Production Management

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Semester: VI

Code: 337655(37)
 UNIT I Production Management: definition, objectives, scope, benefits, functions of
production management, place of production management in an organization, types of
production system, Product life cycle, product design and development, production cycle.
Costing and Cost Analysis: Elements of costs, Break even analysis, Incremental costs,
make or buy decision.
 UNIT II Sales Forecasting: Purposes, methods -Delphi, linear regression, economic
indicators, time-series analysis, adjustment for seasonal variations, moving average,
exponential smoothing.
 UNIT III Production Planning and Control: Functions, Organization, Master Scheduling,
Aggregate planning and strategies ,Materials Requirement Planning, product structure tree,
Routing, Loading Scheduling –forward and backward, Dispatching –priority rules,
Sequencing, Johnson’s algorithm for n jobs and two machines, Gantt’s chart, Bar chart, Flow

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process chart. Materials Handling: Principles of materials handling, unit load, Types of
materials handling equipment, Relation between materials handling and plant layout.
 UNIT IV Material Management: Objectives and functions of materials management,
Organization of materials management. Procurement: Objectives of purchase department,
purchase responsibilities and organization, types of purchasing, purchase procedures,
Import and Export. Stores Keeping: Stores management, functions of stores, classification
of materials, standardization of materials, identification and maintenance of layout of stores,
physical control of materials, pricing of stores, issuing of stores. Inventory Control:
Objective, scope and functions of inventory control, inventory control techniques, economic
ordering quantity, periodic ordering quantity, A.B.C. analysis, General idea regarding
inventory control under risk and uncertainty.
 UNIT V Quality Control: Difference between inspection and quality control, acceptance
sampling, procedure’s risk and consumer’s risk, operating characteristic curve for single
sampling plan, AOQL Quality of conformance, quality of design, economics of quality, SQC 2
charts for variables and attributes. Introduction to JIT manufacturing, Kanban system.
1. Production and operation Management–By P. Ramamurty –New Age
International Publication, New Delhi
2. Production and operation Management –By R. Mayer –TMH, New Delhi
3. Quality Planning and Analysis, Juran and Gryna
1. Industrial Engineering & Production Management –Martand Telsang,
S.Chand & Co

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2. Production and operations Management by –Adam and Ebert –PHI
,New Delhi
3. Production planning and Control –By Samuel Eilon, Navneet Prakashan
Ltd., Bombay

1. To understand the basic concept of production management.
2. To understand the concept of breakeven analysis.
3. To learn the different methods to solve problems in sales forecasting.
4. To understand the concept of planning, organizing & controlling.
5. To understand the various models of inventory control.
6. To understand the methods of purchasing & store keeping.
7. To understand & analyze the various methods of quality control problems.

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1. Acquire knowledge recognize and perform the job of a competent production
2. Identify, analyze and solve production engineering related problemsin planning,
decision-making, and expense control.
3. Understand the performance to establish setting goals & predicting expenses and
planning budgets.
4. Work effectively with engineering and science teams as well as with
multidisciplinary designs.
5. Skillfully use modern engineering tools and techniques in various production areas.
6. Additionally, this course will help the student to be a committed to quality, timeliness,
and continuous improvement. 4
7. Pursue higher studies.
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Production Management: definition, objectives, scope, benefits,
functions of production management, place of production
management in an organization, types of production system,
Product life cycle, product design and development, production
cycle. Costing and Cost Analysis: Elements of costs, Break even
analysis, Incremental costs, make or buy decision.
It is defined as planning , implementation and
control of industrial production process to ensure
smooth and efficient operation. production

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management techniques are used in both
manufacturing and service industries.

Simply, production management is a process of

planning, organizing, directing and controlling the
activities of the production function.

Production Management Operation Management
1. It’s concerned with 1. It is concerned with services

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2. Out put is tangible 2. Output is intangible

3. Job use less labour and more 3. Job use more labour and
equipment less equipment

4. There is no customer 4. Frequent customer participation


 For over 2 centuries operations and production
management has been recognized as an important
factor in a country’s economic growth.

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 The traditional view of manufacturing management
began in 18thcentury when Adam Smith recognised
the economic benefits of specialisation of labour.
He recommended breaking of jobs down into
subtasks and recognises workers to specialised
tasks in which they would become highly skilled and
 In the early 20thcentury, F.W. Taylor developed
scientific management.
 From then till 1930, many techniques were developed
prevailing the traditional view.

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 Production management becomes the acceptable
term from 1930s to 1950s. As F.W. Taylor’s works
become more widely known, managers developed
techniques that focussed on economic efficiency in

 Workers were studied in great detail to eliminate
wasteful efforts and achieve greater efficiency. At the
same time, psychologists, socialists and other social
scientists began to study people and human
behavior in the working environment.

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 In addition, economists, mathematicians, and
computer socialists contributed more sophisticated
analytical newer approaches.

 With the 1970s emerges 2 distinct changes in our
 The most obvious of these ref lected in the new name
operations management was a shift in the service &

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manufacturing sectors of the economy.
 As service sector became more prominent, the change
from ‘production’ to ‘operations’ emphasized the
broadening of our field to service organizations.
 The second, more suitable change was the beginning
of an emphasis on synthesis, rather than just
analysis, in management practices.
 Production is defined as “the step-by-step
conversion of one form of material into another
form through chemical or mechanical process to

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create or enhance the utility of the product to the
 Thus production is a value addition process. At each
stage of processing, there will be value addition.

 Edwood Buffa defines production as ‘a process by

which goods and services are created’.
Example For Production
 Manufacturing custom-made products
Like- 1.Boilers with a specific capacity
2.Constructing flats

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3. Structural fabrication works for selected
customers, etc.
 manufacturing standardized products
Like- 1.Car
3.Motor cycle
4.Television, etc.
 The production system of an organization is that part,
which produces products of an organization.

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 It is that activity whereby Resources, f lowing within a
defined system, are combined & transformed in a
controlled manner to add value in accordance with
the policies communicated by management.

Inputs: Transformation Process: Outputs:
• Meo • Product Design • Products
• Materials • Process Planning • Services
• Machines • Production Control
• lnfonnation • Maintenance
• Capital

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• Inventory
• Quality
• Cost

Environment Feedback Information

Schematic production system

Characteristics Of Production System
 1. Production is an organized activity, so every
production system has an objective.
 2. The system transforms the various Inputs to useful

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 3. It doesn’t operate in Isolation from the other
organization system.
 4. There exists a feedback about the activities,
which is essential to control and improve system
 Production systems can be classified as:

1. Job Shop Production

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2. Batch Production

3. Mass Production

4. Continuous Production

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 Job shop production are characterised by
manufacturing of one or few quantity of products
designed and produced as per the specification of
customers within prefixed time and cost.

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 The distinguishing feature of this is low volume &
high variety of products.
 A job shop comprises of general purpose machines
arranged into different departments.
 Each job demands unique technological
requirements, demands processing on machines in a
certain sequence.
 1. High variety of products and low volume.
 2. Use of general purpose machines and facilities.

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 3. Highly skilled operators who can take up each job
as a challenge because of uniqueness.
 4. Large inventory of materials, tools, parts.
 5. Detailed planning is essential for sequencing the
requirements of each product, capacities for each
work centre and order priorities.
 1. Because of general purpose machines and facilities
variety of products can be produced.

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 2. Operators will become more skilled & competent,
as each job gives them learning opportunities.

 3. Full potential of operators can be utilised.

 4. Opportunity exists for creative methods &

Innovative ideas.
 1. Higher cost due to frequent set up changes.

 2. Higher level of inventory at all levels and hence

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higher inventory cost.

 3. Production planning is complicated.

 4. Larger space requirements.

 Batch production is defined “as a form of
manufacturing in which the job passes through

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the functional departments in lots or batches and
each lot may have a different routing.”

 It is characterised by the manufacture of limited

number of products produced at regular intervals
and stocked awaiting sales.


 1. There is shorter production runs.

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 2. Plant and machinery are f lexible.

 3. Manufacturing lead time & cost are lower as

compared to job shop production.

 1. Better utilisation of plant and machinery.

 2. Promotes functional specialisation.

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 3. Cost per unit is lower as compared to job shop

 4. Lower investment in plant and machinery.

 5. Flexibility to accommodate and process number of


 6. Job satisfaction exists for operators.

 1. Material handling is complex because of irregular
and longer f lows.

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 2. Production planning and control is complex.

 3. Work in process inventory is higher compared to

continuous production.

 4. Higher set up costs due to frequent changes in set

 ‘ Manufacture of discrete parts or assemblies
using a continuous process are called mass
production ’.

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 This production system is justified by very large
volume of production.

 The machines are arranged in a line or product

layout. Product and process standardisation exists
and all outputs follow the same path.
1. Standardisation of product and process sequence.
2. Large volume of products.
3. Shorter cycle time of production.

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4. Lower in process inventory.
5. Perfectly balanced production lines. Production
6. planning and control is easy. Material handling
7. can be completely automatic.

 1. Higher rate of production with reduced cycle time.

 2. Higher capacity utilisation due to line balancing.

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 3. Less skilled operators are required.

 4. Low process inventory.

 5. Manufacturing cost per unit is low.

 1. Breakdown of one machine will stop an entire
production line.
 2. Line layout needs major change with the changes

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in the product design.
 3. High investment in production facilities.
 4. The cycle time is determined by the slowest

 Production facilities are arranged as per the sequence
of production operations from the first operations
to the finished product.

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 The items are made to f low through the sequence of
operations through material handling devices such as
conveyors, transfer devices, etc.

 1. Dedicated plant and equipment with zero
f lexibility.
 2. Material handling is fully automated.

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 3. Process follows a predetermined sequence of
 4. Component materials can’t be readily Identified
with final product.
 5. Planning and scheduling is a routine action.

 1. Standardisation of product and process sequence.
 2. Higher rate of production with reduced cycle time.
 3. Higher capacity utilisation due to line balancing.

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 4. Manpower is not required for material handling as it
is completely automatic.
 5. Person with limited skills can be used on the
production line.
 6. Unit cost is lower due to high volume of

 1. Process number of products doesn’t exist.

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 2. Very high investment for setting f low lines.

 3. Product differentiation is limited.

 The objective of the production management is ‘to
produce goods services of right quality and
quantity at the right time and right
manufacturing cost’.

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The quality of product is established based upon the
customers needs. The right quality is not necessarily
best quality. It is determined by the cost of the
product and the technical characteristics as suited to
the specific requirements.i.e.
The manufacturing organization should produce the
products in right number. If they are produced in excess of
demand the capital will block up in the form of inventory
and if the quantity is produced in short of demand, leads
to shortage of products.

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Timeliness of delivery is one of the important parameter to
judge the effectiveness of production department. So, the
production department has to make the optimal
utilization of input resources to achieve its objective.

Manufacturing costs are established before the
product is actually manufactured.

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 All attempts should be made to produce the
products at pre-established cost, so as to reduce
the variation between actual and the standard
(pre-established) cost.

 Production is number of goods made.

 Productivity is the number of goods produced

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divided by employees. Units produced
Productivity =
Input Used
 Example:
Business A produced 40 chairs with 5 employees
 Production: 40 chairs
 Productivity: 40chairs/5 employees= 8
 Production management concern with the
conversion of inputs into outputs, using
physical resources, so as to provide the desired

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utilities to the customer while meeting the
other organizational objectives of effectiveness,
efficiency and adoptability.
 It distinguishes itself from other functions such as
personnel, marketing, finance, etc., by its primary
concern for ‘conversion by using physical
 Following are the activities which are listed under
production management functions:
 1. Location of facilities
 2. Plant layouts
 3. Product design

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 4. Process design
 5. Production and planning control
 6. Quality control
 7. Materials management
 8. Maintenance management.
 Location of facilities for operations is a long-term
capacity decision which involves a long term
commitment about the geographically static factors

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that affect a business organization. It is an important
strategic level decision-making for an organization.

 The selection of location is a key-decision as large

investment is made in building plant and machinery.

 An improper location of plant may lead to waste of all
the investments made in plant and machinery
 Hence, location of plant should be based on the
company’s expansion plan and policy, diversification
plan for the products, changing sources of raw

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materials and many other factors.
 The purpose of the location study is to find the
optimal location that will results in the greatest
advantage to the organization.

 Plant layout refers to the physical arrangement of
facilities. It is the configuration of departments,work
centres and equipment in the conversion process.

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 The overall objective of the plant layout is to design a
physical arrangement that meets the required output
quality and quantity most economically.

1. Integrate the production centres
2. Reduce material handling
3. Effective utilization of available space

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4. Worker convenience and job satisfaction
5. Flexibility
6. Quick disposal of work
7. Smooth f low of operation
8. Avoids industrial accidents

1. Process layout or functional layout:
 Similar machine grouped together
 Used in job and batch production and non-repetitive type
of work.
 This type of layout makes production planning and control more difficult.

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 For example,all lathes grouped together in turning section.

2. Product layout or line layout:

 Machines and auxiliary services arranged in line according to sequence
of operation to be performed on the work.
 Raw material enters in line at one end,operations are carried out in

In a smooth f low and the finished product is delivered at the other end
 of the line
Used in mass production and repetitive work.
3. Mixed Or Combined Layout:
 Combination of process and line layout is commonly
used in industry.
 Combined layout incorporates the benefits of process
and product layout.
4. Static Or Fixed Position Layout:

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 It is adopted when work piece is very big or too heavy
to move from one position to other and is
consequently fixed in one place.
 Used in custom ordered type production
 e.g. in construction work , ship building , air craft,
pressure vessel, locomotives , etc.
1. Determine the arrangement of facilities and services in
the plant
2. Outlines the relationship between production centres
and service departments.

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3. Outlines the nature of the flow in the plant and affects
the distance travelled by materials and personnel.
4. Determines the type of handling systems and machine
5. Specifies the location , accessibility , and size of stores.
6. Affects the amount of work in process and work awaiting
further processing.
 Product design deals with conversion of ideas into
reality. Every business organization have to design,
develop and introduce new products as a survival and

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growth strategy.
 Developing the new products and launching them in
the market is the biggest challenge faced by the
 The entire process of need identification to physical
manufactures of product involves three functions:
marketing, product development, manufacturing.
 Product development translates the needs of
customers given by marketing into technical
specifications and designing the various features into
the product to these specifications.
 Manufacturing has the responsibility of selecting the

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processes by which the product can be manufactured.
 Product design and developmentprovides link
between marketing, customer needs and expectations
and the activities required to manufacture the

 Process design is a macroscopic decision-making of an
overall process route for converting the raw material
into finished goods.

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 These decisions encompass the selection of a process,
choice of technology, process f low analysis and layout
of the facilities.
 Hence, the important decisions in process design are to
analyzed the workflow for converting raw material into
finished product and to select the workstation for each
included in the workflow.
 The principle of production planning and control lies
in the statement ‘First Plan Your Work and then Work

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on Your Plan’.
 Main functions of production planning and control
includes planning, routing, scheduling, dispatching
and follow-up.

 Planning is deciding in advance what to do,
how to do it, when to do it and who is to do it.
 Routing may be defined as the selection of
path which each part of the product will
follow,which being transformed from raw
material to finished products. Routing

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determines the most advantageous path to be
 Scheduling may be defined as‘the fixation of time
and date for each operation’ as well as it
determines the sequence of operations to be

 Dispatching is concerned with the starting the
processes. It gives necessary authority so as to
start a particular work, which has already been
planned under ‘Routing’ and ‘Scheduling’.

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 The function of follow-up is to report daily the
progress of work in each shop in a prescribed
proforma and to investigate the causes of
deviations from the planned performance.

 Quality Control (QC) may be defined as ‘a system that
is used to maintain a desired level of quality in a
product or service’.

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 Quality control can also be defined as ‘that industrial
management technique by means of which product of
uniform acceptable quality is manufactured’. It is the
entire collection of activities which ensures that the
operation will produce the optimum quality products
at minimum cost.

 The main objectives of quality control are:
 1. To reduce companies cost through reduction of
losses due to defects.
 2. To achieve interchangeability of manufacture in
large scale production.
 3. To produce optimal quality at reduced price.

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 4.To ensure satisfaction of customers with
productions or services or high quality level, to build
customer goodwill, confidence and reputation of
 5. To make inspection prompt to ensure quality
 6. To check the variation during manufacturing.
 Materials management is that aspect of management
function which is primarily concerned with the
acquisition, control and use of materials needed and

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f low of goods and services connected with the
production process having some predetermined
objectives in view.

 The main objectives of materials management are:
 1. To minimize material cost.
 2.To purchase, receive, transport and store materials
efficiently and to reduce the related cost.
 3. To cut down costs through simplification,
standardization, value analysis, import substitution,

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 4. To trace new sources of supply and to develop
cordial relations with them in order to ensure
continuous supply at reasonable rates.
 5. To reduce investment tied in the inventories for use
in other productive purposes and to develop high
inventory turnover ratios.
 In modern industry, equipment and machinery are a
very important part of the total productive effort.
Therefore, their idleness or downtime becomes are

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very expensive. Hence, it is very important that the
plant machinery should be properly maintained.

 The main objectives of maintenance management are:
 1. To achieve minimum breakdown and to keep the
plant in good working condition at the lowest possible
 2. To keep the machines and other facilities in such a
condition that permits them to be used at their

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optimal capacity without interruption.
 3. To ensure the availability of the machines, buildings
and services required by other sections of the factory
for the performance of their functions at optimal
return on investment.

 The term ‘globalization’ describes businesses’
deployment of facilities and operations around the

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 It can also be defined as worldwide drive toward a
globalized economic system dominated by
supranational corporate trade and banking
institutions that are not accountable to democratic
processes or national governments.

 There are four developments, which have spurred the
trend toward globalization:
 1. Improved transportation and communication
 2. Opened financial systems;

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 3. Increased demand for imports; and
 4. Reduced import quotas and other trade barriers.

 Managing global operations would focus on the
following key issues:
1.To acquire and properly utilize the following concepts
and those related to global operations,supply chain,
logistics, etc.
2. To associate global historical events to key drivers in

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global operations from different perspectives.
3. To develop criteria for conceptualization and
evaluation of different global operations.
4. To associate success and failure cases of global
operations to political, social, economical and
technological environments.
5. To envision trends in global operations.
 Break even analysis is the study of cost-volume-profit
 Break even point is the point where the gains equal the
 The point defines when an investment will generate a
positive return
 The point where sales or revenues equal expenses
 The point where total costs equal total revenues
 There is no profit made or loss incurred at the break even
 It is the lower limit of the profit when prices are set and
margins are determined
 Also known as “point of zero profit”
 Break even analysis can be carried out in two ways:
1. Algebraic method
2. Graphical method

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 BEP is the ratio of Fixed cost to the Contribution per
BEP =(Fixed cost)/(Contribution per unit)

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Contribution = Selling cost – Variable cost,
Fixed cost = Contribution - Profit

 The point of intersection of the total cost line and the
income line is called as the break even point
 Right of the BEP shows the profit potential while to

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the left represents the loss potentials
 BEP is also called “NO PROFIT NO LOSS POINT”


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Limitations of B-E Chart Analysis
 In practice all the costs are not always either fixed costs
or a variable costs.there are some semi variable overhead

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 In the long run all costs are variable,so the break even
analysis holds good only for short run requirements.
 It is suitable only when the firm produces one type of

Relation of Production with
 The relationship is integral.
 Production department is involved and concerned
with the making of the product or development of the

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 It is the heart of the business as they need to provide
something that consumer wants.
 Production department deals with the making and
development of product to make the consumer want it
or feel that they need it in their life.

 The finance department deals with the all kind of
monetary transfer that the business is involved
with,and of course the production department is one
of the biggest areas of loss.
 The production department needs to go about creating
the product and in near enough every business ,there

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is the cost to creating the product of service hence the
finance department will deal with how much of the
firm's funds or assets are being lost to this and will
decide whether the efficiency of the business is
 The cost per unit will be monitored by the finance
department and this is and incredible important
concepts that overlaps between the two firms.
Relation of Production and
 Both are important parts of total business system
aimed at providing consumer with need satisfying

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goods and services together
 They provides five basic economic utilities-form ,task,
possession,time and place utilities that are needed to
provide consumers satisfaction.
 Here utility means the power to satisfy human needs.

 This associated primarily with production,the
physical and chemical changes that make product
more valuable and satisfy consumer needs.
 Marketing thinking guides production side of

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 Marketing decisions focus on the customers and
include decisions about what goods and services to
 Marketing is concerned with what customers want
and it should guide what is produced and offered.

 It is provided when some one provide services to
other or produces in tangible goods that are services
to clients .this is associated with production.
 It means having the product available when the

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customers wants it . this is also provide it by
marketing only.
 It means having the product available where the
customer wants it exists when a product is readily
accessible to potential customers . this is also
provided by marketing only.
 Simply kaizen means ‘continuous improvement’.
 It is daily process, the purpose of which goes beyond

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simple productivity improvement.
 It is also process that, when done correctly, humanizes
the workplace ,eliminates the overly hard work, and
teaches the people how to perform experiments on
their work by using scientific method and how to
eliminate business waste.

Improvements in Production
 If we increases the output and reduces the input then
we can increase the production efficiency.
Efficiency= Input

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 General ways of increase output are :
1. Process improvement
2. Regulate work f low
3. Use more modern equipments
4. Train and motivate employees
 General ways of decreases input are:

1. Improve quality

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2. Minimize waste

3. Reduce the cost of labour

4. Reduce cost of supply

Roll of Technology in Production:
 It is now quite difficult to imagine world without modern
 Technology makes way for fast & efficient operations in
manufacturing companies, as well as facilitates cost cutting

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 Technology brought significant changes to traditional
production system that have been so beneficial to all
industrial players, including suppliers and customers.
 A pharmaceutical company,for example employees
advanced machinery in capsulising & wrapping medicine.

 Traditionally, the making of medicine was manually
 How ever, to prevent contamination & mitigate errors
from human intervention, pharmaceutical companies
have employed robots & computerized machines.

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 It results in mass production of medicine at faster
speed & lower cost.
 So advanced technology plays major roll in
production. it will improve production rate and also
product quality.

Innovation in Production:
 Innovation is the act of introducing something new. it
is associated with generation of new idea.
 In contrast, innovation refers to taking those new

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ideas and actually implementing them in marketplace.
 Developers create an invention designed to satisfy an
existing market need.
 Developers assess the feasibility of the innovation in
terms of both sales and production potential.

 After this step,developers conduct research in order to
manufacture the product successfully and to ensure
that the product will satisfy market demand.
 Finally, the new product is launched and its success is

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gauged. if needed , the product’s marketing plan can
be modified or the product itself improved.
 Innovation is important part of production to satisfy
consumer demand and is needed to be in a
competition with others.



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