Sales Presentation: CH - Vidya Kiran Manasa

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what is Sales Presentation

• A sales presentation is an event at which a company

representative meets with clients to demonstrate the
company's products and services, with the goal of
making a sale.

• There are a number of different styles and formats

for sales Presentation, depending on
the industry and the product being sold.
Sales presentations can also be held in hotels and conference
centres, in which case they are usually designed for a crowd, rather
than a single client or when products are bulky. 
During a sales presentation, the company representative provides
information about what the company is selling and promoting the
company's reputation and product . showing customers how the
company's product will suit their needs.
Classical Sales presentation:
Classically, sales presentations include Gifts (like pens, mugs, and free
samples, like weekends at resorts, free trips on aircraft.) are used
by Companies to make sure that they stay in their minds of their
clients, as every time the client sees or uses  , he or she will think of
the company.
Brief History

In early 1900's, these slides were nothing but some printed sheets of paper
accompanied with a live demonstration of the product.

• Later in 1950's, few companies began to use a set of film slides which
could be projected on a screen, a few companies in US also began to use
film projectors to show short video clippings.

• With the advent of plastic films from 3M and laser printers, a new form of
sales presentation emerged - Computer generated slides which could be

• Today, with the advent of MS PowerPoint, many people (mistakenly)

consider a sales presentation is simply a set of PowerPoint slides.

• But remember that a sales presentation is an advertisement for the

company - and the main purpose of it is to entice the customer to buy. 
Types of Sales Presentations

Webinar sales presentations are conducted via the internet.
A teleconference sales presentation is done over the phone and can
include several people. Customized Problem Solving.
Seminar sales presentations are held in an auditorium or other large
venue. These sales presentations are routinely held to enable you
to make your sales pitch to as many people as possible.
In a customized problem-solving sales presentation, the salesperson
addresses a problem the potential client has, or might have, and
offers a solution that could be provided by his or her product or
• A successful sales presentation has two

1) Presentation Planning

2) The actual presentation

Presentation Planning

• First step in developing a sales presentation is to write out your

presentation plan. Preparing a written plan requires one to think of
the major selling points of your product or service. One must also
think of the possible questions customer may ask. Consider the best
case, worst case and most probable case, try to anticipate as much
as possible.

• The best preparation in developing a sales presentation plan is to

know a what market segments do they serve, who their competition
is, what are the major challenges facing them etc. 

• In most business-to-business sales, the first meeting will not result

in closing the deal or winning the order .

Room Setup
Make sure the conference room is well lit

• Make sure the room you'll be using is well-lighted. A poorly lighted room will
affect the internal clock of your prospect, and perhaps even cause him or
her to tune out you and your message.
• Do not use an overhead projector or any other presentation tool that
requires that you dim the light
• Keep all noise during your presentation to an absolute minimum.
• Unplug all phones in the room and turn off any overhead speakers, cell
phones and pagers.
Remove all clutter
• Get rid of boxes, piles of papers and anything else that's not directly
related to your presentation.
Arrange for refreshments 
• No need to go overboard here, If possible give a coffee mug (featuring
your company logo) to each attendee as well as a pen or pencil for note-
• Once you're rolling, bear these important guidelines in mind:
Set clear starting and ending times

• Set clear starting and ending times.

• Use topic index cards or some other written cue cards summarizing your
key points to keep you on track and ensure that you don't miss anything.
• Consider using more than one presentation tool, such as flip charts and
an overhead projector. It's more interesting and engages the audience.
• Gain and maintain visual contact with every single member of your
Become informed about the group before your sales presentation.
• Knowing the group’s history will help you talk about items that are of
interest to each member. You also want to include information that
lets them know you have researched and studied them. This shows
that you are a professional and you care. 
Arrive well before the sales presentation and meet people.
• Take time before the meeting to get to know people in the group and
build rapport with them. Remember their names and refer to each of
them by name during the meeting. 
Find out who the important person is. 
•  If you find yourself who the power person is, ask an off-the-wall
question such as: “What if the solution you chose to implement
doesn’t work?” Everyone will look at the key person to see his or her
reaction. They may only look for a second, but this always works. 
Be professional, honest, and mix in some good, clean humour.
• It is particularly important to emphasize these traits in group sales
presentations, where so many people are watching and judging you.
Use good, clean humour to create the right environment and draw
your audience closer to you. You want the audience to perceive you
as a business like professional who is down to earth. 

Address everyone’s concerns.

• You are likely to have several different personality types listening to
your sales presentation. Make sure you can answer all technical
questions and other curve balls that may be thrown at you. If there
are questions you can’t answer, have other people with you who
Use Visual Aids
• Your company may all ready have visual aids for you to use. Some
things to include are media articles about you and your company.
Testimonials you've received from satisfied clients. Tell stories about
how you've helped another customer, especially ones that are
similar to the current prospects.

Get the Prospect Involved

• Using handouts is a great way to get a prospect following along with
your presentation. You could play a game during the presentation or
have them take a test. Ask them opened ended questions such as:
• Do you see how easy this is to use?
• What are the features you like the best?
• How do you think this will benefit you/your company?
• Get creative and come up with ways to get the prospect involved. It
sets you apart from the competition.
Emphasize Customer Service and Long Term Relationships
• The prospect needs to be sure you won't sell them and then disappear,
never to be heard from again. Talk to them about your involvement in
the delivery, training and service after the sale. Also let them know
you're their for the long term. That you'll be there to help with problems
and service.
• A winning sales presentation should answer all your prospects
questions, get them excited and lead them to the conclusion that your
product or service is the only solution to their problems

• Read statements from your notes verbatim.
• Talk while you are facing away from your audience
• Interrupt people when they are talking.
• Continue to hold a pointer or marker after you've used it.
• Carry change in your pockets.
• Exceed 60 minutes without a break.



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