Financial Intelligence Unit: Sevinj Novruzova Senior Legal Adviser Financial Monitoring Service (Central Bank)
Financial Intelligence Unit: Sevinj Novruzova Senior Legal Adviser Financial Monitoring Service (Central Bank)
Financial Intelligence Unit: Sevinj Novruzova Senior Legal Adviser Financial Monitoring Service (Central Bank)
Sevinj Novruzova
Senior Legal Adviser
Financial Monitoring Service (Central Bank)
Main Tasks
Organizational Structure
FATF’s Recommendation 26
Azerbaijani Law on AML/CFT [Article 17]
The Statute of the Financial Monitoring Service under
the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan
From the beginning of previous century the term of money laundering has
been acquired more and more significance.
Its creation was connected with increasing public awareness of
ineffectiveness of the “traditional” punishments and public (both social and
financial) losses caused by criminals.
One of the main criminal aims is to make a profit and opportunity for its
use. Because of that activities of authorities responsible for fighting against
crimes have been oriented to tracing financial suspicious transactions.
This orientation enables first of all to round out or create grid of
relationships between suspicious entities and to identify destination of
illegal profits.
To facilitate and improve financial proceedings the idea of the financial
intelligence unit (FIU) was introduced.
The term of financial intelligence unit was formed to describe
national central institution responsible for counteracting money
laundering (ML) and terrorist financing (TF).
According to the definition included in the FATF Recommendation
26 the FIU is “a national centre for the receiving (and, as
permitted, requesting), analysis and dissemination of STR and
other information regarding potential money laundering or
terrorist financing”.
All the databases including financial, administrative and law
enforcement information should be made available to FIU
especially to enable this unit to effectively analyse suspicious
Similarly, but not at the same level of generality FIU was described
in the Council of Europe Convention on Laundering, Search,
Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and on the
Financing of Terrorism, signed on 16 May 2005.
The definition was located the Article 1, section f and completed in
the Article 12, section 2 of the Convention.
Although it is very similar to the FATF Recommendation 26, there
are additional words indicating needs to disclose and disseminate
financial information by FIU to “the competent authorities”.
It is safe to assume that “the competent authorities” denote first of
all law enforcement authorities entitled to conducting criminal
According to the definition from the Convention the
FIU should closely work with the other law
enforcement agencies.
It is of course very rational concerning fight against
On the one hand FIU should have access to the
criminal information of the Police and other law
enforcement agencies, on the other hand law
enforcement agencies ought to have possibility to
obtain information from FIU.
The information exchange between them allows to
coordinate initiated activities of these entities:
It prevents an overlap between FIU and law
enforcement agencies (LEAs) as for conducted
financial proceedings.
It gives the opportunity to complete information on
conducted cases from the sources – databases covering
types of information different than own ones.
The third definition of the FIU is provided in the Directive 2005/60/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 on the prevention of
the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist
financing (the Article 21, section 2).
As well as in the previous acts the definition focuses on the central position of the
unit in the country.
Besides among the tasks of the FIU there are disclosures of information and its
dissemination to the competent authorities pointed out and among the powers there
is access to the data bases of the financial, administrative and criminal information.
It is worth underlining that according to the Directive the access should be “on a
timely basis” what means that information should be provided to the FIU without
Thus obliged institutions and public authorities should ensure dissemination of their
information so fast that FIU can fulfil its duties in appropriate time. It is a matter of
utmost importance especially in case of freezing money stemming from crimes or
designed for terrorist purposes.
The one phrase of the Directive is but very interesting in the
context of the FIU description.
According to it the unit should be equipped with “adequate
resources in order to fulfil its tasks”.
It means that each member-country should equip FIU with
staff and assets in appropriate number as well as quality for
realisation of its duties.
It is worth underlining that even if the country possesses a
good law on counteracting money and terrorist financing
and it creates an appropriate central unit for these purposes,
the results will be insignificant without adequate resources.
There are four types of FIU:
Law-enforcement type FIU
Judicial or prosecutorial-type FIU
Administrative-type FIU
Hybrid or mixed FIU
Law-enforcement type FIU
Sometimes it is called the police FIU as well.
In this case, being a part of the Police - has opportunities
to hang together with other police units more strictly than
the administrative FIU.
It has certainly access to more criminal information for
example easier access to the operational information. On
the other hand there could be limitations on access to the
financial and fiscal information based on bank and tax
Law-enforcement type FIU
In some countries, the emphasis on the law-enforcement
aspects of the FIU led to the creation of the FIU as part
of a law-enforcement agency, since this was the easiest
way to establish a body with appropriate law-
enforcement powers without having to design from
scratch a new entity and a new legal and administrative
Operationally, under this arrangement, the FIU will be
close to other law-enforcement units, such as a financial
crimes unit, and will benefit from their expertise and
sources of information.
Law-enforcement type FIU
In return, information received by the FIU can be
accessed more easily by law-enforcement agencies and
can be used in any investigation, thus increasing its
Exchange of information may also be expedited
through the use of existing national and international
criminal information exchange networks.
Law-enforcement type FIU
The Financial Monitoring Service fulfils following functions in accordance with the scope of
activity set forth by this Statute:
carries out monitoring in the relevant sphere, scrutinizes received information, conducts
examination and takes measures on the results;
conducts efficiency analysis of the situation of combating legalisation of criminally obtained
funds or other property and financing of terrorism, examines processes, develops proposals and
determines indicators for the detection of transactions subject to monitoring;
determines regulations of submission of information stipulated by the Law of the Republic of
Azerbaijan «On the prevention of the legalisation of criminally obtained funds or other property
and the financing of terrorism» by monitoring entities and other persons involved in
determines the list of countries that are suspected in either legalisation of criminally obtained
funds or other property, financing of terrorism, support of the dangerous trends of transnational
organised crime, armed separatism, extremism and mercenary, participation in illegal narcotic
drug dealership and other psychotropic substances production or circulation thereof, as well as
the list of countries that do not require disclosing identification information when conducting
financial transactions;
Functions of the Financial Monitoring Service
determines requirements on development of internal control systems established by monitoring
entities and other persons involved in monitoring, which are legal persons, and establishes
qualification requirements (professional specialisation and experience) for persons responsible
for organisation of internal control systems;
conducts supervision over monitoring entities and other persons involved in monitoring, when a
supervision authority is not envisaged for any of them;
defines the form of submission of statistical information on the offences related to the
legalisation of criminally obtained funds or other property and the financing of terrorism, after
being agreed with the relevant state authorities;
when within the framework of analysis detecting the elements of a crime in transaction, submits
information on legalisation of criminally obtained funds or other property to the General
Prosecutor Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and information on the financing of terrorism
to the Ministry of National Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan and gets feedback from them;
Functions of the Financial Monitoring
when obtaining information on non–compliance of the monitoring entities and other persons involved in
monitoring with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan «On the prevention of the
legalisation of criminally obtained funds or other property and the financing of terrorism», submits such
information to the relevant supervision authorities for enforcement to these persons of administrative or
stipulated by the national legislation other measures and gets feedback;
provides application of centralised electronic–information systems for following purposes:
1. for single collection of received information in the relevant sphere;
2. for registration of legal and natural persons in relation to whom there are data on their participation in
the legalisation of criminally obtained funds or other property and financing of terrorism;
3. for detection of cases of legalisation of criminally obtained funds or other property and financing of
terrorism based on special indicators;
studies international experience in the relevant sphere and develops proposals on implementation of
efficient methods and facilities, participates in implementation of international agreements to which the
Republic of Azerbaijan is a party and ensures fulfilment of international obligations;
prepares relevant statistic reports in accordance within the scope of its activity;
publicly release periodic reports including statistics, typologies and trends as well as information
regarding its activities;
Functions of the Financial Monitoring
provides the monitoring entities and other persons involved in monitoring that are
required to submit information, with adequate and appropriate feedback;
ensures effective usage of allocated funds, grants and other financial resources,
organizes their registration;
securely protects information obtained as a result of its activity, as well as
establishes the information protection system;
stores and protects archive documents;
taking into account international experience undertakes necessary measures for
application of modern information and communication technologies in the activity
of the Financial Monitoring Service;
takes measures guaranteeing professional development of staff, provides their
participation on necessary educational and training programmes;
ensures timely consideration of and reply to applications of natural and legal
within the scope of its activity to implement other functions stipulated by the
Functions of the Financial Monitoring
The Financial Monitoring Service is entitled with the following rights for fulfilling its functions:
to participate in the processes of improvement of legislation in the relevant sphere and develops
appropriate proposals;
to conduct researches in the relevant sphere, develops analytical and methodical materials;
to suspend the execution of transactions with funds or other property in the cases stipulated by the
legislation, takes imperative decisions and gives imperative orders in the relevant sphere;
for the purposes of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan «On the prevention of the legalisation of
criminally obtained funds or other property and the financing of terrorism» to receive, collect and
analyse the information from monitoring entities, other persons involved in monitoring, supervision
authorities, as well as to use databases of other state authorities in accordance with the legislation of
the Republic of Azerbaijan;
with a view of examination of received information concerned with legalisation of criminally obtained
funds or other property and financing of terrorism or when necessary to obtain from monitoring
entities, other persons involved in monitoring, supervision authorities and other state authorities by
sending relevant inquiry additional information, needed to properly undertake its functions;
within the scope of its competence to ensure relations of the Republic of Azerbaijan with foreign states
and international organizations; to cooperate with relevant agencies of other states; in accordance with
the legislation to conclude international instruments, as well as to apply for membership in the
specialised international institutions;
Functions of the Financial Monitoring
to initiate joining of the Republic of Azerbaijan to international instruments
regarding the issues connected with the scope of activity of the Financial
Monitoring Service;
to organise conferences, seminars, forums, trainings and other events in the
relevant sphere, takes part at such events;
to set up interagency cooperation and consultative bodies, working groups,
involves experts and specialists in its activity, orders independent examinations;
to publish special bulletins and other editions, to establish periodicals in
accordance with the legislation;
in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan to realize rights
on state property being at disposal;
within the scope of its activity to implement other rights stipulated by the
Organization the Activity of the Financial
Monitoring Service
The Financial Monitoring Service is headed by the
Director of Financial Monitoring Service is appointed and
dismissed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The Director of Financial Monitoring Service has Deputy
is appointed and dismissed by the President of the
Republic of Azerbaijan.
The Director of Financial Monitoring Service and Deputy
Director bear responsibility for fulfilment the duties and
implementation the functions entrusted to the Financial
Monitoring Service.
Organization the Activity of the Financial
Monitoring Service
In the absence of the Director of Financial Monitoring
Service, his powers shall be delegated to the Deputy
Director of Financial Monitoring Service. In the absence
of the Deputy Director of Financial Monitoring Service,
these powers shall be implemented by another official of
the Financial Monitoring Service defined by the Director
of Financial Monitoring Service.
Organization the Activity of the Financial
Monitoring Service
The Chairman of the Central Bank approves the structure,
staff list and estimate of expenditures of the Financial
Monitoring Service.
The status of the Director of Financial Monitoring Service
shall be equivalent to the status of the first Deputy
Chairman of the Central Bank; the status of the Deputy
Director of Financial Monitoring Service shall be equivalent
to the status of the Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank;
the status of employees of the Financial Monitoring Service
shall be equivalent to the status of the employees of the
Central Bank.
New competences of FIU established by the amendments
Adopts ces of FIU
Base Acts
Determines thethe Hears
list and
and Hears
minimum administrative
threshold ofof infringements
total amount
amount of
of infringements
transactions cases
Freeze Defines
Defines “Black
transaction on
on list” countries
list” countries and
the bases of
the bases of list
list of
of “designated
foreign requests
requests persons”
Defines Defines
guidelines guidelines
Thank you for attention