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Pump selection

Kana Maulina Maha

Muhammad Parvez Y R
What is Pump?
 “A device that is used to force a liquid or gas to flow in a particular

 Pumps can be classified into two general types:

1. Positive Displacement Pumps (Reciprocating , Screw Pumps)
2. Dynamic Pumps
 Radial-flow Pumps (centrifugal pumps)
 Axial-flow Pumps ( Propeller pumps)
 Jet Pumps (mixed-flow pumps)
Performance Parameters

 Head required  Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)

 Potential Head
 Static Pressure Head
 Velocity Head
 Head losses
 Power and Efficiency
 Flowrate
Total volume of fluid delivered per unit
of time.
Volume Flow Rate

𝑚ሶ 3
𝑉ሶ = 𝜌 (𝑚 Τ𝑠)

 Menentukan debit dan fluida yang akan dipakai

 Mengetahui massa jenis fluida yang digunakan (pada temperatur tertentu,
setiap fluida memiliki densitas yang berbeda)
 Faktor penting yang mempengaruhi minor head losses.
 Head : elevation of the free water surface of water
above or below a reference datum.
• Static Suction Head (SSH): difference in elevation
between suction side water surface level and the
centreline of the pump impeller. (Hs)
•Static Discharge Head (SDH): difference in elevation
between the discharge liquid level free water surface
and the centreline of the pump impeller. (Hd)
•Total Static Head (TDH): difference in elevation
between the static discharge and static suction liquid
levels (TSH = SDH – SSH)
•Friction Head: head of water that must be supplied to
overcome the frictional loss caused by the flow of
water (Hfs, Hfd)
•Velocity Head: the kinetic energy contained in the
water being pumped. (Vh = V^2/(2g))
•Total Dynamic Head (TDH): head against which the
pump must work when the water is being pumped
 Case 1

H md
H stat


Datum pump
center line
H ms
 Case 2

hf d
H md

H stat

Datum pump
center line

H ms

hf s
 Ht (total dynamic head): it is the total head delivered by the pump:

Vd2 Vs2
Ht  Hm d   ( Hm s  ) Case 1 Eq.(1)
2g 2g

Vd2 Vs2
Ht  Hm d   ( Hm s  ) Case 2 Eq.(2)
2g 2g
Ht can be written in another form as follows:

Hmd  hd  h f d   hmd
H m s  hs  h f s   hm s  Case 1
H m s  hs  h f s   hm s  Case 2
Substitute ino eq. (1)
Vd2  Vs2 Vs2 
Ht  hd  h f d   hmd   hs  h f s   hms   
2g  2g 2g 
H stat  hd  hs
Vd2 Eq.(3)
H t  H stat  h f d   hmd  h f s   hm s 
2g Case 1
 Bernoulli’s equation can also be applied to find Ht

Pd  Ps Vs2 
Ht    Z d     Z s  Eq.(4)
 2g   2g 
 hfs : friction losses in the suction pipe.
 hfd : friction losses in the discharge (delivery) pipe.
 hms : the minor losses in the suction pipe.
 hmd: the minor losses in the discharge (delivery) pipe.
Head Losses

Head Losses:
Mayor losses : friction in pipes or ducts
 𝑅𝑒 = 𝜇

 Roughness factor (𝜀Τ𝐷)

 Using moody diagram, we can find f (friction factor)
𝐿 𝑉2
 𝐻𝑓𝑙 =(𝑓 )
𝐷 2𝑔
Minor losses: Due to components (Valves, Bends, Tees, Elbow)
 𝐻𝑚𝑙 =(σ 𝐾𝐿 )
𝐿 𝑉2
 𝐻𝑙,𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 =(𝑓 𝐷 + σ 𝐾𝐿 )
Head Losses

 Water Horsepower
𝑊ሶ ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = 𝜌𝑔𝐻𝑉ሶ
 Brake Horsepower
bhp = 𝜔𝑇𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑓𝑡 = 𝑉𝐼 3
 Efficiency
𝑊ሶ ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝜌𝑔𝐻𝑉ሶ 𝜌𝑔𝐻𝑉ሶ
η𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝 = = 𝜔𝑇 =
𝑏ℎ𝑝 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑓𝑡 𝑉𝐼 3
Where we take the datum through the centerline of the pump
impeller inlet (eye). This difference is called the Net Positive
Suction Head (NPSH), so that

Vs2 Pvapor
NPSH   
 2g 
There are two values of NPSH of interest. The first is the required NPSH,
denoted (NPSH)R , that must be maintained or exceeded so that cavitation
will not occur and usually determined experimentally and provided by the
The second value for NPSH of concern is the available NPSH, denoted
(NPSH)A , which represents the head that actually occurs for the particular
piping system. This value can be determined experimentally, or calculated if
the system parameters are known.

 NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head) : The differences between the pump’s
inlet stagnation pressure head and the vapor pressure head.
𝑃 𝑉2 𝑃
𝑁𝑃𝑆𝐻𝑎 = + − 2𝑔𝑣
𝜌𝑔 2𝑔

What if available NPSH < required NPSH?

 Increase Available NPSH
1. Increase suction static head (pump location)
2. Increase suction side pressure
3. Decrease fluid vapor pressure
4. Reduce friction losses on suction side
 Decrease Required NPSH
1. Reduce pump speed
2. Select a different pump
Pump Performance
Unsiderable Event Cause Detecable Abnormal Condition

Overpreassure Blocked and restricted High pressure

discharge line

Excess back pressure Low flow

High inlet pressure
Fluid density
Reverse flow
Leak Deterioration Low pressure
Erosion Vibration
Corrosion Low flow

Safety Analysis Pump

Pressure Safety Device (PSH, PSL, and
 PSH and PSL sensors should be provided on discharge
lines to shut off inflow and shut down the pump
 PSH and PSL may also can be used to detect loss of flow
through an operating pump
 A suction PSV should be provided on pump where
backflow is possible for overpressure protection due to
 A PSV should be provided on all pipeline pump
discharge lines
Flow Safety Device (FSV and FSL)

 FSV should be provided in the pump discharge line to

minimize backflow
 FSL should be provided in the pump discharge line to
shut down the pump and protect the pump from
continuing operation at less than the manufacturer’s
recommended minimum flow.
Vibration Safety Device (VSH)

 VSH should be provided on pump casings to shut down

the pump in the event of a failure that may result in a
loss of containment.
 VSH is not required if the pump with drivers less than 1000
hp (high energy pumps) and the pump is manually
 LSL should be provided on  PSH should be provided
centrifugal pump seal buffer on centrifugal pump seal
pot to shut down the pump buffer pot to shut down
and prevent a significant leak the pump and prevent a
and also be provided on significant leak.
upstream pump feed vessels
that shut down the pump on
low feed level.

 LSL and PSH are not reuired if the pump is less

than 1000 hp and it is manually operated
 PSH and PSL sensors should be located on the pump
discharge line upstream of the FSV.
 PSV should be located where it cannot be isolated from
components requiring protection from backflow scenarious
 Where required other pumps, PSV should be located as
close as is practical to the pump downstream of any block
valve while the discharge PSV should be located on the
discharge line upstream of any block valve
 FSV should be located on the pump discharge line to
minimize backflow
 FSL should be installed on the pump discharge line to detect
low flow
 SDV should be located near the outlet of a storage
component (tank, separator, etc) that delivers
production to a pipeline pump to prevent the flow of
hydrocarbons through the pipeline pumps and into the
pipeline in the event of a pipeline leak.
 VSH should be installed on the pump casing if it is an
overhung pump type, or on the bearing housings if the
pump is a between the bearings type.
 An LSL should be installed on the seal buffer pot to detect
failure of the secondary seal resulting in a drained buffer
 A PSH should be installed on the seal buffer pot to detect
failure of the primary seal.
Potential Design Solutions
Event Consequence Inherently Safer/ Active Procedural
High Pressure Downstream piping Emergency Operator response to high
specified to withstand relief valve pressure alarm
deadhead pressure device and
high pressure
Low Pressure NPSH max and Supply Low pressure Operator response to low
tank elevated for fluids shutdown pressure alarm
close to boiling point interlock

More Flow Operator response to high

flow alarm
No/ Less flow Interlock to Operator response to low
shutdown flow alarm and written
pump on procedures and training for
detection of starting spare pump
low flow
Potential Design Solutions
Event Consequence
Inherently Safer Active Passive
Pumps Potential Check valve placed Automatoc Written
Stop backflow at the discharge side isolation valve on procedures and
through pump discharge training for
or recycle line actived on isolation of non
machine trip or operating parallel
high pressure machine
High Temperature Choice of materials High Operator
and design to temperature response to high
maximum shutdown temperature
temperature interlock alarm
Low Temperatur Choice of materials Low temperature Operator
and design to shutdown response to low
minimum interlock temperature
temperature alarm
Potential Design Solution
Event Consequence
Inherently Safer Active Passive
Composition Potential for Automatic Operator action in
change of high discharge pum response to high
fluid pressure shutdown on pressure indication
high discharge
Particulate Potential for Double of Automatic Operator response to
matter in seal damage tandem seals, back flushing seal leak detection
feed pump design to of stainer,and alarm and written
accommodate automatic procedures and
solids (e.g pump training for manual
diaphragm), shutdown on activation of remotely
and strainer or detection of operated isolation
filter on suction loss of seal valves, manual
fluid cleaning of strainer/
filter, periodic
inspection shaft seals
Potential Design Solution
Event Consequence Inherently Safer Active Passive

Loss of seal flush Potential loss Pumps that do Interlock to Written prosedures
on pump of not require seal shutdown and training for
containment flush pump on loss manual shutdown
of seal flush of pump on loss of
seal flush
Loss of oil mist on Potential loss Pumps that do Interlock to Written prosedures
pump seal of not require oil shutdown and training for
containment mist pump on loss manual shutdown
of oil mist of pump on loss of
oil mist
Operation on Potential Cooler in
total recycle incresed recycle stop
without temperature
 Cavitation in pumps can cause severe damage to the pump impeller and
seals, resulting in loss of containment. Cavitation problems usually can be
avoided by designing the pump so that the Net Positive Suction Head
(NPSH) requirement is met. Design solutions to prevent cavitation include:
• Adequate sizing of suction piping
• Blanketing source vessel Adequate height above pump
• Providing filter and strainers on pump suction
 In a parallel configuration, where two or more machines discharge fluid to a
common line, the fluid may backflow through the machine that is not in operation
possibly causing impeller integrity problems in centrifugal pump applications.
Procedures for isolating standby machines help to prevent this problem. In addition,
check valves placed on the discharge will reduce the probability of backflow
through idle or tripped machines.
The pumping system should be designed to operate in a manner that prevents the pump from a
deadhead operation for more than a very short period of time.
Deadheading a pump can result in excessive temperatures that can lead to high vapor pressure or
decomposition reactions that could blow the pump apart. Methods to maintain and detect a
minimum flow through the pump or a temperature rise in the pump may be required along with a
shutdown interlock for heat-sensitive materials. A number of pump explosions have occurred where
the material in the pump overheated.
Deadheading the pump can cause pump overheating with bearing burnout and flashing of the liquid
in the pump and the rupture of downstream piping if the piping is not specified to meet the pump's
deadhead pressure. A minimum flow recycle should be provided on pumps if deadheading can
result in a serious problem.
Minimum flow control is usually required for large centrifugal pumps to
prevent cavitation in the pump impeller and subsequent damage to the pump. The
minimum flow liquid should not pass directly from the pump discharge to suction
without consideration of cooling. Excessive heat buildup defeats the purpose of the
minimum flow which is intended to prevent the liquid being pumped from vaporizing
and cavitation of the pump which causes mechanical damage to the pump. Normally the
minimum flow stream passes from the discharge line back to the suction vessel. A
temperature sensor in the pump casing and vibration sensors in the bearings may be
interlocked to shut off the pump motor due to excessive temperature or vibration. Close
attention to the pump seal design and configuration is important to reduce normal wear
and leakage for flammable and toxic service. Proper alignment will minimize the chance
of mechanical seal failure.

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