Disusun Oleh:: Si Putu Agung Ratih S D 1765050364 Dr. Ade Hanny Kainama, SP B
Disusun Oleh:: Si Putu Agung Ratih S D 1765050364 Dr. Ade Hanny Kainama, SP B
Disusun Oleh:: Si Putu Agung Ratih S D 1765050364 Dr. Ade Hanny Kainama, SP B
Pass through inguinal canal. Bulge from the posterior wall of the inguinal
Can descend into the scrotum. Cannot descent into the scrotum.
Lateral to inferior epigastric vessels. Medial to inferior epigastric vessels.
Reduced: upward, then laterally and Reduced: upward, then straight backward.
Controlled: after reduction by pressure Not controlled: after reduction by pressure
over the internal (deep) inguinal ring. over the internal (deep) inguinal ring.
The defect is not palpable (it is behind the The defect may be felt in the abdominal wall
fibers of the external oblique muscle). above the pubic tubercle.
After reduction: the bulge appears in the After reduction: the bulge reappears exactly
middle of inguinal region and then flows where it was before.
medially before turning down to the
Common in children and young adults. Common in old age.
Femoral hernia versus inguinal
Inguinal hernia Femoral hernia
2- pass through the inguinal canal 2- pass through the femoral canal
3- neck of the sac is above and medial 3- neck of the sac is below and
the pubic tubercle lateral the pubic tubercle
6- the two diagnostic signs of hernia + 6- the two diagnostic signs of hernia -
7- the sac mainly contain ; bowel 7- the sac mainly contains ; omentum
Gejala klinis
• Anamnesis: Nyeri + Mual
– Keluhan muntah =
Benjolan pada
lipat paha , muncul
saat berdiri, bersin
atau mengedan
Nyeri -/+ pada
epigastrium =
nyeri visceral e.c
regangan pada
Pemeriksaan fisik
Pemeriksaan Khusus
asti ; Herniorrh
memperkuat aphy;
mi ; dinding perut
membuang bagian bawah Herniotomi
kantong hernia di belakang +
kanalis Hernioplasti