Section 16,17,18

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(1) The Senate shall elect its President and the House of

Representatives its Speaker , by a majority vote of all its respective


Each House shall choose such other officers as :it may deem
They preside over their sessions, preserve order and decorum, decide all questions of
order, sign acts, resolutions, orders and warrants, issue subpoenas, and appoint personnel, and
discipline them.

Other powers may be given to them by the rules of their respective Houses for
purposes of efficient staff services of legislative work.
(2) A majority of each House shall constitute a quorum to do
business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day and may
compel the attendance of absent Members in such manner, and under
such penalties, as such House may provide.
A quorum is such a number of the membership of an
assembly or collective body as is competent to transact its business.

Ordinarily, a quorum is at least one-half plus one of the

members of a body.
(3) Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings,
punish its : Members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence
of two-thirds of all its Members, suspend or expel a Member. A penalty of
suspension, when imposed, shall not exceed sixty days.
Rules of procedure are the rules made by any legislative body
to regulate the mode and manner of conducting its business.

They are intended for the orderly and proper disposition of

the matters before it. Thus, the procedure and rules to be observed in its
deliberations; election of officers; penalties to be imposed upon erring
members; and many other kindred matters, are proper subjects of the
rules of procedure.
A Legislative Journal is defined as the official record of what
is done and passed in a legislative assembly. It is so-called because the
proceedings are entered therein in chronological order as they occur
from day to day.
The record is frequently spoken of in the plural as the
(4) Each House shall keep a Journal of its proceedings, and from
time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may, in its judgment,
affect national security; and the yeas and nays on any question shall, at the
request of one-fifth of the Members present, be entered in the Journal.

Each House shall also keep a Record of its proceedings.

(5) Neither House during the sessions of the Congress shall,
without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to
any other place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.
SEC. 17: The Senate and the House of Representatives shall each have
an Electoral Tribunal which shall be the sole judge of all contests relating to
the election, returns, and qualifications of their respective Members. Each
Electoral Tribunal shall be composed of nine Mem hers, three of whom shall
be Justices of the Supreme Court to be designated by the Chief. Justice, and
the remaining six shall be Members of the Senate or the House of
Representatives, as the case may be, who shall be chosen on the basis of
proportional representation from the political parties and the parties or
organizations registered under the party-list system represented therein. The
senior Justice in the Electoral Tribunal shall be its Chairman.
SEC. 18: There shall be a Commission on Appointments consisting
of the President of the Senate, as ex officio Chairman, twelve Senators and
twelve Members of the House of Representatives, elected hy each House on
the basis of proportional representation from the political parties and the
parties m· organizations registered under the party-list system represented
therein. The Chairman of the Commission shall not vote, except in case of a
tie. The Commission shall act on all appointments submitted to it within thirty
session days of the Congress from their submission. The Commission shall
rule by a majority vote of all the Members.

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