner, cooling the combustion gases
from about 3,500° F to near 1,500° F. To aid in atomization of the
fuel, holes are provided around the fuel nozzle in the dome or
inlet end of the can-type combustor liner. Louvers are also
provided along the axial length of the liners to direct a cooling
layer of air along the inside wall of the liner. This layer of air also
tends to control the flame pattern by keeping it centered in the
liner, thereby preventing burning of the liner walls.
Figure 1-49 Airflow through a can-annular chamber.
Figure 1-45 Interconnecting flame tubes for can-type
combustion chambers.
Some provision is always made in the combustion chamber case, or in the
compressor air outlet elbow, for installation of a fuel nozzle. The fuel nozzle
delivers the fuel into the liner in a finely atomized spray. The finer the spray, the
more rapid and efficient the burning process.

Two types of fuel nozzles currently being used in the various types of
combustion chambers are the simplex nozzle and the duplex nozzle. The
construction features of these nozzles are covered in greater detail in Chapter 3,
"Engine Fuel and Fuel Metering Systems."

The annular combustion chamber consists basically of a housing and a liner, as

does the can type. The liner consists of an undivided circular shroud extending
all the way around the outside of the turbine shaft housing. The chamber may be
constructed of one or more baskets; that is, if two or more chambers are used,
they are placed one outside the other in the same radial plane, hence, the double
annular chamber. The double annular chamber is illustrated in figure 1-47.
Figure 1-47 Double-annular combustion chamber.
Figure 1-48 Can-annular combustion chamber
components and arrangement.
The spark igniter plugs of the annular combustion chamber are the same basic
type used in the can combustion chambers, although construction details may
vary. There are usually two plugs mounted on the boss provided on each of the
chamber housings. The plugs must be long enough to protrude from the
housing into the outer annulus of the double annular combustion chamber.

The can annular type combustion chamber is a development by Pratt and

Whitney for use in their JT3 axial flow turbojet engine. Since this engine was to
feature the split spool compressor, it required a combustion chamber capable of
meeting the stringent requirements of maximum strength and limited length
with a high overall efficiency. These requirements were necessary because of
the high air pressures and velocities present in a split spool compressor, along
with the shaft length limitations explained in the following two paragraphs.

The split compressor requires two concentric shafts joining the turbine stages
to their respective compressors. The front compressor joined to the rear turbine
stages requires the longest shaft. Because this shaft is inside the other, a
limitation of diameter is imposed, with the result that the distance between the
front compressor and the rear turbine must be limited if critical shaft lengths are
to be avoided.
Figure 1-46 Components and airflow of a double-
annular chamber.
Figure 1-43 Can-type combustion chamber
Since the compressor and turbine are not susceptible to appreciable shortening,
the necessary shaft length limitation had to be absorbed by developing a new
type of burner. The designers had to develop a design that would give the
desired performance in much less relative distance than had been previously
assigned for this purpose.

The can annular combustion chambers are arranged radially around the axis of
the engine, the axis in this instance being the rotor shaft housing. Figure 1-48
shows this arrangement to advantage.

The combustion chambers are enclosed in a removable steel shroud, which

covers the entire burner section. This feature makes the burners readily
available for any required maintenance.

The burners are interconnected by projecting flame tubes which facilitate the
engine starting process as mentioned previously in the can-type combustion
chamber familiarization. These flame tubes function identically with those
previously discussed, but they differ in construction details.
Figure 1-48 also shows that each combustion chamber contains a central
bullet shaped perforated liner. The size and shape of the holes are
designed to admit the correct quantity of air at the proper velocity and
angle required. Cutouts are provided in two of the bottom chambers for
installation of the spark igniters. Notice also in figure 1-48 how the
combustion chambers are supported at the aft end by outlet duct clamps
which secure them to the turbine nozzle assembly.

Again refer to figure 1-48 and notice how the forward face of each
chamber presents six apertures which align with the six fuel nozzles of
the corresponding fuel nozzle cluster. The nozzles are the dual orifice
(duplex) type requiring the use of a flow divider (pressurizing valve), as
mentioned in the can-type combustion chamber discussion. Around each
nozzle are preswirl vanes for imparting a swirling motion to the fuel spray,
which results in better atomization of the fuel, better burning and
The swirl vanes perform two important functions imperative to
proper flame propagation:
1. High flame speed: Better mixing of air and fuel, ensuring
spontaneous burning.
2. Low air velocity axially: Swirling eliminates flame moving
axially too rapidly.

The swirl vanes greatly aid flame propagation, since a high

degree of turbulence in the early combustion and cooling stages
is desirable. The vigorous mechanical mixing of the fuel vapor
with the primary air is necessary, since mixing by diffusion
alone is too slow. This same mechanical mixing is also
established by other means, such as placing coarse screens in
the diffuser outlet, as is the case in most axial flow engines.
The can annular combustion chambers also must have the
required fuel drain valves located in two or more of the bottom
chambers, assuring proper drainage and elimination of residual
fuel burning at the next start.

The flow of air through the holes and louvers of the can annular
chambers is almost identical with the flow through other types of
burners. Special baffling is used to swirl the combustion airflow
and to give it turbulence. Figure 1-49 shows the flow of
combustion air, metal cooling air, and the diluents or gas cooling
air. Pay particular attention to the direction of airflow indicated
by the arrows.
Turbine Section
The turbine transforms a portion of the kinetic (velocity) energy of the exhaust
gases into mechanical energy to drive the compressor and accessories. This is
the sole purpose of the turbine and this function absorbs approximately 60 to
80% of the total pressure energy from the exhaust gases. The exact amount of
energy absorption at the turbine is determined by the load the turbine is
driving; that is, the compressor size and type, number of accessories, and a
propeller and its reduction gears if the engine is a turbopropeller type. The
turbine section of a turbojet engine is located aft, or downstream of the
combustion chamber section. Specifically, it is directly behind the combustion
chamber outlet.

The turbine assembly consists of two basic elements, the stator and the rotor,
as does the compressor unit. These two elements are shown in figure 1-50 and
figure 1-51, respectively. The stator element is known by a variety of names,
of which turbine nozzle vanes, turbine guide vanes, and nozzle diaphragm are
three of the most commonly used. The turbine nozzle vanes are located
directly aft of the combustion chambers and immediately forward of the
turbine wheel
Turbine Section

Figure 1-51 Rotor element of the

turbine assembly.
Figure 1-50 Stator element of the
turbine assembly.
Turbine Section
The function of the turbine nozzles is twofold. First, after the combustion
chamber has introduced the heat energy into the mass airflow and delivered it
evenly to the turbine nozzles, it becomes the job of the nozzles to prepare the
mass air flow for driving the turbine rotor. The stationary blades or vanes of the
turbine nozzles are contoured and set at such an angle that they form a number
of small nozzles discharging the gas at extremely high speed; thus, the nozzle
converts a varying portion of the heat and pressure energy to velocity energy
which can then be converted to mechanical energy through the rotor blades.

The second purpose of the turbine nozzle is to deflect the gases to a specific
angle in the direction of turbine wheel rotation. Since the gas flow from the
nozzle must enter the turbine blade passageway while it is still rotating, it is
essential to aim the gas in the general direction of turbine rotation.

The turbine nozzle assembly consists of an inner shroud and an outer shroud
between which are fixed the nozzle vanes. The number of vanes employed vary
with different types and sizes of engines. Figure 1-52 illustrates typical turbine
nozzles featuring loose and welded vanes.
Figure 1-52 Typical turbine nozzles.
Turbine Section
The blades or vanes of the turbine nozzle may be assembled between the outer
and inner shrouds or rings in a variety of ways. Although the actual elements
may vary slightly in their configuration and construction features, there is one
characteristic peculiar to all turbine nozzles; that is, the nozzle vanes must be
constructed to allow for thermal expansion. Otherwise, there would be severe
distortion or warping of the metal components because of rapid temperature

The thermal expansion of turbine nozzles is accomplished by one of several

methods. One method necessitates the vanes being assembled loosely in the
supporting inner and outer shrouds. (See figure 1-52(A).)

Each vane fits into a contoured slot in the shrouds, which conforms with the
airfoil shape of the vane. These slots are slightly larger than the vanes to give a
loose fit. For further support the inner and outer shrouds are encased by an
inner and an outer support ring, which give increased strength and rigidity.
These support rings also facilitate removal of the nozzle vanes as a unit;
otherwise the vanes could fall out as the shrouds were removed.
Turbine Section
Another method of thermal expansion construction is to fit the vanes into
inner and outer shrouds; however, in this method the vanes are welded or
riveted into position. (See figure 1-52(B).) Some means must be provided to
allow for thermal expansion; therefore, either the inner or the outer shroud ring
is cut into segments. These saw cuts dividing the segments will allow
sufficient expansion to prevent stress and warping of the vanes.
The rotor element of the turbine section consists essentially of a shaft and a
wheel. (See figure 1-51.)

The turbine wheel is a dynamically balanced unit consisting of blades attached

to a rotating disk The disk, in turn, is attached to the main power transmitting
shaft of the engine. The jet gases leaving the turbine nozzle vanes act on the
blades of the turbine wheel, causing the assembly to rotate at a very high rate
of speed. The high rotational speed imposes severe centrifugal loads on the
turbine wheel, and at the same time the elevated temperatures result in a
lowering of the strength of the material. Consequently, the engine speed and
temperature must be controlled to keep turbine operation within safe limits.
Turbine Section
The turbine disk is referred to as such when in an unbladed form. When the
turbine blades are installed, the disk then becomes the turbine wheel. The disk
acts as an anchoring component for the turbine blades. Since the disk is bolted
or welded to the shaft, the blades can transmit to the rotor shaft the energy they
extract from the exhaust gases.
The disk rim is exposed to the hot gases passing through the blades and
absorbs considerable heat from these gases. In addition, the rim also absorbs
heat from the turbine buckets (blades) by conduction. Hence, disk rim
temperatures normally are high and well above the temperatures of the more
remote inner portion of the disk. As a result of these temperature gradients,
thermal stresses are added to the rotational stresses.

There are various means to relieve, at least partially, the aforementioned

stresses. One such means is to bleed cooling air back onto the face of the disk.
Turbine Section
Another method of relieving the thermal stresses of the disk is
incidental to blade installation. A series of grooves or notches,
conforming to the blade root design, are broached in the rim of
the disk. These grooves attach the turbine blades to the disk, and
at the same time space is provided by the notches for thermal
expansion of the disk. Sufficient clearance exists between the
blade root and the notch to permit movement of the turbine blade
when the disk is cold. During engine operation, expansion of the
disk decreases the clearance. This causes the bucket root to fit
tightly in the disk rim.

The turbine shaft, illustrated in figure 1-51, is usually fabricated

from alloy steel. It must be capable of absorbing the high torque
loads that are exerted when a heavy axial flow compressor is
Turbine Section
The methods of connecting the shaft to the turbine disk vary. In one method,
the shaft is welded to the disk, which has a butt or protrusion provided for the
joint. Another method is by bolting. This method requires that the shaft have a
hub which matches a machined surface on the disk face. The bolts then are
inserted through holes in the shaft hub and anchored in tapped holes in the
disk. Of the two methods, the latter is more common.

The turbine shaft must have some means for attachment to the compressor
rotor hub. This is usually accomplished by a spline cut on the forward end of
the shaft. The spline fits into a coupling device between the compressor and
turbine shafts. If a coupling is not used, the splined end of the turbine shaft
may fit into a splined recess in the compressor rotor hub. This splined coupling
arrangement is used almost exclusively with centrifugal compressor engines,
while the axial compressor engine may use either of these described methods.
Turbine Section
The turbine shaft must have some means for attachment to the
compressor rotor hub. This is usually accomplished by a spline
cut on the forward end of the shaft. The spline fits into a coupling
device between the compressor and turbine shafts. If a coupling is
not used, the splined end of the turbine shaft may fit into a
splined recess in the compressor rotor hub. This splined coupling
arrangement is used almost exclusively with centrifugal
compressor engines, while the axial compressor engine may use
either of these described methods.
There are various ways of attaching turbine blades or buckets,
some similar to compressor blade attachment. The most
satisfactory method used is the fir tree design shown in figure 1-
The blades are retained in their respective grooves by a variety
of methods; some of the more common ones are peening,
welding, locktabs, and riveting. Figure 1-54 shows a typical
turbine wheel using rivets for blade retention.
Figure 1-53 Turbine blade with fir-tree design and
lock-tab method of blade retention.
Figure 1-54 Riveting method of turbine blade
Turbine Section
The peening method of blade retention is used frequently in various ways. One
of the most common applications of peening requires a small notch to be ground
in the edge of the blade fir tree root prior to the blade installation. After the blade
is inserted into the disk, the notch is filled by the disk metal, which is "flowed"
into it by a small punchmark made in the disk adjacent to the notch. The tool
used for this job is similar to a center punch.

Another method of blade retention is to construct the root of the blade so that it
will contain all the elements necessary for its retention. This method, illustrated
in figure 1-55, shows that the blade root has a stop made on one end of the root
so that the blade can be inserted and removed in one direction only, while on the
opposite end is a tang. This tang is bent to secure the blade in the disk.

Turbine blades may be either forged or depending on the composition of the

alloys. Most blades are precision cast and finish ground to the desired shape.
Figure 1-55 Turbine bucket, featuring tang
method of blade retention.
Turbine Section
Most turbines are open at the outer perimeter of the blades;
however, a second type called the shrouded turbine is sometimes
used. The shrouded turbine blades, in effect, form a band around
the outer perimeter of the turbine wheel. This improves
efficiency and vibration characteristics, and permits lighter stage
weights; on the other hand, it limits turbine speed and requires
more blades (see figure 1-56).
Figure 1-56 Shrouded turbine blades.
In turbine rotor construction, it occasionally becomes
necessary to utilize turbines of more than one stage. A single
turbine wheel often cannot absorb enough power from the
exhaust gases to drive the components dependent on the turbine
for rotative power, and thus, it is necessary to add additional
turbine stages.
Figure 1-56 Shrouded turbine blades.
Turbine Section
A turbine stage consists of a row of stationary vanes or nozzles, followed by a
row of rotating blades. In some models of turboprop engine, as many as five
turbine stages have been utilized successfully. It should be remembered that,
regardless of the number of wheels necessary for driving engine components,
there is always a turbine nozzle preceding each wheel.

As was brought out in the preceding discussion of turbine stages, the

occasional use of more than one turbine wheel is warranted in cases of heavy
rotational loads. It should also be pointed out that the same loads that
necessitate multiple stage turbines often make it advantageous to incorporate
multiple compressor rotors.
In the single stage rotor turbine (figure 1-57), the power is developed by one
rotor, and all engine driven parts are driven by this single wheel. This
arrangement is used on engines where the need for low weight and
compactness predominates.
Figure 1-57 Single-stage rotor turbine.
Turbine Section
In the multiple rotor turbine the power is developed by two or
more rotors. It is possible for each turbine rotor to drive a
separate part of the engine. For example, a triple rotor turbine can
be so arranged that the first turbine drives the rear half of the
compressor and the accessories, the second turbine drives the
front half of the compressor, and the third turbine furnishes
power to a propeller. (See figure 1-58.)
Figure 1-58 Multiple-rotor turbine.
Figure 1-59 Dual-rotor turbine for split-spool compressor.
The turbine rotor arrangement for a dual rotor turbine, such as
required for a split spool compressor, is similar to the
arrangement in figure 1-58. The difference is that where the third
turbine is used for a propeller in figure 1-58, it would be joined
with the second turbine to make a two stage turbine for driving
the front compressor. This arrangement is shown in figure 1-59.
Figure 1-58 Multiple-rotor turbine.
Figure 1-59 Dual-rotor turbine for split-spool
Turbine Section
The remaining element to be discussed concerning
turbine familiarization is the turbine casing or
housing. The turbine casing encloses the turbine
wheel and the nozzle vane assembly, and at the same
time gives either direct or indirect support to the
stator elements of the turbine section. It always has
flanges provided front and rear for bolting the
assembly to the combustion chamber housing and
the exhaust cone assembly, respectively. A turbine
casing is illustrated in figure 1-60.
Figure 1-60 Turbine casing assembly.
Figure 1-60 Turbine casing assembly.
Exhaust Section
The exhaust section of the turbojet engine is made up of several components,
each of which has its individual functions. Although the components have
individual purposes, they also have one common function: They must direct
the flow of hot gases rearward in such a manner as to prevent turbulence and
at the same time impart a high final or exit velocity to the gases.
In performing the various functions, each of the components affects the flow
of gases in different ways as described in the following paragraphs.
The exhaust section is located directly behind the turbine section and ends
when the gases are ejected at the rear in the form of a high velocity jet. The
components of the exhaust section include the exhaust cone, tailpipe (if
required), and the exhaust or jet nozzle. Each component is discussed
The exhaust cone collects the exhaust gases discharged from the turbine
buckets and gradually converts them into a solid jet. In performing this, the
velocity of the gases is decreased slightly and the pressure increased. This is
due to the diverging passage between the outer duct and the inner cone; that
is, the annular area between the two units increases rearward.
Exhaust Section
The exhaust cone assembly consists of an outer shell or duct, an inner cone,
three or four radial hollow struts or fins, and the necessary number of tie rods
to aid the struts in supporting the inner cone from the outer duct.
The outer shell or duct is usually made of stainless steel and is attached to
the rear flange of the turbine case. This element collects the exhaust gases and
delivers them either directly or via a tailpipe to the jet nozzle, depending, of
course, on whether or not a tailpipe is required. In some engine installations a
tailpipe is not needed. For instance, when the engine is installed in nacelles or
pods, a short tailpipe is all that is required, in which case the exhaust duct and
exhaust nozzle will suffice. The duct must be constructed to include such
features as a predetermined number of thermocouple bosses for installing
tailpipe temperature thermocouples, and there must also be the insertion holes
for the supporting tie rods. In some cases, tie rods are not used for supporting
the inner cone. If such is the case, the hollow struts provide the sole support of
the inner cone, the struts being spot welded in position to the inside surface of
the duct and to the inner cone, respectively (See figure 1-61).
Figure 1-61 Exhaust collector with welded
support struts.
Exhaust Section
The radial struts actually have a twofold function. They not only support the inner cone in the exhaust
duct, but they also perform the important function of straightening the swirling exhaust gases that
would otherwise leave the turbine at an angle of approximately 45°.
The centrally located inner cone fits rather closely against the rear face of the turbine disk, preventing
turbulence of the gases as they leave the turbine wheel. The cone is supported by the radial struts. In
some configurations a small hole is located in the exit tip of the cone. This hole allows cooling air to be
circulated from the aft end of the cone, where the pressure of the gases is relatively high, into the
interior of the cone and consequently against the face of the turbine wheel. The flow of air is positive,
since the air pressure at the turbine wheel is relatively low due to rotation of the wheel; thus air
circulation is assured. The gases used for cooling the turbine wheel will return to the main path of flow
by passing through the clearance between the turbine disk and the inner cone.
The exhaust cone assembly is the terminating component of the basic engine. The remaining
components (the tailpipe and jet nozzle) are usually considered airframe components.
The tailpipe is used primarily to pipe the exhaust gases out of the airframe. The use of a tailpipe
imposes a penalty on the operating efficiency of the engine in the form of heat and duct (friction)
losses. These losses materially affect the final velocity of the exhaust gases and, hence, the thrust.
The tailpipe terminates in a jet nozzle located just forward of the end of the fuselage. Most
installations use a single direct exhaust as opposed to a dual exit exhaust to obtain the advantages of
low weight, simplicity, and minimum duct losses (see figure 1-62).
Figure 1-62 (A) Single exit tailpipe,
(B) Divided exit tailpipes.
Exhaust Section
The tailpipe is usually constructed so that it is semiflexible. Again the
necessity for this feature is dependent on its length. On extremely long
tailpipes, a bellows arrangement is incorporated in its construction, allowing
movement both in installation and maintenance, and in thermal expansion.
This eliminates stress and warping which would otherwise be present.
The heat radiation from the exhaust cone and tailpipe could damage the
airframe components surrounding these units. For this reason, some means of
insulation had to be devised. There are several suitable methods of protecting
the fuselage structure; two of the most common are insulation blankets and
The insulation blanket, illustrated in figure 1-63 and figure 1-64, consists of
several layers of aluminum foil, each separated by a layer of fiber glass or
some other suitable material. Although these blankets protect the fuselage from
heat radiation, they are primarily used to reduce heat losses from the exhaust
system. The reduction of heat losses improves engine performance. A typical
insulation blanket and the temperatures in the exhaust section are shown in
figure 1-64. This blanket contains fiber glass as the low conductance material
and aluminum foil as the radiation shield. The blanket should be suitably
covered to prevent its becoming soaked with oil.
Figure 1-63 Exhaust system insulation system.
Exhaust Section
The heat shroud consists of a stainless steel
envelope enclosing the exhaust system
(see figure 1-65).
The exhaust or jet nozzle imparts to the exhaust
gases the all important final boost in velocity. The
jet nozzle, like the tailpipe, is not included as part
of the basic powerplant, but is supplied as a
component of the airframe. The nozzle is attached
to the rear of the tailpipe, if a tailpipe is required,
or to the rear flange of the exhaust duct if a
tailpipe is not necessary.
Figure 1-64 Insulation blanket with the temperatures which
would be obtained at the various locations shown.
Figure 1-65 Exhaust system shroud.
Exhaust Section
There are two types of jet nozzle design. They are the converging
design, for subsonic gas velocities, and the converging/diverging design
for supersonic gas velocities. These are discussed in greater detail in
Chapter 2, "Induction and Exhaust Systems."
The jet nozzle opening may be either fixed area or variable area. The
fixed area is the simpler of the two jet nozzles. Since there are no
moving parts, any adjustment in nozzle area must be made
Adjustments in nozzle area are sometimes necessary because the
size of the exit orifice will directly affect the operating temperature of the
engine. When necessary, a fixed area nozzle can be adjusted in one of
several ways. One method of changing nozzle area is to use inserts,
which fit inside the nozzle and are held in place by screws.
The inserts are of varying curvatures and sizes. The different size
inserts allow a change in nozzle area to be made in varying increments.
Thus, through experience a mechanic can run the engine at maximum
speed with one combination of inserts, check the temperature, and
substitute another combination to make up a temperature deficiency or
remedy an excess temperature situation.
 he assemblies included in the discussion that follows are integral parts of, or
a combination of, the components which comprise the major sections of a
turbojet engine.
 The diffuser is the divergent section of the engine. It has the all important
function of changing high velocity compressor discharge air to static
pressure. This prepares the air for entry into the burner cans at low velocity
so that it will burn with a flame that will not blow out.
Air Adapters
 The air adapters of the centrifugal compressor are illustrated in figure 1-37
along with the diffuser. The purpose of the air outlet ducts is to deliver air
from the diffuser to the individual can-type combustion chambers. In some
instances, fuel nozzles or igniter plugs are also mounted in the air outlet duct.
Engine Rotor
 The engine rotor is a combination of the compressor and turbine rotors on a
common shaft. The common shaft is provided by joining the turbine and
compressor shafts by a suitable method. The engine rotor is supported by
bearings, which are seated in suitable bearing housings.
Figure 1-37 Components of a centrifugal
Main Bearings
The main bearings have the critical function of supporting the
main engine rotor. The number of bearings necessary for proper
engine support will, for the most part, be decided by the length
and weight of the engine rotor. The length and weight are
directly affected by the type of compressor used in the engine.
Naturally, a split spool axial compressor will require more
support than a centrifugal compressor.
Probably the minimum number of bearings required would be
three, while some of the later models of split spool axial
compressor engines require six or more.
The gas turbine rotors are usually supported by either ball or
roller bearings. Hydrodynamic or slipper-type bearings are
receiving some attention for use on turbine powerplants where
operating rotor speeds approach 45,000 rpm and where
excessive bearing loads during flight are anticipated. (See figure
Figure 1-66 Type of main bearings used for
gas turbine rotor support.
Main Bearings
In general, the ball or roller antifriction bearings are preferred largely on the
basis that they:
(1) Offer little rotational resistance.
(2) Facilitate precision alignment of rotating elements.
(3) Are relatively inexpensive.
(4) Are easily replaced.
(5) Withstand high momentary overloads.
(6) Are simple to cool, lubricate, and maintain.
(7) Accommodate both radial and axial loads.
(8) Are relatively resistant to elevated temperatures.
The main disadvantages are their vulnerability to foreign matter and
tendency to fail without appreciable warning.
Usually the ball bearings are positioned on the compressor or turbine
shaft so that they can absorb any axial (thrust) loads or radial loads.
Because the roller bearings present a larger working surface, they are better
equipped to support radial loads than thrust loads. Therefore, they are used
primarily for this purpose.
Main Bearings
A typical ball or roller bearing assembly includes a bearing support housing, which
must be strongly constructed and supported in order to carry the radial and axial loads
of the rapidly rotating rotor. The bearing housing usually contains oil seals to prevent
the oil leaking from its normal path of flow. It also delivers the oil to the bearing for its
lubrication, usually through spray nozzles.
The oil seals may be the labyrinth or thread (helical) type. These seals also may be
pressurized to minimize oil leaking along the compressor shaft. The labyrinth seal is
usually pressurized, but the helical seal depends solely on reverse threading to stop oil
leakage. These two types of seals are very similar, differing only in thread size and the
fact that the labyrinth seal is pressurized.
Another type of oil seal used on some of the later engines is the carbon seal. These
seals are usually spring loaded and are similar in material and application to the carbon
brushes used in electrical motors. Carbon seals rest against a surface provided to create
a sealed bearing cavity or void; thus, the oil is prevented from leaking out along the
shaft into the compressor airflow or the turbine section.
Figure 1-67 illustrates an oil seal of the spring loaded carbon type.
The ball or roller bearing is fitted into the bearing housing and may have a self-
aligning feature. If a bearing is self-aligning, it is usually seated in a spherical ring, thus
allowing the shaft a certain amount of radial movement without transmitting stress to
the bearing inner race.
Figure 1-67 Carbon oil seal.
Main Bearings
The bearing surface is usually provided by a
machined journal on the appropriate shaft. The
bearing is usually locked in position by a steel
snapring, or other suitable locking device.
The rotor shaft also provides the matching surface
for the oil seals in the bearing housing. These
machined surfaces are called lands and fit in rather
close to the oil seal, although not actually touching.
If rubbing occurs, eventual wear and leakage will
The turboprop (turbopropeller) engine is a combination of a gas turbine and a
propeller. Turboprops are basically similar to turbojet engines in that both have
a compressor, combustion chamber(s), turbine, and a jet nozzle, all of which
operate in the same manner on both engines. However, the difference is that
the turbine in the turboprop engine usually has more stages than that in the
turbojet engine. In addition to operating the compressor and accessories, the
turboprop turbine transmits increased power forward, through a shaft and a
gear train, to drive the propeller. The increased power is generated by the
exhaust gases passing through additional stages of the turbine.
Refer to figure 1-58, which shows a multiple rotor turbine with coaxial shafts
for independent driving of the compressor and propeller. Although there are
three turbines utilized in this illustration, as many as five turbine stages have
been used for driving the two rotor elements, propeller, and accessories.
The exhaust gases also contribute to engine power output through jet
reaction, although the amount of energy available for jet thrust is considerably
Since the basic components of the turbojet and the turboprop engines differ
only slightly in design features, it should be fairly simple to apply acquired
knowledge of the turbojet to the turboprop.
Figure 1-68 Turboprop engine major
A gas turbine engine that delivers power through a
shaft to operate something other than a propeller is
referred to as a turboshaft engine. Turboshaft engines
are similar to turboprop engines. The power takeoff
may be coupled directly to the engine turbine, or the
shaft may be driven by a turbine of its own (free
turbine) located in the exhaust stream. The free
turbine rotates independently. This principle is used
extensively in current production turboshaft engines.
The turboshaft engine is currently being used to
power helicopters.

The turbofan gas turbine engine (figure 1-69) is, in principle,

the same as a turboprop, except that the propeller is replaced by
a duct enclosed axial flow fan. The fan can be a part of the first
stage compressor blades or can be mounted as a separate set of
fan blades. The blades can be mounted for ward of the
compressor, or aft of the turbine wheel.
The general principle of the fan engine is to convert more of
the fuel energy into pressure. With more of the energy converted
to pressure, a greater product of pressure times area can be
achieved. One of the big advantages is that the turbofan produces
this additional thrust without increasing fuel flow. The end result
is savings in fuel with the consequent increase in range.
Because more of the fuel energy is turned into pressure in the
turbofan engine, another stage must be added in the turbine to
provide the power to drive the fan, and thus increase the
expansion through the turbine. This means that there will be less
energy left over and less pressure in back of the turbine. Also, the
jet nozzle has to be larger in area. The end result is that the main
engine does not develop as much jet nozzle thrust as a straight
turbojet engine.
The fan more than makes up for the drop off in thrust of the
main engine. Depending on the fan design, it will produce
somewhere around 50% of the turbofan engine's total thrust. In
an 18,000 pound thrust engine about 9,000 pounds will be
developed by the fan and the remaining 9,000 pounds by the
main engine. The same basic turbojet engine without a fan will
develop about 12,000 pounds of thrust.
Figure 1-69 Forward turbofan engine.
Fan Air

Air utilized

Fan Air
Two different duct designs are used with forward fan
engines. The air leaving the fan can be ducted
overboard (figure 1-70), or it can be ducted along the
outer case of the basic engine to be discharged through
the jet nozzle. The fan air is either mixed with the
exhaust gases before it is discharged or it passes
directly to the atmosphere without prior mixing.
Turbofans, sometimes called fanjets, are becoming
the most widely used gas turbine engine. The turbofan
is a compromise between the good operating efficiency
and high thrust capability of a turboprop and the high
speed, high altitude capability of a turbojet.
Figure 1-70 Forward-fan turbofan
engine installation.
The JT8D engine is an axial flow front turbofan
engine having a 13 stage split compressor, a nine
can (can−annular) combustion chamber and a split
four stage reaction−impulse turbine.
See Figure 1.
The engine is equipped with a full length annular
fan discharge duct.
Type.......................................... Axial−flow, gas turbine turbofan
Number of Combustion Chambers................. 9
Type of Combustion Chamber.................... Can−annular
Type of Compressor............................ Two−spool, 13 stage front, fan having a
6 stage lp compressor and a 7 stage hp
Type of Turbine .............................. 4 stage, split,having first stage hp and
second, third, and fourth stage lp
Engine Length at Room Temperature............. 123.5 in. (approx.)
Engine Inlet Diameter at Room Temperature .... 42.5 in. (approx.)
Ignition System
Ignition Exciter.............................. Bendix − Scintilla
Igniter Plugs................................. Champion

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