PHASE 4: The career counselor meets with the client for a crucial counseling session, As with any student, students with learning disabilities are unique with a variety of
in which the two parties discuss the results and interpretations in order to assist the The final step of this process should be to meet with the student to reflect on their strengths, abilities, interests, personalities and characteristics. Providing a customized
client in making a career plan. experience, to discuss any challenges or obstacles the student faced, along with a counseling experience from the moving in stages to the post-college transition is critical
discussion on the accommodation process for the student. The counselor should ask the to the success of the student.
This phase should include a joint review and discussion session with the client and possibly student if the accommodations were adequate, and if they feel as if they need any
the parent(s), revisions and/or acceptance of the assessment, and discussion of further action additional accommodations for the future. The counselor and student should discuss the
to be taken and next steps (Biller & Horn, 1991). next steps and set goals for how the student can work towards these steps. References
National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities (2017). Secondary to postsecondary education
transition planning for students with learning disabilities. Retrieved from
References Arter, M. L., Wallace, L. N., & Shaffer, T. L. (2015). The use of reflective journals to stimulate critical
Biller, E. F. (1991). A career guidance model for adolescents with learning disabilities. School Counselor, thinking in the academic internship. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 27(1), 140-156. for_Students_with_Learning_Disabilities
38(4), 279-286. Conger, D. (1997). Guidance for students with disabilities. Guidance and Counseling. 12(3), 13-20. Solberg, V. S., Howard, K., Gresham, S., & Carter, E. (2012). Quality learning experiences, self
Reekie, F. (1993). Strategic career counseling with clients who have learning disabilities. Guidance & University of Washington. (2013). It’s your career: Work-based learning opportunities for college determination, and academic success: A path analytic study among youth with disabilities. Career
Counseling, 8(3), 37-48. students Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals. doi: 10.1177/0885728812439887
Super, D.E. (1983). Assessment in career guidance: Toward truly developmental counseling. The
with disabilities. Retrieved from
Personnel and Guidance Journal, 61(9), 555-562.