Department of Computer Science and Engineering ABET Status - Review
Department of Computer Science and Engineering ABET Status - Review
Department of Computer Science and Engineering ABET Status - Review
Criterion 1. Students
Criterion 2. Program Educational Objectives
Criterion 3. Program Outcomes
Criterion 4. Continuous Improvement
Criterion 5. Curriculum
Criterion 6. Faculty
Criterion 7. Facilities
Criterion 8. Support
Criterion 9. Program Criteria
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Criterion 1. Students
The program must evaluate student performance,
advise students regarding curricular and career
matters, and monitor student’s progress to foster
their success in achieving program outcomes,
thereby enabling them as graduates to attain
program objectives.
The program must have and enforce policies for the
acceptance of transfer students and for the
validation of courses taken for credit elsewhere.
The program must also have and enforce
procedures to assure that all students meet all
program requirements.
Criterion 8. Support
Institutional support, financial resources, and constructive leadership
must be adequate to assure the quality and continuity of the program.
Resources must be sufficient to attract, retain, and provide for the
continued professional development of a well-qualified faculty.
Resources also must be sufficient to acquire, maintain, and operate
facilities and equipment appropriate for the program. In addition,
support personnel and institutional services must be adequate to
meet program needs.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
9. Program Criteria
The structure of the curriculum must provide both breadth and
depth across the range of engineering topics implied by the
title of the program.
The program must demonstrate that graduates have:
knowledge of probability and statistics, including
applications appropriate to the program name and
objectives; and knowledge of mathematics through
differential and integral calculus, basic sciences, computer
science, and engineering sciences necessary to analyze
and design complex electrical and electronic devices,
software, and systems containing hardware and software
components, as appropriate to program objectives.
Programs containing the modifier “computer” in the title must
also demonstrate that graduates have a knowledge of
discrete mathematics.
Department of Computer 13
Science & Engineering
IAB Recommended Steps
The Industrial Advisory Board recommends that computer
engineering students participate in the study of project
management methods, either as an independent course or as part
of one or more existing course curricula.
The council recommends that team-based projects should play a
notable role in the computer engineering curricula and urges the
assignment of multi-disciplinary projects, perhaps involving both
engineering and business majors.
The council recommends that the Computer Engineering
departments send a brief survey to local corporate engineering
managers asking for their opinions about the quality of CEN
graduates as entry-level engineers. These surveys would be
used on an annual basis to gauge CEN program effectiveness
with respect to those program aspects most important to industry.
Department of Computer
Science and Engineering
Assessment through courses
CSE 115 – Intro to CS - Programming I
Fall 06 a, e, g, j, k (3) Spring 07 – a(2), e(2), j(3), k(4), g(not assessed)
CSE 116 – Intro to CS - Programming II
Fall 06 e, g, k
CSE 191 – Discrete Mathematics (both semesters)
Fall 06 a (5), g Spring 07 a(6), g(3)
CSE 250 – Data Structures Fall 07
CSE 341 – Computer Organization (both semesters)
Spring 07 – a, b, e, j, k
CSE 379 – Microprocessors Spring
Spring 07 - a, c, e, h
CSE 380 – Microprocessors Lab Spring
Spring 07 – a, b, e, g, k
CSE 321 – Real time operating system Fall 07 – pilot course
CSE 442 – Software Engineering Fall
Fall 06 c, d, f, g, h, j
CSE 453 - Embedded Software – Spring
CSE 305 – Prog Lang; CSE 421 – Operating Syst - not required in new program
Numbers in parenthesis identify the number of artifacts considered
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Sample Outcome Assessment Matrix
Department of Computer
Science and Engineering
Assessment-Evaluation Feedback Loops
External (taken from ABET evaluation prep docs) External
Constituencies Institutional Mission (Alumni/Employers)
III Program Outcomes
Program Faculty
Undergrad Educational Program IV Evaluation &
Studies Improvement