Session XII Maintenance and Repair

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Session XII

Maintenance and Repair

Maintenance and Repair
• Introduction
• Types of Maintenance
• Maintenance planning
• Maintenance of Construction Equipments
• Equipment maintenance and Repair
workshop layout
• Sections of workshop
• Equipment maintenance and Repair records
• Spare part management
Objectives of Maintenance
• To maximize availability of machinery and
facilities needed for smooth production.
• To minimize downtime due to breakdown
of machinery.
• To ensure long life of machinery.
• To avoid high rate of depreciation of
Breakdown Maintenance
Breakdown of machine This maintenance is much more
can occur due to following expensive as compared to
preventive maintenance due to
• Increase in depreciation cost
• Incorrect operations, • Payment to idle operator
Inadequate servicing, Lack • Overtime to maintenance staff
of inspection. to do emergency repair.
• Due to unpredictable • Idling of matching equipment
accidents which causes
failure of machine
• Due to gradual wear and
tear of parts
Preventive Maintenance
Objectives of preventive
maintenance Functions or Elements of
1. To ensure breakdown free operation Preventive Maintenance
and optimum life of equipment. • Inspection or Check Ups
2. To reduce cost by reducing • Servicing
downtime of equipment.
• Planning and Scheduling
3. To keep the machine in proper
condition so as to maintain the • Record and analysis
quality of product. • Training of maintenance staff
4. To ensure the safety during the • Storage of spare parts
5. To keep the plant or machinery at
the maximum production efficiency.
Advantages of Preventive maintenance

• Reduction in production downtime

• Lesser overtime payment for maintenance
• Lesser number of standby equipments
• Less expenditure on repair
• Lesser spare parts needed to remain in store
• Safe operation of equipments
Requirements of good preventive
• Good supervision and • All repair tools must be available
administration of maintenance
• Proper coordination between
maintenance, planning and
• Correct, clear and detailed purchase department.
instructions be given to the
• Standardization on types of
maintenance crew and to the
operators equipments deployed to control
inventory and to have
• Operators should be well trained specialization.
• A good lubrication programme • Use of mobile service vans
should be chalked out
• Establishment of well equipped
• Proper maintenance record should service and repair workshop
be maintained
• Before transportation of equipment
• Adequate stock of repair should from one project to another service
always be kept. or repair it and then transport.
Phases of Maintenance Planning
• Anticipation of maintenance work- Instructions of
manufacturer of machine, Talking to operation staff, doing inspection, and By
seeing behavior of machine during operation.
• Preparation of maintenance schedule
• Manpower planning- Involves Analysis of manpower requirement,
Manpower availability, Identifying training needs and arrange training.
Complexity of job, Periodicity of activities and time required to each activity,
Quantum and type of work, Layout and location of equipment, Allowances
for leave, Holidays, Shifts etc. are considered for deciding manpower
• Development of maintenance information system
• Follow up and check up
• Evaluation of work- Maintenance cost in a year, Ratio of downtime
with available hours, Frequency of breakdown, Break up for downtime, for
poor maintenance, bad operation and bad design.
Maintenance of Equipment

A s p e c ts o f M a i n te n a n c e o f C o n s tru c ti o n E q u i p m e n t

In s p e c tio n S e rv ic in g R e p a irs
• • Frequency of inspection should be
Inspection helps in detection of
carefully decided.
faults, which can be rectified in
• Nature of equipment, Its importance in
time, and costly breakdowns can be
production, Time interval between first
avoided. indication of trouble and actual failure,
• Inspection crew must work Age of the equipment, operating
independently of the operational environment are considered while
and field repair staff so that deciding frequency of inspection.
unbiased check can be exercised on • In case of external inspection defects are
the equipment. identified by checking engine sound,
• Calendar for inspection should be colour of exhaust, oil pressure, oil and
water temperature etc.
prepared with a checklist of the
• Internal inspections includes nut and
items to be inspected.
bolts, tyre pressure, amount of wear on
common parts, brake linings, engine
parts, batteries, fuel supply, cooling fans,
wire roes etc.
• Mechanical components of • Proper lubrication of machines is a
machine give good performance for
longer periods when they are vital aspect of servicing.
systematically serviced as per • Storage of fuels and lubricants
manufacturer. should be done in central depot.
• Servicing can be done by two • Another item during servicing is
options- Mobile servicing van or supply of cooling water. Clean and
Central servicing depot. It is soft water should be used. Crew
worthwhile dividing the should check entire cooling system
maintenance personnel into
specialized teams each attending to and make adjustment wherever
one particular part of machine. necessary.
• Maintenance supervisor should • Servicing of wheels and tracks is
prepare a check list of various parts another major item of maintenance.
and devices to be checked by • Other items to be attended include
servicing screw during servicing. electrical parts, wire ropes, cutting
• Storage of fuels and lubricants blades, power control units, clutch
should be done in central depot. and transmission.
Field repair facilities

• Static field maintenance • Tools provided in the

workshop should be provided workshop are
on site at suitable location to
cater day to day needs of entire 1. Benches, vices, cupboards,
fleet of equipments. racks
• It must be divided in two parts 2. Portable electric drills,
one for repair work and other grinders, jacks, crowbars
for storage of various parts. 3. Lifting tackle, gantry or
• The workshop floor should be mobile crane.
preferably be of concrete and
4. Portable welding equipment,
the workshop should be
supplied with electric power, oxyacetylene cutting.
water and compressed air.
Repair workshop
Field repair workshop can be established
at a major project site under the Sections of workshop
following conditions • Workshop office
• Long project duration generally
exceeding 3 to 5years. • Receipt and Inspection Section
• Equipment usages in the project is very • Store Section
high. • Repair Section
• Non availability of adequate local repair
facilities in the nearby vicinities. • Ancillary Section- blacksmith,
• Non availability of adequate spare parts tinsmith, welder, carpenter,
from local markets. machine shop, painting,
• Project located in remote and difficult electrical battery charging.
terrains such as mountainous snow, desert
• Heavy repair and maintenance
commitments due to round the clock work
Equipment maintenance and
Repair records
The main aim of record
keeping are to provide Equipment Records
appropriate information about • Daily Working data
• Per unit output cost of each • Monthly Working data
• Log Book- Operators record,
• Economic life of equipment fuel consumed, period of
• Fuel cost breakdown and it causes, period of
• Cost of spares idleness and its causes, operating
and maintenance instructions.
• Operation and Maintenance cost
• Planning of spares
• History Book
• Percentage utilization of equipment
on a particular job
Spare part management
• In the context of construction • Spare parts of equipments are
equipment maintenance, spare part
management means accurate listing basically divided in three types
of spares available in order to Consumable, Fast moving, and
ensure that they will be readily Slow moving.
available if the situation demands. • As items in case of spares of
The main objectives of spare part equipments are large in number
management are their proper stocking is necessary
1. Maximizing equipment availability so that individual items can be
2. Reduce spare part inventory level easily accessible. Standards items
3. Reduce operating cost should be stocked at one place and
4. Achieve unstoppable production non standard items for each
from equipment equipment should be stocked
• It includes periodical analyzing separately. Over stocking of spare
spare part stock level, processing should be avoided.
requisition, maintaining the stocks
in store.
• Over stocking of spare parts may result • Codification to the various parts or
from several causes such as items in spare is important.
1. The fear of scarcity or Non availability Codification will be useful in
when needed prompts the project identifying the part in spares. The
authorities to buy large quantities of codes used for this purpose may be
spare parts, especially in case of numerical, alphabets or both.
imported equipment
• Standardization will be helpful in
2. Collection of different make and reducing the inventory cost.
models of equipment on the project
• The main objective of spare part
3. Some of the manufacturers, at the time management is to keep inventory
of offering the equipment give list of cost as low as possible by keeping
spares with quantity to be purchased
items in the store for various
with the equipment. Further suppliers
equipments. Inventory model of
will insists on buyers to purchase large
quantities of spares to escape the operation research can be
effects of obsolescence. effectively used for this purpose.
By using this it is possible to
4. Improper plant/equipment planning determine procurement level,
5. Acquisition of old machines together procurement quantity and
with their spare parts often result in frequency of procurement. The
substantial portion of spare parts most famous model can be used in
remain unutilized. this case will be ABC analysis.

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