Chipko Movement
Chipko Movement
Chipko Movement
Appiko Movement
Samlam Michui
CMR University
Chipko Movement and Appiko
• In 1970s an organized resistance to the destruction of forest spread
throughout India called the Chipko Movement.
• September 1983, in Kalase forest the Salkani “hugged the tree” giving the
name Appiko meaning “hugging” the tree movement.
• Chipko- type movement dates back to 1730, in Rajasthan when 363 Bishnois
sacrificed their life to save the Khejri trees.
• In 1970, industrial logging were linked to severe monsoon floods killing more
than 200 people
• Chandi Prasad Bhatt led the villagers to embrace the trees to prevent
• The next major protest occurred in 1974 near a village in Reni where 2000 trees were
scheduled to be felled.
• In 1978, Chipko Activist Dhoom Singh Negi fasted to prtotest the autioning
of the forest in Advani forest while women tied scared treads around the
• In 1978, women in Pulna Village confiscated loggers tools and left receipts to
claim it if they withdrew.
• In 1972-1979 more than 150 villages were involved with the movement
• Similar bans took place in Himachal Pradesh, and in the southern India