Session XII Maintenance and Repair
Session XII Maintenance and Repair
Session XII Maintenance and Repair
A s p e c ts o f M a i n te n a n c e o f C o n s tru c ti o n E q u i p m e n t
In s p e c tio n S e rv ic in g R e p a irs
• • Frequency of inspection should be
Inspection helps in detection of
carefully decided.
faults, which can be rectified in
• Nature of equipment, Its importance in
time, and costly breakdowns can be
production, Time interval between first
avoided. indication of trouble and actual failure,
• Inspection crew must work Age of the equipment, operating
independently of the operational environment are considered while
and field repair staff so that deciding frequency of inspection.
unbiased check can be exercised on • In case of external inspection defects are
the equipment. identified by checking engine sound,
• Calendar for inspection should be colour of exhaust, oil pressure, oil and
water temperature etc.
prepared with a checklist of the
• Internal inspections includes nut and
items to be inspected.
bolts, tyre pressure, amount of wear on
common parts, brake linings, engine
parts, batteries, fuel supply, cooling fans,
wire roes etc.
• Mechanical components of • Proper lubrication of machines is a
machine give good performance for
longer periods when they are vital aspect of servicing.
systematically serviced as per • Storage of fuels and lubricants
manufacturer. should be done in central depot.
• Servicing can be done by two • Another item during servicing is
options- Mobile servicing van or supply of cooling water. Clean and
Central servicing depot. It is soft water should be used. Crew
worthwhile dividing the should check entire cooling system
maintenance personnel into
specialized teams each attending to and make adjustment wherever
one particular part of machine. necessary.
• Maintenance supervisor should • Servicing of wheels and tracks is
prepare a check list of various parts another major item of maintenance.
and devices to be checked by • Other items to be attended include
servicing screw during servicing. electrical parts, wire ropes, cutting
• Storage of fuels and lubricants blades, power control units, clutch
should be done in central depot. and transmission.
Field repair facilities