Spin Thermoelectric: Spincaloritronics: Gaurav Kumar Shukla (P.HD) Supervisor:Dr. Sanjay Singh
Spin Thermoelectric: Spincaloritronics: Gaurav Kumar Shukla (P.HD) Supervisor:Dr. Sanjay Singh
Spin Thermoelectric: Spincaloritronics: Gaurav Kumar Shukla (P.HD) Supervisor:Dr. Sanjay Singh
Gaurav Kumar shukla
Supervisor:Dr. Sanjay Singh
Spin current
In spintronics we add spin degree of freedom i.e spintronics deals with spin
dependent property of electron instead of charge dependent properties.
Introduction cont..
Heat current also interract with spin this spawned the field of
Js = θHσ × Jc
Spin current
Asymmetry between the left moving population and the right moving population is
necessary to obtain a non zero magnon spin current.
Cont ….
The SDSE, which occurs in bulk metallic ferromagnets, is a direct result of the spin-
split electronic band structure of FM materials, as this splitting leads to inequalities
in the magnitudesof jc1 and jc2.
Fig:Schematic of the experiment set up for observing the spin seebeck effect
In this experiment we have a magnetic insulator LaY2Fe5O12. A Pt strip is
attached on top of this insulator in a static magnetic field in Z direction, which
align the localized magneticmoment in z direction.
A part of injected spin current converted into charge voltage through inverse hall
Despite the absence ofconduction electrons, the spin Seebeck effect can be
observedin magnetic insulator.It suggest that spin current can also be
conduct by magnons.
If we replace Pt wire by Cu wire which has weak spin orbit interraction the
voltage signal disappears.
Ref : Review Theory of spin seebeck effect “Report on progress in physics”
Inverse spin hall effect
The magnetic field gives the spin-polarization and the net magnetic moment along
the x-axis.
The temperature gradient results in a magnon heat flux from magnon conductivity
and thus a spin flux along z.
Fig:Local thermal injection from a magnon system.
TSSE in contrast is suitable for SSE measurement on all system including metal .
In TSSE the applied field direction and temperature gradient should be same.
2. Heat produce in electronic system can be significantly reduce by taking spin into
4. Recent technique advances have made spintronic and spin caloritronic sensor a
promising alternative to traditional microwave sensors for microwave application.