The Art of Sales: Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution - Sharealike 4.0 International

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The Art of Sales

Licensed under Creative Commons

Attribution – ShareAlike 4.0 International
The old world of sales
The new world of sales
The old ABCs of selling

Make the sale

(no matter what it takes!)
The new ABCs of selling

A Attunement

B Buoyancy

C Clarity
Daniel Pink: “To Sell is Human”
A is for Attunement

Be attuned to your customers’ needs

and motivations.

Listen to your customers rather than

talking at them.
A is for Attunement

Partner role-playing exercise:

One partner will be a “customer.”

The other partner will be a “salesperson.”

After five minutes, switch roles.
A is for Attunement


The “salesperson” establishes the conversation topic by

asking one question.
E.g., “What’s your biggest frustration in school?”

After that initial question, the salesperson advances the

conversations in two ways:
1. Asking “Why?”
2. Asking for more detail.
A is for Attunement

You have five minutes.

A is for Attunement

Salespeople: What did you learn?

Customers: How did that feel?

A is for Attunement

Switch roles: Five more minutes

B is for Buoyancy

In sales, you will encounter rejection

more than success.

Remain buoyant (optimistic) by

understanding why some sales leads
work out, while others don’t.
B is for Buoyancy

There will be a lot of people
you assume will be interested.

Test your assumptions by
interacting with leads.

Convert prospects to customers by
answering all their questions.
Filling the sales funnel

Inbound sales: Outbound sales:

The customers You go to the
come to you customers

Ideal for high-volume, Ideal for high-cost

low-cost products products (e.g., custom
(e.g., an app) computer systems, bulk
C is for Clarity

Clarify who you are selling to, and it

will become much easier to refine your
sales approach.
C is for Clarity

Who are you selling to?

Business to business (B2B) Business to customer (B2C)

• Selling to organizations • Selling to individuals
• Outbound sales • Inbound sales
• Goal: Secure bulk orders from • Goal: Attract large numbers
a few large clients of individual customers
C is for Clarity

Refine your message

Business to business (B2B) Business to customer (B2C)

Customize the message to the Create universal messages for
unique needs of your large clients. different customer groups.

Demonstrate your willingness to Demonstrate the widespread

collaborate with the client. appeal of your product or service.

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