The document discusses the history and key aspects of agrarian reform in the Philippines. It explains that agrarian reform aims to redistribute land to landless farmers through comprehensive programs like CARP. The document outlines the economic, socio-cultural, and religious drivers of agrarian reform and summarizes the major land reform laws enacted over time to improve the situation of farmers and reduce conflicts over land ownership.
The document discusses the history and key aspects of agrarian reform in the Philippines. It explains that agrarian reform aims to redistribute land to landless farmers through comprehensive programs like CARP. The document outlines the economic, socio-cultural, and religious drivers of agrarian reform and summarizes the major land reform laws enacted over time to improve the situation of farmers and reduce conflicts over land ownership.
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This powerpoint will show you what is agrarian reform
The document discusses the history and key aspects of agrarian reform in the Philippines. It explains that agrarian reform aims to redistribute land to landless farmers through comprehensive programs like CARP. The document outlines the economic, socio-cultural, and religious drivers of agrarian reform and summarizes the major land reform laws enacted over time to improve the situation of farmers and reduce conflicts over land ownership.
The document discusses the history and key aspects of agrarian reform in the Philippines. It explains that agrarian reform aims to redistribute land to landless farmers through comprehensive programs like CARP. The document outlines the economic, socio-cultural, and religious drivers of agrarian reform and summarizes the major land reform laws enacted over time to improve the situation of farmers and reduce conflicts over land ownership.
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By: Johnine Sumaoang
AGRARIAN REFORM • Is a redistribution of lands, regardless of crops or fruits produced, to farmers and regular farm workers who are landless, irrespective of tenurial arrangement to include the totality of factors and support services designed to lift the economic status of the beneficiaries. LAND REFORM • Is an integrated set of measures designed to eliminate obstacles to economic and social development arising out of defects in the agrarian structure. ASPECTS OF AGRARIAN REFORM ECONOMIC ASPECT • The position of agriculture in national economy. • The economy relies heavily on the agriculture sector. • Large portion of the total working population is employed in agriculture and a large percentage contribution of the GDP. • One method of motivating the farmers to increase their production is to make them own the land they till to free them free the control of the landlords. • Agrarian reform was strengthen to create an economic environment that will encourage farmers to produce more and market more of what they produce. ASPECTS OF AGRARIAN REFORM SOCIO CULTURAL ASPECT a. A change from self subsistent mindset to one of surplus of selling. - The farmers started putting all their efforts in the farm because they own the land. b. Social order - The farmers became more concern of the need to maintain peace and stability within the community so that they could continuously enjoy the increased benefits in the farm. c. Farmers became more active in practicing leadership roles. - After the land reform, farmers began forming associations and stood equal footing with their erstwhile landlords in social gatherings and club meetings. d. As the land reform enhanced agricultural productivity and increased net family incomes, the farmers were able to send their children in school. e. Agrarian reform promoted modern outlook among farmers which include receptiveness and modern family planning programs and also awareness of the economic alternatives in the urban and industrial sector. RELIGIOUS ASPECT: - The Filipino masses are longing for the possession of land and it resulted into multiple revolts. - Filipinos rarely found any help and support from the church. - That’s why church became the enemy of land reform. OBJECTIVES OF LAND REFORM • The main objective was to put an end to conflicts pertaining to land ownership. • Bringing stability in the political set up of the country. • Bringing equality in terms of opportunities, income as well as wealth. • Facilitate agrarian reform activities like land acquisition, land distribution, land management, and encouraging the growth of feasible agrarian communities. COMPREHENSIVE AGRARIAN REFORM (CARP) • Republic Act 6657 is a redistribution of public and private agricultural lands to farmers and farm workers who are landless, irrespective of tenurial arrangement. • CARP’s vision is to have an equitable land ownership with empowered agrarian reform beneficiaries who can effectively manage their economic and social development to have a better quality of life. COMPREHENSIVE AGRARIAN REFORM (CARP) • The legal basis of CARP is the Republic Act No. 6657 or Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL). • Signed by President Corazon C. Aquino on June 10 1988. • It is an act which aims to promote social justice and industrialization, providing the mechanism for its implementation, and for other purposes. COVERAGE OF CARP • Government owned lands devoted to or suitable for agriculture. • Alienable and disposable lands of the public domain devoted or suitable for agriculture. • Public domain lands in excess of the specific limits as determined by congress. • Private lands devoted or suitable for agriculture regardless of the agricultural products raised or that can be raised thereon. HISTORY • The Philippines, even before being colonized by different countries, already have developed an organization for their communities. • The land owned by the communities is known as the barangay. • In these barangays, everyone regardless of status had access on the land and mutually shares resources to the rest of the community. HISTORY • They believed in and practiced the concept “STEWARDSHIP” where relationship between man and nature is important. • BARTER TRADE- exchanging their goods to others. • MARAGTAS CODE- selling of the Panay Island to the 10 Bornean datus in exchange for golden salakot and a long gold necklace. HISTORY • When the Spanish came they introduced “PUEBLO” an agriculture system wherein native rural communities were organized into pueblo and each pueblo and each Christianized native family is given 4-5 hectares of land to cultivate. • These native families are merely landholders and not landowners. HISTORY • The land assigned to them was the property of the Spanish King where they pay their colonial tributes to the Spanish authorities in form of agricultural products that they produce. • Americans sought to put an end to the miserable conditions of the tenants by passing several land policies to distribute land ownership among the Filipino tenants and farmers. HISTORY • During the Japanese occupation, peasants and workers organized HUKBALAHAP (Hukbong Bayan Laban sa mga Hapon) as an anti Japanese group. They took over vast tracts of land and gave the land to the people. HISTORY MANUEL L. QUEZON - Passed RA 4054 or the Rice Tenancy Law. - First law on crop sharing legalized the 50-50 share of landlord and the tenant with corresponding support to the tenants protecting them against abuses of the landlords. HISTORY MANUEL ROXAS- Republic Act No. 34 - Enacted to establish a 70-30 sharing arrangement between tenant and landlord. - The 70% of the harvest will go to the person who shouldered the expenses for planting and for the work of the animals. - It reduced the interest of landowners’ loans to tenants at not more than 6%. HISTORY ELPIDIO QUIRINO- Executive order No. 355 - Land Settlement Development Corporation (LASEDECO). - Was established to accelerate and expand the peasant resettlement program of the government. - Due to limited post war resources, the program was not successful. HISTORY RAMON MAGSAYSAY - He realized the importance of land reform program. - He convinced the elite controlled congress to pass several legislation to improve land reform situation in the country. HISTORY DIOSDADO MACAPAGAL- Agriculture Land Reform Code or RA No. 3844. - This was considered to be the most comprehensive piece of agrarian reform legislation ever enacted in the country. - “Father of Agrarian Reform” HISTORY FERDINAND MARCOS- Code of Agrarian Reforms or RA No. 6389 and its companion bill RA No. 6390. - Implementation of the agrarian reform in the Philippines. HISTORY FIDEL RAMOS- Magkabalikat Para sa kaunlarang Agraryo (MAGKASAKA) - Directed for the investos to bring capital, technology and management support while farmers will contribute the use of their land. HISTORY • GLORIA ARROYO- BAYAN- ANIHAN - Bayan means people and Anihan means harvest and Bayanihan means working together. - This means united people working together for the successful implementation of agrarian reform. HISTORY BENIGNO AQUINO III - The DAR is the lead agency of CARP implementation is bent on sustaining the gains of agrarian reform through its 3 major components: - Land Tenure Improvement (LTI) - Program Beneficiaries Development (PBD) - Agrarian Justice Delivery (AJD) LAND REFORM LAWS AND ACTS I. Land Reform Act of 1955 (RA 1400) - An act defining a land tenure policy providing for an instrumentality to carry out the policy and appropriating funds for its implementation. LAND REFORM LAWS AND ACTS II. Revised Agricultural Land Reform Code (RA 6389) - An act amending Republic Act 3844, as amended otherwise known as the Agricultural Code and for other purposes. LAND REFORM LAWS AND ACTS III. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law - An act instituting a comprehensive agrarian reform program to promote social justice and industrialization, providing the mechanism for its implementation and other purposes.