Obstetric Outpatient Report Mut 22.11.18
Obstetric Outpatient Report Mut 22.11.18
Obstetric Outpatient Report Mut 22.11.18
Tuesday, November 20th, 2018
Dr. Eka Handayani O
Dr. Ibnu Sina
Dr. Terry Mutia - Dr. Asep Nurul Huda
Dr. Aditya Rachman
Dr. M. Ath Thaariq. P - Dr. Febi Stevi Aryani
Dr. Hj. Putri Mirani, OBGYN(C)
Recapitulation Obstetric Outpatient
Tuesday, November 22 , 2018
Physiology Patient 0
Pathology Patient 2
Total 2
Friday, November 16th 2018 – Thursday, November 22nd 2018
Obstetric Palpation: Flat, suffle, uterine fundal unpalpabled, tenderness (-), free fluid sign (-), uterine
Examination contraction (-), FHR 126 bpm
Mrs. NYI/ 34 y.o/ UA/NS BACK
US examination
Therapy CIE
Ferrous sulfate tab 1 x 300 mg
Calcium lactate tab 3 x 500 mg
Mrs. APR/ 39 y.o/ RA/ BACK
Sens: Compos Mentis BP: 120/80 mmHg Pulse : 80 x/m T: 36,5 oC RR: 20 x/m BW 56 kg BH 152 cm
Obstetric Palpation: Uterine fundal 3 fingers below procesus xypoideus (34 cm), longitudinal lie, left back,
Examination cephalic, floating, uterine contraction (-), FHR 145 bpm, EFW 3255 g
Mrs. APR/ 39 y.o/ RA/ BACK
US Examination
Diagnosis G6P2A3 38 weeks gestational age with non in labor with APS, SFL cephalic presentation
Therapy CIE
Ferrous sulfate tab 1 x 300 mg
Calcium lactate tab 3 x 500 mg