Ancient Indian Perspective (Autosaved)
Ancient Indian Perspective (Autosaved)
Ancient Indian Perspective (Autosaved)
• Reductionist approach
• Holistic approach
Atharva Veda
Bodily as well as mental diseases are caused by:
• Evil spirits
• magic spells
• Sinful actions
first verse of Atharva Veda - ” now may Vachaspati assign to me the strength and
powers of those who, wearing every shape and form, are wandering around”
While the hymns of the Rig Veda are addressed to divinities, the hymns of the
Atharva Veda are more secular, used at home and in society. They are of twofold
While the hymns of Atharva Veda are rich in therapy, they are poor in terms of
description of symptoms.
According to Singh, two causes are given in Atharva Veda for insanity,
Ayurveda seeks to restore not only physical health but also mental health.
The classical texts of Ayurveda say that the physician who does not enter into the
inner being of a patient fails to treat him.
The relationship between the mind and the body is like that between ghee and an
iron vessel. When one he is heated
Ayurvedic theory of health is based on tridosha (primary life forces or biological
humours). The five elements (panchabhuta) combine in pairs to constitute the
three doshas-
• Sattva
• Rajasa
• Tamasa
Charaka classified mental abnormalities into two group: severe and mild
• unmada( insanity)
• apasmara( epilepsy)
• durmana( neurasthenia)
• madatya( alcholoism
emotional disturbance resulting from fear, anxiety, jealousy, anger, greed, etc.
Signs of Mental Health as per Ayurveda
o Good memory
o Being brave
o Perseverance
o Self-sufficiency
Seven types of Dhatus have been described. Semen is considered the most
important dhatu among all.
In an absolute sense everyone, except the arahants has “mental illness”
There are seen to be beings who are seen to be free from bodily illness for long
periods of time, but very difficult to find people free from mental disease even for a
If with a pure mind a person speaks or acts happiness follows him like his never-
departing shadow.
Impure mind Pure mind
Everyone influenced by lobha, dosa, and moha generates different degrees of anxiety,
depression, discontent etc. When the degree is high, we call it mental and behavioural disorder
Mental Sickness
• Pranamayakosa
• Manmayakosa
• Vijnanamayakosa
• Anandmayakosa
Anandmayakosa is the layer of the jiva and is thus the seat of the true Self, the
Since the true Self or Brahman is at the core of each and every human being,
blissfulness is therefore our essential nature.
fundamental attributional error- whereby the true self is identified with the
nonself and vice versa.
Psychiatric Disorders(Gupta,1977)
Unmad was the term for psychosis. Mental disorders were named after Gods and
Endogenous disorders were provoked by humours or tridoshas. They are:
• Vatonmad — similar to schizophrenia,
• Tridoshonmad — Depression.
Exogenous disorders
Those resembling mania were — Daiva graha vyadhi, Yaksha graha vyadhi and
Gandharva graha vyadhi.
• Wrong diet;
• Exhaustion and
Unani english
DAM Blood
MIZAJ Temperament
AFAAL Function
There is another soul (nafs) that Sufis regard as the seat of passions. The nafs has
to be transformed from
1. An-nafs al-ammara- greed, frivolity, pride, the wish to be famous, jealousy and the lack
of any higher consciousness
6. Mardiyya -noble character, the letting go of everything but God, subtlety and
service towards other creatures.
7. Kamila- perfection
• Mixing of both Western and Eastern treatment techniques for a better outcome
Thank you!