General Education: Social Sciences
General Education: Social Sciences
General Education: Social Sciences
• libertarian struggle of the Filipino against
colonial rule; Spaniards, Americans and
• Periodization In History
1. Pre-historic – no written records of man‘s
a. Paleolithic or Old Stone Age
b. Neolithic or New Stone Age
c. Metal Age
2. Historic Period – men‘s progress were recorded
a. Ancient
b. Medieval
c. Modern
• Ancient World :
• People
• Territory
• Government
• Sovereignty
Forms of Government:
• Democracy -power or sovereignty is exercised and
or resides in the people
• Aristocracy - limited few (elite).
• Monarchy – one person (King or Queen)
• Parliamentary - President (titular head); Prime
Minister (runs the affairs of the State).
• Presidential - chief executive
• Federal- national and local- independent
• Military – military powers
• Revolutionary – means of force
• De Jure- constitutional (foundation)
• De Facto – not constitutional; exist by fact
• Civil – elected civilian officer.
State distinguished from government:
• It is the considered view that the acts of the
government ( within the prescribed limits of
the delegation of powers ) are the acts of the
state. – identical.
• The government is the agent through which
the will of the state is carried out.
• The state cannot exist without the
government but it is possible to have a
government without a state.
• Body of rules and maxims in accordance with
which the power of sovereignty is habitually
• Purpose or function:
1. To prescribe the permanent framework of the
system of government
2. To promote public welfare
• Kinds:
1. Written or rigid
2. Unwritten or flexible - collective product and
accumulation of customary rules, judicial decisions
Two steps amending or revising:
1. Proposal – may be made by
o Congress
o Constitutional Convention
o People‘s initiative
• 1. Appointing Power
• 2. Power to revoke any appointments
• 3. Power of control over all executive department, etc
• 4. Military power
• 5. Power to grant reprieve, commutations and pardons
• 6. Power to contact and guarantee foreign loan
• 7. Power to enter into treaties or the international
• 8. Budgetary power
• 9. Power to address the Congress
• Qualifications for members of the Supreme
Court and any lower collegiate court
1. He must be a natural born citizen of the
Philippines, a naturalized citizen may not be
2. He must be at least forty (40) years of age
3. He must have, for fifteen (15) years or more,
been a judge of a lower court or engaged in the
practice of law in the Philippines
4. He must be a person of proven competence,
integrity, probity and independence
• Oikonomia (Gk.)―management of
the household
• How individuals and society choose
to use its scarce resources to achieve
maximum satisfaction of human
material wants.
• Production, distribution, and
consumption of goods and services.
Two major Division:
• Microeconomics: examines the
functioning of individual industries and
the behavior of individual decision-
making units.