Right of Privacy of Communications and Correspondence
Right of Privacy of Communications and Correspondence
Right of Privacy of Communications and Correspondence
and correspondence.
Right of privacy
• The right to be left alone, to be free from
unwarranted publicity, or disclosure and
as the right to live without unwarranted
interference by the public in matters with
which the public is not necessarily
concerned.(Ople v. Torres)
Shall be INVIOLABLE except:
free speech
Free press
Right of assembly
Right of petition
What do “speech”, “expression” and “press” include?
“I may not agree wIth what you say, but I wIll defend to
death your rIght to say It.”
• The freedom of expression is a fundamental principle of our democratic
government. It "is a 'preferred' right and, therefore, stands on a higher level
than substantive economic or other liberties. x x x [T]his must be so because
the lessons of history, both political and legal, illustrate that freedom of
thought and speech is the indispensable condition of nearly every other
form of freedom."
• Our Constitution clearly mandates that no law shall be passed abridging
the freedom of speech or of the press. In the landmark case Gonzales v.
Comelec, this Court enunciated that at the very least, free speech and a free
press consist of the liberty to discuss publicly and truthfully any matter of
public interest without prior restraint.
• The freedom of expression is a means of assuring individual self-
fulfillment, of attaining the truth, of securing participation by the people in
social and political decision-making, and of maintaining the balance
between stability and change.It represents a profound commitment to the
principle that debates on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and
wide open. It means more than the right to approve existing political beliefs
or economic arrangements, to lend support to official measures, or to take
refuge in the existing climate of opinion on any matter of public
consequence. And paraphrasing the eminent justice Oliver Wendell
Holmes, we stress that the freedom encompasses the thought we hate, no
less than the thought we agree with. (ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corp. vs.
COMELEC , GR # 133486, Jan. 28, 2000)
• The freedom of the press is one of the cherished
hallmarks of our democracy; but even as we
strive to protect and respect the fourth estate,
the freedom it enjoys must be balanced with
responsibility. There is a fine line between
freedom of expression and libel, and it falls on
the courts to determine whether or not that
line has been crossed.(Tulfo v. People, 2008)
Art. 3 sec. 5
Religious Freedom
• Religion (from O.Fr. religion "religious
community," from L. religionem (nom. religio)
"respect for what is sacred, reverence for the
gods,"[2] "obligation, the bond between man and
the gods"[3]) is derived from the Latin religiō, the
ultimate origins of which are obscure. One
possibility is derivation from a reduplicated *le-
ligare, an interpretation traced
to Cicero connecting lego "read", i.e. re(again)
+ lego in the sense of "choose", "go over again" or
"consider carefully". (Wikipedia)
2 Principal parts
• 1. The non- establishment clause
• 2. The free exercise clause
“Subject to such limitations as may be provided by law”.
The right to form associations shall not be
impaired except through a valid exercise of police power.
It is an aspect of the general right of liberty. More
specifically, it is an aspect of freedom of contract; and in
so far as associations may have for their object the
advancement of beliefs and ideas, freedom of association
is an aspect of expression and of belief.
The guarantee also covers the right not to join an
association. (Bernas)
May employees in the public service engage in strikes?