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 Derived from French word “Entreprendre” means “to undertake”.

 Richard Carleton: a person who buys factors of production at certain

prices in order to combine them into a product with a view to sell them
at uncertain prices.´

 Peter F Drucker : One who considers the changes that take place in
market as an opportunity to do business. Innovation is his tool.´

 J.B.Say: one who combines the land of one, labour of another &
capital of yet another & thus produces a product. By selling product
pays rent,
wages and interest.´
Who is an entrepreneur ?
Person conducting own business (Webster)

Person who sets up business deals in order to make

profits (Collins Cobuild)

Organizer of an economic venture, one who owns,

organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of the
business (Chandrashekhar)
Role of the Entrepreneur
An innovator who combines technical innovations and
financial finesses.
Important role in producing competitive products,
processes, and services.
Generation of new employment
Local and regional economic development
Improved allocation of resources and transfer of

Manages the things at the right time and at right


A person who control the professional activities of a


A person responsible for planning and directing the

work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work,
and taking corrective action when necessary.
Management Process
Planning --- Determination of organisational objective &
formulation of strategies & policies.
Organising ---- Process of designing the structure of organisational
activities, authority responsibility roles &relationship among
Staffing ----- Determining the man power requirement.
Directing ----- Activating the plans, structure & group efforts in
desired direction.
Controlling ---- Regulating the ongoing activities of org.
Entrepreneur v/s Manager
Entrepreneur Manager
1 Entrepreneur is an employer . 1 Manager is an employee
2 Independent in operation. 2 Depends on the organization to
implement his ideas.
3 Bears all the risk involved in 3 Does not bear all the risk.
4 Exhibits higher need for 4 May not have high need
achievement. achievement
5 Profit is the reward. 5 Attractive salary, promotion & incentives
are the reward.
6 May not have formal 6 Should have some professional or
qualification. technical qualification.
7 Do not have any boundary for 7 He has to operate within the limit of org.
operations. boundries.
Features of Entrepreneur……
o Visionary : Ability to better judge
the future event
for ex:- Late Sh. Dhiru Bhai Ambani
had the vision to start a new business
& so set up reliance industries.
o Risk taker : entrepreneur is a risk lover.
e.g. Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal took the risk
and started the mobile services in 1995
when there was no other player in market.
o Discipline - Being discipline is perhaps the most important
characteristic of an entrepreneur. Willing to do whatever it
takes to reach to the finish line. His drive must always be at its
highest level for being an entrepreneur would make you work
o Inner passion for business - Having the right passion for
business. You have to maintain your enthusiasm and interest
in the business. As long as you have the right drive and
passion, you can run the business for a long time. An
entrepreneur must really love what he/she is doing in such a
way that it does not appear to be hard work, but rather
something they enjoy and want to do.
Features of Manager……..
 Time Management: Supervisory positions can be very
stressful and overwhelming when specific deadlines need
to be met. Leaders need to be able to handle tasks and
assignments in a timely manner. Time is similar to 
finances and both need to be budgeted wisely.

 Conflict solution: a manager should understand the

demands of various employees of org. & should try to solve
problem in a better way.
 Communication Skills: Communication is
fundamental in any aspect of life, especially for
management teams and among employee relations.
Supervisors need to be capable of communicating clearly
with fellow managers, employees, other businesses, and
customers. Confidence and personality plays a major role in a manager's
ability to communicate. Managers should be experienced with speaking
both to groups and individuals.

o Leadership Skills: Managers are leaders in the workplace and need to

possess the basic skills. Generally managers were once leaders in other
aspects of their life. They might have led youth groups, school projects,
plays, and other groups. Being able to handle a group of people and lead
them in the right direction is very important.
Entrepreneur Manager

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