Psychotic Disorders
Nature of Schizophrenia and Psychosis:
Historical Background
Benedict Morel – Introduced dementia praecox
Demence (loss of mind) precoce (early, premature)
Emil Kraepelin – Used the term dementia praecox
Focused on subtypes of schizophrenia
Eugen Bleuler – Introduced the term “schizophrenia”
“Splitting of the mind”
Kurt Schneider – He emphasized the role of psychotic
symptoms, as hallucinations, delusions and gave them the
privilege of „the first rank symptoms” even in the concept of
the diagnosis of schizophrenia
Schizophrenia: Some Facts and Statistics
Course of schizophrenia:
continuous without temporary improvement
episodic with progressive or stable deficit
episodic with complete or incomplete remission
Psychosocial Approaches:
Behavioral (i.e., token economies) on inpatient units
Community care programs
Social and living skills training
Behavioral family therapy
Vocational rehabilitation
Schizophreniform Disorder