Self-Awareness & Skill Development: Leadership

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Self-Awareness &
Skill Development
 Self-Awareness is an understanding of our
strengths, weaknesses, and limitations and how
we gather and process information

 Serves as a foundation for behaviors and skills

◦ goal setting, effective communication, listening, stress
and time management

 Enables diagnosis of conflict sources, selection of

appropriate strategies, management of
interpersonal relations and conflicts
 Through Physical and Social Environment
◦ “Look in the mirror” – height and color of hair
 Take assessment tests and compare to others who
have taken the same tests
 Obtain feedback from other people through our
social interactions in every day life
 Our personality has outcomes or implications
in three broad categories
◦ Individual or personal impacts: such as self concept
and identity, world view, happiness, spirituality and
◦ Interpersonal relations: such as peer and family
relationships and work collaboration
◦ Organizational and societal outcomes: such as
occupational choice, job performance, community
 The entire ensemble of physical, mental, emotional, and
social characteristics giving form to our behavior and

 Self Awareness involves understanding our personality, a

greater understanding of our personality leads to greater
self-awareness about out motivations and preferences

 Personality is defined by both genetic and environmental

factors (e.g., culture) same for behaviors are also
determined by both personality and environments

 Personality is difficult to understand from one

 Consequently, numerous techniques and instruments are
 Openness to experience
 Conscientiousness
 Extraversion
 Agreeableness
 Emotional stability
 The degree to which we are open to new experiences and
ways of doing things

 High - individuals tend to prefer a variety of interests, be

more creative and imaginative, and dislike dealing with
details, interested in innovation, more comfortable with
change, risk takers

 Low Originality individuals tend to have more narrow

interests and deeper knowledge on subjects, they like to
implement plans rather than create new plans, less prone
to take risks
 The degree to which we move toward goals

 Highly Conscientious individuals tend to work toward

goals in a disciplined and focused fashion, high self-
control and consistent focus on on personal goals

 Low Conscientiousness individuals are more relaxed,

spontaneous, and open-ended, usually multi-tasking and
being involved in many projects and goals at the same

 Low scorers do not necessarily wok less than focused

people but their work might be more scattered and less
goal oriented
 Extraverts prefer to be around other people and
involved in many activities, tend to exert more
leadership and to be chosen quickly leaders by
peers, more expressive.

 Introverts prefer to work alone, and are described

as serious, skeptical, quiet, and private

 “Ambiverts” have characteristics of both,

sometimes depending on the situation
 The degree to which we defer to others, with our
need to control the situation and others

 High Accommodation individuals tend to relate to

others by being tolerant, agreeable, and accepting
of others, move toward people.

 Low Accommodation individuals tend to be tough,

guarded, persistent, competitive, or aggressive,
might not be team player
 Individuals tend to interpret events in an optimistic
manner and to read other people’s emotions are
useful skills for leaders

 High – resilient individuals who are more rational at

work and appear impervious of what’s going on
around them

 Low- worry a lot, quick to feel anger and to lose

control, offer more pessimistic explanations for
events and situations
 Composed of:
◦ Self-Esteem, Locus of Control, Generalized Self-
Efficacy, and Low Neuroticism

 Self-Esteem: the extent to which individuals

consider themselves worthy and valuable

 Locus of Control: Generalized Self-Efficacy:

confidence in our ability to succeed in
specific situations
The mean
score is
around 3.8
to 3.9.
scores are
with more
, lower level
of stress
and greater
at work
 Tolerance of Ambiguity and Locus of Control Scales

 Tolerance of Ambiguity: the extent to which individuals are

threatened by situations that are changing rapidly or
◦ Tolerance of ambiguity appears to be correlated with creativity, risk aversion,
lifestyle, orientation towards diversity

 Locus of Control: perception about the underlying causes of

events in an individual’s life
◦ External Locus – outcomes are determined by fate, luck, or other external
◦ Internal Locus – outcomes are influenced by self
 Values are the Philosophies and beliefs people
consider important in their lives and careers, the
standards and rules at the core of behavior

 Reflect a person’s sense of right/wrong, drive life

decisions, personal tastes, and preferences

 Personality defines actions and behaviors while

Values are belief systems that drive personality
 Individuals with congruent values (with the
organization) tend to be more productive and
satisfied at work

 Lack of congruence yields frustration, non-

productivity, and absenteeism
 Communication is the heart of management
and leading
 There are two relevant components:
◦ Public Speaking - Abraham Lincoln, Winston
Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr.
 Talent and skill
 Three elements – Speaker, audience, and medium
◦ Listening
 Avoid excessive arm or body movement
 Planting feet in one place and not moving
 Not making eye contact with the audience
 Hands in the pocket jingling keys or coins
 Avoid non-words such as uhm, ahh, you know, so,
and like
 Speak about something you know
 Know your audience
 Prepare, Practice & Rehearse
 Open strong & end strong
 Humor
 Pay Attention
 “Listen” to nonverbal cues and body language
 Don’t interrupt, listen for the entire message
 Practice hearing before evaluating
 Don’t get defensive and assume you know
the speaker’s intentions
 Be sure to paraphrase to avoid
misunderstandings and help in remembering
 One of the most widely used personality assessment instruments in the world is
the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

Individuals are classified as:

Extraverted or introverted (E or I).
 Extraverted are outgoing and sociable Vs. introverts are quiet and shy
Sensing or intuitive (S or N).
 Sensing are practical & prefer routine, order Vs. rely on unconscious process
and look at the big picture
Thinking or feeling (T or F).
 Thinking use reason & Logic to handle problems Vs. Feeling rely on their
personal values & emotions
Judging or Perceiving (J or P).
 Judging want control and want their world to be structured Vs. Perceiving are
flexible and spontaneous


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