16 Amniotic Fluid Embolism
16 Amniotic Fluid Embolism
16 Amniotic Fluid Embolism
Dr. Lizhan
Department of gynecology and obstetrics of
Chaoyang hospital
Capital Medical University
Case 1
A healthy 34-year-old multipara;
41 weeks; induction for labor;
Meconium staining, fetal distress;
Caesarean section with anaesthesia;
Case 1
A few minutes after delivery of the baby…
Arterial desaturation, hypotension;
Abnormal bleeding;
Perform a hysterectomy;
Multiple organ faliure…
Case 2
A healthy 23-year-old primigravida;
38 weeks; spontaneous in labor;
Strong uterine contraction;
Membranes ruptured;
precipitate delivery;
Case 2
A few minutes after delivery of the baby…
Chest distress;
Seizure ;
Shock ;
Postpartum heamorrage;
Multiple organ faliure…
Final diagnosis:
Allergic circulation
bronchospasm bronchial secretion↑
Clinical presentation
Management of AFE Coagulopathy
• DIC results in the depletion of fibrinogen, platelets,
and coagulation factors, especially factors V, VIII,
and XIII. The fibrinolytic system is activated as well.
• Most patients will have hypofibrinogenemia,
abnormal PT and aPTT and low Platelet counts
• Treat coagulopathy with FFP for a prolonged aPTT,
cryoprecipitate for a fibrinogen level less than 100
mg/dL, and transfuse platelets for platelet counts
less than 20,000/mm3
Restoration of uterine tone
drug treatment
(1) oxygenation,
(2) maintaining cardiac output and
blood pressure,
(3) correcting coagulopathy.
Further issues in the Management