CA Powerpoint 2
CA Powerpoint 2
CA Powerpoint 2
Prisons are the new ghetto, filled not only with people of
color, but increasingly by immigrants. The mass
incarceration model does not appear to be leveling out,
and is now reaching unimaginable proportions, levels that
not even the “prison works” proponents would have
deemed or dreamed possible just a decade ago. This new
form of genocide, this civic genocide if you will, is being
realized due to the chronic ambivalence on the part of the
general public. We are, for all intense and purposes,
burying people alive. We have gone beyond just deserts
and have adopted a model of penal harm. It is a national
American overuse of incarceration
The United States has 4.5% of the world’s
population, but 25% of the world’s prisoners.
Overcrowding logistics
Federal Prisons:
102 federal prisons
54 military prisons
roughly 190,000 inmates
Private Prisons:
roughly 100 private prisons
128,000 inmates (8.5% of the inmate population)
Prison Demographics
111,500 females in prisons (7.5% of the prison pop.)
Average age of inmates is around 37-38 years old
Racial demographics of all prison inmates
White: 30%
Black: 33%
Hispanic: 23%
Other: 14%
Incarceration options…continued
City/County Jails:
3,283 jails
roughly 740,000+ jail inmates on any given day
11 million formal jail admits/year (+ 2 million informal)
11 day average stay
costs $175/day to house an inmate in jail, but rates vary
tremendously from jurisdiction to jurisdiction
Juvenile Training Schools/Prisons:
2,260 facilities
roughly 55,000 youth are housed in juvenile facilities
roughly 10,000 youth are housed in adult facilities
Mental health facilities (unknown numbers housed there)
Incarceration Rate/100,000
Prison incarceration rate – 450
Corporal punishment:
Chemical/physical castration
Capital punishment
Does Anything Work?
Rehabilitating and reintegrating
Fiscally responsible
Future of Incarceration
Build more prisons/continue mass
Type of violation:
Drugs issues
Political alienation
Reentry Strategies
Front end options – drug/alcohol/mental health
centers, halfway-in houses, intensive probation with
an employment focus, volunteers in probation, more
use of day fines, community courts, intermittent
incarceration/weekend confinement, pre-trial
diversion, pre-trial release programs, bail hostels, one
strike “hug-a-thug”.
2. Public concerts are held regularly, where top-run celebrities perform with ex-
Perhaps most important element of all is the fact that the program has the active
support of prominent corporate and political leaders. They frequently make public
appearance and public statements supporting the Yellow Ribbon initiative.
Long Run Strategies…Again
Develop a Less Punitive Correctional Model
Less reliance on prisons
Shorter sentences
Minimize classification levels
(Scuba analogy, Social distance)