Sustainable Cities and Communities
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Ratio of land consumption to population growth Proportion of urban solid waste regularly collected
rate. and with adequate final discharge out of total urban
solid waste generated, by cities
Government spending on sustainable
development. Countries should aim for 15-20% Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (e.g.
of their GNI PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (population weighted)
Average share of the built- Domestic revenues *To be decided *To be decided
up area of cities that is
open space for public use
allocated to upon 2018 review upon 2018 review
for all, by sex, age and sustainable
persons with disabilities developments
percentage of GNI
Proportion of persons
victim of physical or sexual
harassment, by sex, age,
disability status and place
of occurrence, in the
previous 12 months
Measures taken by Government of India
Atal Mission for • To ensure that every household has a working tap and assured supply of water
and sewerage connection
Rejuvenation and • Increase the amenity value of city by developing greenery and well
maintained open spaces around them
Urban Transformation • Reduce pollution by switching to public transport or constructing facilities for
non motorized transport
Happy Earth Initiative
Hamari Pari
& Plantathon
Educate to Empower SOCIETY
Initiative Community Development
Internal CSR by Hero Motocorp.
Green IT
•Focuses on IT policy areas which could influence the environment
•Converting paper based loyalty program to an online card based program
•Sense of satisfaction to the employees – trying to contribute at their level in
saving the environment
•Workflow automation and energy efficient data centers
External CSR Initiatives
Road safety through adoption of traffic training parks: Hero Green Drive Tree plantation: initiative launched
7 TTP with more than 3 lakhs total participants at NCR; 7 lakhs + tree plantation; Project ANKUR – 10k
tree plantation
Road Safety awareness competitions, student police
cadets programme and Responsible citizens Sanitation & Hygiene: Supporting Swachh Vidyalaya
programme Abhiyan, over 900 toilets have been build across 4
Ek Pahal: making women self reliant by teaching two
wheeler riding; conducted free of cost at centers set Drinking water conservation/facility: installation of RO
up inside training institutes water plants at villages, support to Namami Gange,
working for Mukhyamantri Jal Swavlambhan Yojana
Supporting Paralympics
Life Skills Development and school Educational resource and Olympics: : Promoting
enrollment: Focus on school enroll - mobilization: Team Hero runs participation in the event and
ment, attending classes regularly regular drives; collect assistance to athletes
educational resources
Project Shiksha: Focus on empower Quota International Program: • Rehabilitation for Physically
-ment, via education, of girl child Remedial classes to assist challenged: : Partners with
Saajha: establishing of schools to children in improving their grades NGOs for providing medical
work with assistance
Program Aparajita: Extra classes
Educonnect: To provide career to college goers, of under • Ability based livelihood
counselling and guidance to girls. privileged section of society empowerment: Skill
development training and
Scholarships: Girls awarded and Edu Raksha Program: Career employment support
recognized for academic counselling and guidance to
excellence. students of Army public school
Project Jeevika
• Skilling older ones in comunity Animal Welfare & Farm Management
• Provide livelihood, mainly women, from
marginalized socioeconomic backgrounds • Awareness programs
• Over 60% either into jobs or entrepreneurs • Workshops for farmers to understand
innovations, technological advancements
for better produce.
Employee Volunteerism
• Idea of individual CSR drives
Community Engagement
employees to contribute. • Engagement activities with non-profit
• Contribute significantly in and around partners in the hinterlands
area of operation. • Skill women in tailoring, tie & dye, sanitary
napkin making, beautician courses
11.7 || 11.6
11.5 || 11.A,B
•Hamari Pari Government •Green IT
11.A || 11.7 11.7 || 11.6
•Educate to •Green Manufacturing
Empower Children Employees •Green Vendor
Development Programme