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Principles of Animal Development

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Principles of Animal Development

Early Concepts: Preformation vs

• The question of how a zygote
becomes an animal has been
asked for centuries.
• As recently as the 18th century,
the prevailing theory was a notion
called preformation – the idea
that the egg or sperm contains an
– A preformed miniature infant, or
“homunculus,” that simply
becomes larger during
Much like a Russian Nesting Doll
Early Concepts: Preformation vs
• Kaspar Friederich Wolff (1759)
demonstrated there was no preformed
chick in the early egg.
– Undifferentiated granular material became
arranged into layers.
– The layers thickened, thinned, and folded
to produce the embryo.
Early Concepts: Preformation vs
• Epigenesis is the concept that the
fertilized egg contains building materials
only, somehow assembled by an
unknown directing force.
• Although current ideas of development
are essentially epigenetic in concept, far
more is known about what directs
growth and differentiation.
Key Events in Development

• Development
describes the
changes in an
organism from its
earliest beginnings
through maturity.
– Search for
Embryonic Development Stages
Cells are Us
A person contains about 100
trillion cells. That’s
100,000,000,000,000 or 1 x 1014

There are about 200 different cell

types in mammals (one of us).

Cells are teeny, tiny, measuring on

average about 0.002 cm (20 um)
across. That’s about 1250 cells,
“shoulder-to-shoulder” per inch.

nerve cell
The process of commitment can be divided into
two stages (Harrison 1933; Slack 1991).
1. Specification. A cell or a tissue specified is
capable to differentiate autonomously when
placed in a neutral environment such as a petri
dish or test tube. (Commitment is still capable of
being reversed  Labile)
2. Determination. A cell or a tissue determined
is capable to differentiate autonomously even
when placed into another region of the embryo.
If it is able to differentiate according to its
original fate even under these circumstances, it
is assumed that the commitment is irreversible.*
Key Events in Development
• Specialization of cell types occurs as a
hierarchy of developmental decisions.
– Cell types arise from conditions created in
preceding stages.
– Interactions become increasingly restrictive.
• With each new stage:
– Each stage limits developmental fate.
– Cells lose option to become something different
• Said to be determined.
Key Events in Development
• The three basic processes responsible
for this progressive subdivision:
– Autonomous specification (most
– Conditional specification (vertebrates
& few invertebrates )
– Cytoplasmic localization (most
Cytoplasmic localization (syncitial
specification; insects )
● interactions occur not
between cells, but between
parts of one cell. In early
embryos of these insects,
cell division is not complete.
Rather, the nuclei divide
within the egg cytoplasm.
This creates many nuclei in
the large egg cell. A
cytoplasm that contains
many nuclei is called a
Cytoplasmic localization (syncitial
specification; insects )
● The egg cytoplasm,
however, is not uniform.
Rather, the anterior of the
egg cytoplasm is markedly
different from the posterior.
Autonomous specification (most
 If a particular blastomere is
removed from an embryo early
in its development, that isolated
blastomere will produce the
same cells that it would have
made if it were still part of the
 The embryo from which that
cell is taken will lack those cells
that would have been produced
by the missing blastomere.
mosaic development
Autonomous specification (most
 Invertebrate embryos,
especially those of molluscs,
annelids, and tunicates, often use
autonomous specification to
determine the fate of their cells.
 In these embryos,
morphogenetic determinants
(certain proteins or messenger
RNAs) are placed in different
regions of the egg cytoplasm and
are apportioned to the different
cells as the embryo divides.
Autonomous specification (most
 Specification by differential
acquisition of certain cytoplasmic
molecules present in the egg.
Invariant cleavages produce the
same lineages in each embryo of
the species. Blastomere fates are
generally invariant.
Cell type specification precedes
any large-scale embryonic cell
migration. Produces "mosaic“
("determinative") development:
cells cannot change fate if a
blastomere is lost.
Conditional specification (vertebrates
& few invertebrates)
Specification by interactions
between cells. Relative positions
are important.
Variable cleavages produce no
invariant fate assignments to
Massive cell rearrangements
and migrations precede or
accompany specification.
Capacity for "regulative"
development: allows cells to
acquire different functions.
 August Weismann
Germ Plasm Theory

 Spemann
Tengkyu Om…
August Weismann
Wilhem Roux
Spemann's demonstration of nuclear equivalence in newt cleavage. (A) When
the fertilized egg of the newt Triturus taeniatus was constricted by a ligature,
the nucleus was restricted to one-half of the embryo. The cleavage on that
side of the embryo reached the 8-cell stage, while the other side remained
undivided. (B) At the 16-cell stage, a single nucleus entered the as yet
undivided half, and the ligature was constricted to complete the separation of
the two halves. (C) After 140 days, each side had developed into a normal
Figure 10.18Asymmetry in the
amphibian egg. (A) When the
egg is divided along the plane
of first cleavage into two
blastomeres, each of which gets
one-half of the gray crescent,
each experimentally separated
cell develops into a normal
embryo. (B) When only one of
the two blastomeres receives
the entire gray crescent, it alone
forms a normal embryo. The
other half produces a mass of
unorganized tissue lacking
dorsal structures. (After
Spemann 1938.)
Figure 10.19Determination of
ectoderm during newt
gastrulation. Presumptive
neural ectoderm from one
newt embryo is transplanted
into a region in another
embryo that normally
becomes epidermis. (A)
When the tissues are
transferred between early
gastrulas, the presumptive
neural tissue develops into
epidermis, and only one
neural plate is seen. (B) When
the same experiment is
performed using late-gastrula
tissues, the presumptive
neural cells form neural
tissue, thereby causing two
neural plates to form on the
host. (After Saxén and
Toivonen 1962.)
Figure 10.20Organization of a
secondary axis by dorsal blastopore
lip tissue. (A) Dorsal lip tissue from
an early gastrula is transplanted into
another early gastrula in the region
that normally becomes ventral
epidermis. (B) The donor tissue
invaginates and forms a second
archenteron, and then a second
embryonic axis. Both donor and host
tissues are seen in the new neural
tube, notochord, and somites. (C)
Eventually, a second embryo forms
that is joined to the host. (D)
Structure of the dorsal blastopore lip
region in an early Xenopus gastrula.
(A-C after Hamburger 1988; D after
Winklbauer and Schürfeld 1999 and
Arendt and Nübler-Jung 1999.)
Figure 10.21Summary of experiments by
Nieuwkoop and by Nakamura and Takasaki
(1970), showing mesodermal induction by
vegetal endoderm. (A) Isolated animal cap
cells become a mass of ciliated epidermis,
isolated vegetal cells generate gutlike tissue,
and isolated equatorial (marginal zone) cells
become mesoderm. (B) If animal cap cells are
combined with vegetal cap cells, many of the
animal cells generate mesodermal tissue. (C)
Model for mesoderm induction in Xenopus. A
ventral signal (probably FGF2 or BMP4) is
released throughout the vegetal region of the
embryo. This induces the marginal cells to
become mesoderm. On the dorsal side (away
from the point of sperm entry), a signal is
released by the vegetal cells of the Nieuwkoop
center. This dorsal signal induces the
formation of the Spemann organizer in the
overlying marginal zone cells. The possible
identity of this signal will be discussed later in
this chapter. (C after De Robertis et al. 1992.)
Figure 10.22The regional specificity of mesoderm induction can be demonstrated by
recombining cells of 32-cell Xenopus embryos. Animal pole cells were labeled with fluorescent
polymers so that their descendants could be identified, then combined with individual vegetal
blastomeres. The inductions resulting from these recombinations are summarized at the right.
D1, the dorsalmost vegetal blastomere, was the most likely to induce the animal pole cells to
form dorsal mesoderm. (After Dale and Slack 1987.)
Figure 10.23The role of Wnt pathway proteins in dorsal-ventral axis specification. (A-D) Differential translocation of β-catenin
into Xenopus blastomere nuclei. (A) Early 2-cell stage of Xenopus, showing β-catenin (orange) predominantly at the dorsal
surface. (B) Presumptive dorsal side of a Xenopus blastula stained for β-catenin shows nuclear localization. (C) Such nuclear
localization is not seen on the ventral side of the same embryo. (D) β-catenin dorsal localization persists through the gastrula stage.
(E) Dorsal axis formation caused by the injection of both blastomeres of a 2-cell Xenopus embryo with dominant inactive GSK-3.
Dorsal fate is actively suppressed by wild-type GSK-3. (F) Irenic model whereby the Nieuwkoop center (characterized by siamois
gene expression and the ability to induce dorsal mesoderm) is created by the synergy of the activation of β-catenin dorsally and the
activation of the TGF-β signal vegetally. (A, D from R. T. Moon; B and C from Schneider et al. 1996, photographs courtesy of P.
Hausen; E from Pierce and Kimelman 1995, photograph courtesy of D. Kimelman.)
Figure 10.24 Model of the mechanism by which the
Disheveled protein stabilizes β-catenin in the dorsal portion
of the amphibian egg. (A) Disheveled (Dsh) associates with
a particular set of proteins at the vegetal pole of the
unfertilized egg. (B) Upon fertilization, these protein
vesicles are translocated dorsally along subcortical
microtubule tracks. (C) Disheveled is then released from its
vesicles and is distributed in the future dorsal third of the 1-
cell embryo. (D) Disheveled binds to and blocks the action
of GSK-3, thereby preventing the degradation of β-catenin
on the dorsal side of the embryo. (E) The nuclei of the
blastomeres in the dorsal region of the embryo receive β-
catenin, while the nuclei of those in the ventral region do
Figure 10.25Summary of events
hypothesized to bring about the
induction of the organizer in the dorsal
mesoderm. Cortical rotation causes the
translocation of Disheveled protein to
the dorsal side of the embryo. Dsh binds
GSK-3, thereby allowing β-catenin to
accumulate in the future dorsal portion
of the embryo. During cleavage, β-
catenin enters the nuclei and binds with
Tcf3 to form a transcription factor that
activates genes encoding proteins such
as Siamois. Siamois and Lim-1, a
transcription factor activated by the
TGF-β pathway, function together to
activate the goosecoid gene in the
organizer. Goosecoid is a transcription
factor that can activate genes whose
proteins are responsible for the
organizer's activities. (After Moon and
Kimelman 1998).
Figure 10.26Model for mesoderm induction and organizer formation by the interaction of β-catenin and TGF-β
proteins. (A) At late blastula stages, Vg1 and VegT are found in the vegetal hemisphere, while β-catenin is
located in the dorsal region. (B) β-catenin acts synergistically with Veg1 and VegT to activate the Xenopus
Nodal-related (Xnr) genes. This creates a gradient of Xnr proteins across the endoderm, highest in the dorsal
region. (C) The mesoderm is specified by the gradient of Xnr proteins. Mesodermal regions with little or no Xnr
proteins have high levels of BMP-4 and Xwnt-8; they become ventral mesoderm. Those having intermediate
concentrations of Xnrs become lateral mesoderm. Where there is a high concentration of Xnrs, the goosecoid
gene and other dorsal mesodermal genes are activated, and the mesodermal tissue becomes the organizer. (These
results may explain the activity concentration experiments mentioned in Chapter 3.) (After Agius et al. 2000.)
Figure 10.27Ability of goosecoid mRNA to induce a new axis. (A) At the gastrula
stage, a control embryo (either uninjected or given an injection of goosecoid-like
mRNA but lacking the homeobox) has one dorsal blastopore lip. (B) An embryo
whose ventral vegetal blastomeres were injected at the 16-cell stage with goosecoid
message. Note the secondary dorsal lip. (C) The top two embryos, which were injected
with goosecoid mRNA, show two axes; the bottom two control embryos do not. In the
upper embryos, two dorsal axes are seen. (D) Twinned embryo produced by goosecoid
injection. Two complete sets of head structures have been induced. (After Cho et al.
1991a; Niehrs et al. 1993; photographs courtesy of E. De Robertis.)
Figure 10.28Neural structures induced in presumptive ectoderm by newt dorsal lip
tissue, separated from the ectoderm by a Nucleopore filter with an average pore
diameter of 0.05 mm. Anterior neural tissues are evident, including some induced
eyes. (From Toivonen 1979; photograph courtesy of L. Saxén.)
Figure 10.29Rescue of dorsal structures
by Noggin protein. When Xenopus eggs
are exposed to ultraviolet radiation,
cortical rotation fails to occur, and the
embryos lack dorsal structures (top). If
such an embryo is injected with noggin
mRNA, it develops dorsal structures in
a dosage-related fashion (top to
bottom). If too much noggin message is
injected, the embryo produces dorsal
anterior tissue at the expense of ventral
and posterior tissue, becoming little
more than a head (bottom). (Photograph
courtesy of R. M. Harland.)
Figure 10.30Localization of
the noggin mRNA in the
organizer tissue, shown by in
situ hybridization. (A) At
gastrulation, noggin message
(dark areas) accumulates in the
dorsal marginal zone. (B)
When cells involute, noggin
mRNA is seen in the dorsal
blastopore lip. (C) During
convergent extension, noggin
message is expressed in the
precursors of the notochord,
prechordal plate, and
pharyngeal endoderm, which
extend (D) beneath the
ectoderm in the center of the
embryo. (Photographs courtesy
of R. M. Harland.)
Figure 10.31Chordin mRNA localization. (A) Whole-mount in situ hybridization
shows that just prior to gastrulation, chordin message (dark area) is expressed in the
region that will become the dorsal blastopore lip. (B) As gastrulation begins, Chordin
is expressed at the dorsal blastopore lip. (C) In later stages of gastrulation, Chordin
message is seen in the organizer tissues. (From Sasai et al. 1994; photographs
courtesy of E. De Robertis.)
Figure 10.32Model for the action of the organizer. (A) BMP4 (and certain other molecules) is a powerful
ventralizing factor. Organizer proteins such as Chordin, Noggin, and Follistatin block the action of BMP4.
The antagonistic effects of these proteins can be seen in all three germ layers. (B) BMP4 may elicit the
expression of different genes in a concentration-dependent fashion; in that way, the mesoderm could be
patterned. BMP4 is expressed throughout the marginal zone (prospective mesoderm) except in the dorsal
domain. Noggin and Chordin are expressed in the dorsal domain. These proteins bind to BMP4 and prevent it
from reaching the mesodermal cells. In the regions of noggin and chordin expression, BMP4 is totally
prevented from binding, and these tissues become notochord (organizer) tissue. Slightly farther away from
the organizer, myf5, a marker for the dorsolateral muscles, is activated. As more and more BMP4 molecules
are allowed to bind to the cells, Xvent2 (ventrolateral) and Xvent1 (ventral) genes become expressed. (After
Dosch et al. 1997.)

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