Verlogic2 Chapter1

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Integrated circuits are manufactured on a silicon wafer.

The wafer is cut to produce individual chips. They are then

placed inside a special type of chip package.
Moore’s law: Doubling the number of transistors that could be
placed on a chip every 1.5 to 2 years

A sample of the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors.

Designer may be faced with designing logic circuits that can be

implemented on a single chips OR designing circuits that involve a
number of chips placed on a printed circuit board (PCB).
Different types of Integrated Circuit Chips:

 Large variety of chips that implement various functions that are

useful in the design of digital hardware
 The chips range from very simple ones with low functionality to
extremely complex chips
 Eg. A digital hardware product may require a P to perform
some arithmetic operations, memory chips to provide storage
capability, and interface chips that allow easy connection to input
and output devices
 Three main types of chips:
 Standard chips
 Programmable logic devices
 Custom chips
Standard Chips:

 It is popular in the early 1980s

They usually conform to an agreed-upon standard in terms of
functionality and physical configuration
 Each SC contains a small amount of circuitry (fewer than 100 T)
 Designer chooses the chips that perform needed functions and
defines how these chips should be interconnected to realize a larger
logic circuit

 Today, it became inefficient to use valuable space on PCBs for

chips with low functionality
 Another drawback of standard chips is the functionality of each
chip is fixed
Programmable Logic Devices

Group of 8 logic cells Memory block

- General structure
- Include collection of
programmable switches
- Design specific applications
by the configured switches
- Ability of programming
multiple times allows making
corrections, prototypes
- Widely used today


A field-programmable gate array (FPGA) chip

Custom-Designed Chips:

 PLDs drawback: Consume valuable chip area and limit the

operation speed
 Sometimes, it does not meet the designed performance and/or
cost objectives
 Solution: the logic circuitry that must be included on the chip is
designed first, then an appropriate technology is chosen to
implement the chip. Finally the chip is manufactured by a company
that has fabrication facilities
 It is named as custom design to produce custom chips
 Main advantage: design can be optimized for specific task
which usually leads to better performance
 A single chip can be used instead of multiple chips to achieve
the same goal, then a smaller area is needed on a PCB.
 The cost in producing such chip is high but will be costly
effective if manufacturing in large quantities.
Be difficult to automate,
require design experiences

CAD tools used to simulate product behaviors, to

determine if the obtained design meets required specs.

The development process.

Design concept

Initial design

Simulation Redesign

Design correct?


Successful design

The basic design loop of digital hardware

A digital hardware system .
A printed circuit board.
Done by the basic design flow

Even functional behavior is

correct, the realized circuit may
not operate properly. Thus need to
implement functional simulation
& timing simulation separately

Design flow for logic circuits.


Build prototype

Testing Modify prototype


Correct? Minor errors?

Yes No

Finished PCB Go to A, B, C, or D in Figure 1.7

Completion of PCB development.

Logic Circuit Designs:

 Mainly use: CPLDs and FPGAs

 To gain deeper understanding of logic circuits, one should
implement examples using CAD tools
 Tools: Altera, Cadence, Mentor Graphics, Synopsys, Synplicity,
 In this course: Altera’s Quartus II CAD system

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