Orca Share Media1548758918987
Orca Share Media1548758918987
Orca Share Media1548758918987
- Synonymous with morality
- It refers to moral values that are sound,
actions that are morally required (right) or
morally permissible (all right), policies and
laws that are desirable
- Study of morality; it is an inquiry into
- It studies which actions, goals principles,
policies, and laws are morally justified
First sense:
Engineering ethics
- Consists of the responsibilities and rights
that ought to be endorsed by those
engaged in engineering, also of desirable
ideals and personal commitments in
Second sense:
Engineering ethics
- Is the study of the decisions, policies, and
values that are morally desirable in
engineering practice and research.
Two senses:
a. Normative
b. Descriptive
- They refer to justified values and choices,
to things that are desirable (not merely
- “engineering ethics” refers to justified
moral values in eng’g, BUT what is
Moral Values? What is Morality?
MORALITY – is about right and wrong,
good and bad, values and what ought to be
1. In order to start a car, a person
“OUGHT” to put the key in the ignition;
that is the “RIGHT” thing to do.