Impacts of Digitalization On Human Health

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Positive & On Human

Digitalization: Negative Health

Use of digital
Digitalization: Converting
devices for
information into computer
doing daily

Impacts on
Human Positively Negatively
Effects on all forms of health

Physical Mental

Emotional Social
Literature Review
• People have failed to cope up with problems arising
through digitalization

• But, due to unavoidable circumstances ended up

over utilizing it

• Government of India has also launched various

processes for digitalizing India that help us in our
daily chores

• These measures are beneficial but important to limit

the use of the same
• To list out the positive and negatives impacts of
digitalization on human health

• To find solutions and cope up with the negative impact of

Aims digitalization on human health

• To make optimum utilization of the positive impact of

Objects digitalization for the benefit of human life

• To promote the use of such devices & techniques which

help us in preventing the negative health effects arising on
humans out of digitalization
Research Methodology
Primary Data

Questionnaire through
Google Forms

Based on Suggestions
& Opinions

Quantitative data
• Lacked Age wise segregation of data

• Difficult to identify what response were given by which age group

• The scope of topic was very wide & hencewe might have
missed certain aspects

• Reference of Secondary data from articles, E-books

& journals was negligible Secondary 90

Primary 10

Type of Data
0 20 40 60 80 100
1. Digitalization affects the health of
2. Usage of internet for any purpose in a
human beings positively as well as

Yes No Maybe Several times in day Once or twice in a day

Less than that Can't say
16% 2%

79% 82%
3. Positive or negative changes in human 4. Impact of digitalization on human
health due to digitalization health can be observed through

Positively more changes are seen Reduction in manual work

Negatively more changes are seen Increase in platforms in growth
Both Increase in non cash transaction
Can't say Can't say
18% 15%

8% 46%

5. Uses or impact off digitalization in day 6. Positive impacts of digitalization on
to day tasks human health

Modernization of a person
Learning new skills & techniques
66.70% Improvement intellect
Overall personality & performance of person

43.30% 22% 20%



Saves times Avoid human Lower Travelling relieves the

errors & frauds expenses burden of long 50%
physical process
7. Negative impacts of digitalization on
8. Negative aspects of digitalization
various forms of human health

Eye strain
Physical Social Emotional Mental Less Physical exercise
Safety Issue
Exposure to electromagnetic waves
All of the above

33% 32% 4%

26% 30%

15% 20% 13%

9. Effects of digitalization on 10. Hazards caused due to digitalization on
communication skills of people health of human beings

More socialized Through media Increases stress

Develop stage fear due to lack of public interaction Harmful radiation emitted from electronic devices
Trust in face to face communication interaction has died Increase in E-waste & Telecommunication waste
Others Lack of emotional/personal attachment
Problem of socializing
9% 13%
38% 21%

12. The best ways to prohibit the harm
11. Smartphones with highest levels of
caused to human health through
emission of harmful radiations

Xiaomi Mi A1, Redmi note 5, Redmi note 5 pro Stop using such digitalized process
One plus 5, 5T , 6
Iphone 7, 8, 8 plus Make minimized use of such process
Sony xperia XZ1 compact Use but don't make it a habit to overuse such process
Take proper precautions
21% 16%
13. The best precautions to be undertaken 14. Contributions in reducing health
in order to avoid harms to human health hazards caused due to digitalization



Help in raising funds for the
development of IT sector in creating
30.00% more eco-friendly and less…

20.00% Learn proper methodologies of

using such digitalised process

0.00% Promotes ideas which help in

Keeping Maintaining Keep Use Avoid All of above Others prevention of such health hazards
devices a proper mobile data messaging bluetooth
away from distance or wi-fi off more and wi-fi
direct skin between when not frequently devices, go
Follow the measures as listed above
body screen and required then calling wired
contact eyes while
using 0.00% 10.00%20.00%30.00%40.00%50.00%60.00%
Suggestions & Recommendations
• Awareness should be spread out about the use of such devices that are
specifically developed to emit fewer radiations.

• Proper Training & workshops must be provided to the employees who are unable
to digest the new digitalized processes

• Promote the use of digitalized processes introduced by Government of India such

as Digi-locker, E-payments, E-hospitals etc.

• Think twice before sharing data to unknown sources, do proper scrutiny before
leaking any personal information.

• Awareness regarding the diseases caused due to excessive use of devices which
emit radiations & electronic waves, such as like cancer ulceration, genetic
diseases etc. must be spread.

• E-waste should be properly disposed of.

• “Let the user be aware” should be the concept .


• People have created solitary i.e. loneliness

• Digital relation has come into existence
• Many friends on social media but no true friends
• Every one roams in their own fake & temporary digital world
• Radiations emitted through smartphones affect bones of children
• People are unaware about the effects of excessive usage of such devices
• Benefits such as E-health care & online solutions exist but can’t replace
personal consultancy

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