NLRMP: National Land Records Modernization Programme
NLRMP: National Land Records Modernization Programme
NLRMP: National Land Records Modernization Programme
Keerthi raj
Linganand. M
Mamatha. N
To develop a modern comprehensive and transparent Land Record management system in
the country with the aim to implement the canclusive land titling system with title guarantee
Issues in existing system
Multiplan link agency lack of coordination there is a disconnect between the
registration office the land record data and the cadstral data
No uniformity of standards different standards followed to specify the same
characteristics of line
World and outdated incomplete and inaccurate cadastral records graphical sexul
Survey research using traditional methods are costly time consuming and error
Gap between ROR records of rights and registration
-registrations and ROR mutation
-beautician and sub division graphic records
-sub divisional registration
Components of Nlrmp
Thought nlrmp is formed by merging computerisation of land records CLR strengthening of
revenue Administration and updating of land records (. ) But it contains new components like
registration and titling system
. Computerisation of registration
. Computerisation of land records
. Survey Re survey and updating of the survey and settlement records
. Development of core GIS and capacity building
. Automatic flow of data from SRO to land records to initiate mutation
Underlying principle
the system will be based on four basic principles
The mirror principle
The curtain principle
. Single integral window to handle land records
. Title insurance
Nlrmp salient points
. Land records will be updated through surveys Re survey using modern technology
such as EPS GPS aerial photography or satellite imagery
. land records will be kept updated at all times interconnecting textual land records
survey maps and registration offices with each other
. dissertation will gain access to its land records as updated land records will be
placed on website this will facilitate the checking of land records by citizen and enable
decision to get loan scientific transfer eventually online
. Title guaranty /certificate for property
. Have updated records all the time
. Prevent litigations and frauds on land deals
The new system will
. Modernise management of land records
. Minimise scope of land disputes
. Enhance transparency in land records maintained system
. Fascinated moving towards guaranteed conclusive titles to remove immovable
properties in a country
Programme Logistics
. To be completed by 12th plan
. Impact
. Will affect 950 million rural population
. Will account for 2. 2 million square feet kilometres for rural land
. Estimated program cost equals to 5656 crore rupees
. Santa contributes 3098 crore rupees
. State contributes 2558 crore rupees
. the state government administration will implement the program with financial and
technical support from department of land resources Government of India out
Sourcing the permissions
. the district will be taken as the unit of implementation where the activities under the
program will coverage
. initial funding will be provided to the states based on their perspective plan and annual
plan for the first year however United funding will be conditional upon the states signing
the memorandum of understanding with the d o l r and following its stipulations
Computerisation of land r
. data entry reentry data conversion of all textual records including the mutation
records and other than attributes data
. Dissolution of cadastral maps
. Integration of textual and spatial data
. Tehsil subdivision district computer centres
. State level data centres
. Inter connectivity among revenue officers
Survey/resurvey updating
of the server settlement re
Available options:
. 4 gram method using electronic total station (ETS) and global positioning
system (GPS)
. Hybrid methodology using aerial photography and ground truthing by ETS &GPS
. High resolution satellite imagery (HRSI) and ground truthing by ETS &GPS
Computerisation of registration
. Computerisation of sub registrar offices
. Data entry of valuation details
. Data entry of legacy encumbrances data
. Scanning and preservation of old documents
. Connectivity to s r o with revenue offices
Modern record rooms/land
records management centr
Modern record rooms/Land Record management centres at level of
. Tehsil
. Taluka
. Circle
. Block
Training and capacity buil
. Training , workshops, etc
. Strengthening of the survey and revenue training institutes
Thank you