Video Tutorial - Biomometics
Video Tutorial - Biomometics
Video Tutorial - Biomometics
An engineer’s simple definition:
Nature has inspired some
glorious inventions
human inventions paralleling nature
are virtually everywhere
Inventions Inspired by Nature
Photograph by Mark Moffett/Minden Pictures; Courtesy Michael Bartlett and Alfred J. Crosby/UMass Amherst
Inventions Inspired by Nature
Bullet Train
Inventions Inspired by Nature
Bombardier Beetle
As the explosion takes place there is an expansion which causes
the whole chamber to begin to pinch the inlet valve that stops
more stuff coming in.
People are already using this pulse combustion idea for
We’re able to actually use the idea of the beetle, not on the
chemistry but on the physics of this valve system, to actually get
some very unique spray gun applications.
Lets see..
Honeybee Navigation
Honey bees have many navigation tools that they can use: the sun, visual
landmarks, and the earth’s electromagnetic field.
The photoreceptors in the dorsal region of the honeybee's compound eyes
exhibit a strong sensitivity to polarized light
Honeybees are capable of using the pattern of polarized light that the sun
creates in the sky to navigate to a food source even on cloudy days
They rely most heavily on physical landmarks: pattern matching
Bees contain a region of magnetite in the front of their abdomens. They are
able to detect electromagnetic fields to regulate their internal clocks and to
guide them as they build combs within the hive
Warrant E., Nilsson D.-E.Wehner R., Labhart T.2006 Polarization vision. In Invertebrate vision
(eds Warrant E., Nilsson D.-E.), pp. 291–348. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Labhart T. 1980 Specialized photoreceptors at the dorsal rim of the honeybee's compound eye:
polarizational and angular sensitivity. J. Comp. Physiol. 141, 19–30.
Plants can sense too….
Plants also offer ideas for imitation and
they have evolved in various ways
Some plants exhibit sensing and actuation
capabilities that we normally expect from
biological creatures.
Mimosa and sensitive fern (onoclea sensibilis)
bend their leaves when touched
There are also bug-eating plants with a
leaf-derived trap that closes the ‘door’
locking unsuspecting bugs that enter the
cage and become prey.
Tactile Feeler/Antenna
Tactile Feeler/Antenna
Insect antennae are equipped with
Capable of retrieving information about the
antennal vibration (by means of the Johnston’s organ)
bending (by means of the chordotonal organs and
campaniform sensillae)
Johnston's organ is a collection of sensory cells found in the second segment of the
Chordotonal organs are stretch receptor organs in insects used to detect the position
of the body antennae which causes stretching on the cuticle of the Johnston's organ
Campaniform sensilla are mechanoreceptors found in insects. When the exoskeleton
bends the resulting strain stimulates the sensilla.
Science mimicking nature (bio mimicry)
Biomimetic design
Biological systems offer a lot….
Nature has solved engineering problems such as self-healing
abilities, environmental exposure tolerance and resistance,
hydrophobicity, self-assembly, and harnessing solar energy.
Biological systems offer exemplary methods of-
Adaptation to environment
Engineers have learned from these and created novel
Biological systems offer a lot….
Nature has been developing biological sensors
for billions of years
Lasting solutions have evolved to fulfill unique
ecological niches, which make them ideal for study
and imitation.
Not only is nature rich with sensing methods, it
provides strategies to use these sensors
Biological sensors typically exhibit low energy
requirements, high sensitivity and redundancy.
They exhibit parallel sampling and processing of
sensory information
Sensor Categorization based on nature
Exteroceptive Sensors
Deal with the external world
Where is something?
How does it look?
How big is it? (camera, laser rangefinder, haptic sensors)
Proprioceptive Sensors
Deal with self
Am I perfectly horizontal? (inclinometer)
Where am I? (GPS, localisation)
How much is my joint bent? (encoders, flex sensors)
Which way am I facing, how fast am I turning? (compass,
Sensor Categorization based on nature
Interoceptive Sensors
Deal with self although without conscious
What is my battery charge? (voltmeter)
Biology inspired sensing and
measurements - Examples
Jun Ohta, Smart CMOS Image Sensors and Applications, CRC Press (2007), pp. 93 - 136
Log-Polar CCD Camera
Dolphin’s acoustic receiver
Peter Dobbins, Dolphin sonar – modelling a new receiver concept, Bioinspiration &
Biomimetics, 2 (2007) 19-29
Morgana M. Trexler, Ryan M. Deacon, Artificial Senses and Organs: Natural Mechanisms
and Biomimetic Devices, in Biomimetics: Nature-Based Innovation, Ed. Yoseph Bar- 27
Cohen, CRC Press (2012), pp.35 - 94
Biology inspired sensing and
measurements - Examples
Night-vision goggles
Modeled after a fish known as loosejaws
Uses a night-vision goggles to snoop on
other fish
Using lens filter and fluorescent material, it
produces red light with such a long
wavelength that it is almost infrared
Most other fish do not see the red light
because their eyes do not have the
necessary visual pigment.
Loosejaws, on the other hand, have a
special membrane layer on their eyes to
detect red light.
Biology inspired sensing and
measurements - Examples
Fly eyes and solar panels
Fly (and moth) eyes have a series of parallel ridges and grooves which
allow light to pass through, instead of being reflected
This techno trick allows the fly to soak up light coming from all different
angles, helping it to see in very low light levels.
Scientists have used this technique to develop a new synthetic light-
capturing material.
When used on solar panels, this synthetic material increases the ability
of the panels to capture sun’s photon energy by 10%
Wilson, S.J. Wilson; Hutley, M.C. (1982). "The Optical Properties of 'Moth Eye' Antireflection
Surfaces". Journal of Modern Optics 29 (7): 993–1009.
Blowfly eyes
Current Research:
A few examples
Beetle’s IR Sensor
The beetle Melanophila acuminata can detect
infrared radiation (IR) from distant forest fires by
specialized IR sensilla in two metathoric pit organs
containing about 60 to 70 dome-shaped sensilla.
Incoming IR radiation is absorbed in the complex
structure of the sensilla and pressurize the water
inside the spongy intermediate layer.
The pressure rise deforms the membrane of the dendritic
tip of a mechanosensitive cell.
Beetle inspired IR Sensor
Research done at Peter Grünberg Institute, Forschungszentrum Jülich, and
Institute for Zoology, Bonn University, Germany
The cavity of the technical sensor is closed on one side by a window and on the
other side by a thin membrane.
The IR radiation being absorbed produces a change in pressure or volume,
respectively, due to the change of the state of the fluid.
The deflection of the membrane caused by this pressure increase can be read out
by, e.g., a capacitive detector or a tunneling displacement transducer.
Elephantnose fish Electrolocation
The elephant-nose fish Gnatonemus peterssii, use
electric fields to orient in the absence of light.
The fish’s electrolocation system consists of an electric
organ in the tail to produce the electric field, numerous
electroreceptors in the skin to sense the field and the
brain for signal processing.
By using this ‘active electrolocation’ the fish can
investigate the electrical properties, the distance, the
size and the shape of targets.
Mimicking these sensing features can generate
miscellaneous sensors, e.g. a sensor to localize
targets or a distance sensor.
Potential applications are a bionic
electrolocation sensor for coronary diagnostics Sensors/02-
Companies seeking breakthrough products tend to
ignore the greatest invention machine in the universe:
life’s more than three-billion-year history of evolution by
natural selection
When you set out to sense or measure something, ask
yourself “how will nature do it?”