Past Paper Questions

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Social Learning Theory

Albert Bandura
By the end of this lesson you should be able

 Know and understand the basic assumptions of the social

learning theory.

 Describe the conditions that are necessary for effective

modelling to occur.

 Evaluate the social learning theory.

What’s happening in these
Basic Assumptions

1:Mediational processes, which lie between

stimulus and response, influence our behaviour.
2: Observational learning has four conditions:
Attention, Retention, Motor reproduction and
3: Learning can occur by observing role models in
the environment.
4: Learning can be a result of direct reinforcement
and indirect or through vicarious reinforcement.
My name is Albert Bandura

I am one of the most influential figures

in the social learning theory.

I believe the behaviourist approach

got in wrong, I do not think that
consequences are needed for

I think you can learn simply by

observing! Watch!!!
So what is SLT???????
 The mind and the environment
play a role in learning.
 It takes into account cognitive
processes involved in learning.
 Bandura based his theory on
four conditions that he believed
were essential for modelling to
take place.
 Modelling: A model in the
Social learning theory:
Observational Learning.
Attention A person pays attention to
someone else’s behaviour

Retention They memorise the

behaviour they have
Motor reproduction They practice the
behaviour themselves

Motivation They seek to demonstrate

the behaviour they have
How does effective
modelling occur??
 Abby is a 4 year old little girl, she
watches her favourite cartoon on T.V
and sees a little girl helping her mum
with the housework. The mum in the
cartoon praises her for helping, once
the cartoon ends Abby asks her
mother if she can help with the
 Why is Abby motivated to replicate
this behaviour?
 Abby has had no direct reinforcement
so why does she want to act like the
cartoon girl?
 SLT states she would learn through
Vicarious Reinforcement.
 Vicarious Reinforcement = Not a
result of direct reinforcement or
experience but an observation of
another persons experience.
 Abby observed the girl getting praised
and behaved the same to gain similar
Two types of model
Live Models Symbolic Models
 Physically present in our  Present in films, cartoon
environment. and books.
 Teachers, parents,  Considered to have a
singers, models. greater impact in cultures
where different media is
Bandura 1960s BoBo doll

 You will now get an envelope with

slips of paper. You must organise
them use this slip to explain the
conclusions from Bandura’s study.
 Social learning theory does not
 Social learning theory takes into fully explain individual differences,
account the cognitive processes that is to say what may be
that are involved in learning perceived to be reinforcement for
one person, may not be for
 Social learning theorists use both
experimental and non-
experimental methods of  Social learning theory does not
research, for example Bandura’s account for all behaviour. For
use of the experimental and example, if we learn by observing
observational method when others, how is it that a person
investigating gender differences in becomes a criminal when she or
aggression. he has not associated with
criminal and/or observed criminal
 Social learning theory has been
applied to many areas of
psychology and has provided  The Bobo doll experiment on
effective explanations of which the theory is based, is
behaviour, for example acquisition highly artificial and therefore lacks
of gender roles ecological validity
Past Exam Questions

 1.What do social learning theorists mean by

the term modelling? Give an example of how
modelling might be used by someone going
to an exercise class for the first time.
 2.What do social learning theorists mean by
mediating cognitive factors?
 3.Describe and evaluate the social learning
theory approach in psychology. Refer to
evidence in your answer.
Social Learning Theory

Key Terms

 Observational Learning
 Vicarious (Indirect)
 Vicarious (Indirect)
 Model
 Imitation
Mental Representation
Get the definitions

Past Exam Paper

 Time to swap!

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