• Brick is one of the oldest building material & in modern days it is a leading material of construction because of its durability,
strength , low cost and easy availability. Great wall of china was built with both burnt and sun dried bricks. Intially they are
used as Load bearing material but in modern days cement and steel frames are filled with burnt clay bricks.
• In India the process of making bricks has not been changed. Our country is largely depend upon on the small sector which is
unable to deliver high quality of bricks.
• Unsoiling :- Top Layer of 20 cm depth is removed as it contains
•• .Digging :- Clay dug out from ground is spread on leveled ground
(just a little deeper than the general level) in about 60cm to 120 cm
• Cleaning :- Stones, pebbles, vegetable matter, etc. are removed and
lumps of clay are converted into powder form.
• Weathering :- Clay is exposed to atmosphere from few weeks to full
season for softening and mellowing.(Preferably dug before
• Blending :- Clay is made loose and any ingredient to be added to it
is spread out at top and blended by turning it up and down in
vertical direction.
• Tempering :- Clay is brought to a proper degree of hardness, then
water is added to clay and whole mass is kneaded or pressed under
the feet of men or cattle. For large scale, tempering is usually done
in pug mill as shown in the figure.
• .
• Clay with water is placed in pug mill from the
top. When the vertical staff is rotated by using
electric pair, steam or diesel or turned by pair
of bullocks. Clay is thoroughly mixed up by the
actions of horizontal arms and knives when
clay has been sufficiently pugged, hole at the
bottom of tub, is opened out and the pugged
earth is taken out from ramp for the next
operation of moulding.
• Clay, which is prepared from pug mill, is sent
for the next operation of moulding.
• Following are the two ways of moulding.
– Hand Moulding
– Machine Moulding
• Moulds are rectangular boxes of wood or steel, which are
open at top and bottom. Steel moulds are more durable
and used for manufacturing bricks on large scale as
shown in figure.
a) Ground moulded bricks : ground is first made level
and fine sand is sprinkled over it, Mould is dipped in
water and placed over the ground to full the clay.
Extra clay is removed by wooden or metal.
Strike after the mould is filled forced mould is then
lifted up and raw brick is left on the ground. Mould is
then dipped in water every time . lower faces of
ground moulded bricks are rough and it is not
possible to place frog on such bricks.
Ground moulded bricks of better quality and with
frogs on their surface are made by using a pair of
pallet boards and a wooden block.
b) Table-moulded bricks : Process of moulding these
bricks is just similar to ground bricks on a table of size
about 2m x 1m.
• This method proves to be economical when bricks in huge
quantity are to be manufactured at the same spot. It is also
helpful for moulding hard and string clay. These machines
are broadly classified in two categories :
a) Plastic Clay Machines
b) Dry Clay Machines
a) Plastic clay Machines : This machine containing
rectangular opening of size equal to length and width of
brick. Pugged clay is place in the machine and as it comes
out through the opening, it is cut into strips by wires fixed
in frames, so there bricks are called wire cut bricks.
b) Dry clay Machines : In these machines, strong clay is first
converted into powder form and then water is added to
form a stiff plastic paste. Such paste is placed in mould
and pressed by machine to form hard and well shaped
bricks. They carry distinct frogs and exhibit uniform
• The damp bricks, if burnt, are likely to be cracked and
distorted. Hence moulded bricks are dried before they
are taken for the next operation of burning. Bricks are
laid along and across the stock in alternate layers. The
drying of brick is by the following means :
Artificial drying : drying by tunnels usually 1200 C about
1 to 3 days.
Circulation of air : Stacks are arranged in such a way that
sufficient air space is left between them free circulation
of air.
Drying yard : Special yards should be prepared slightly
higher level prevent the accumulation of rain water.
Period for drying : usually about 3 to 10 days for bricks to
become dry.
Screens : Screens are necessary, may be provided to
avoid direct exposure to wind or sun.
Newly-formed bricks are
dried under shelters in a
natural way.
1 Capacity About 20000 to 100000 bricks can be Average 25000 bricks can be prepared
prepared at a time. per day.
2 Cost of Low as grass, cow dung, littler, etc. Generally high as coal dust is to be
3 Initial cost Very low as no structures are to be More as permanent structures are to
CLAMP built be constructed.
Vs 5 Regulatio
n of fire
It is not possible to control or regulate
fire during the process of burning
Fire is under control throughout the
process of burning.
KILN 6 Skilled
Not necessary throughout the process
or burning
Continuous skilled super vision is
• Color
• Texture
• Porosity
• Fire Resistance
• size variation
• compressive strength
• absorption.
• This color of fired clay depends upon its chemical
composition, the firing temperatures and the method of
firing control.
• Of all the oxides commonly found in clays, iron probably
has the greatest effect on color. Regardless of its natural
color, clay containing iron in practically any form will exhibit
a shade of red when exposed to an oxidizing fire because of
the formation of ferrous oxide. When fired in a reducing
atmosphere, the same clay will assume a dark (or black)
hue. Creating a reducing atmosphere in the kiln is known as
flashing or reduction firing.
• Given the same raw material and manufacturing method,
darker colors are associated with higher firing
temperatures, lower absorption values and higher
compressive strength values. However, for products made
from different raw materials, there is no direct relationship
between strength and color or absorption and color.
• Coatings and Glazes : Many brick have smooth or
sand-finished textures produced by the dies or
molds used in forming.
• A smooth texture, commonly referred to as a die
skin results from pressure exerted by the steel die
as the clay passes through it in the extrusion
process. Most extruded brick have the die skin
removed and the surface further treated to
produce other textures using devices that cut,
scratch, roll, brush or otherwise roughen the
surface as the clay column leaves the die Brick
may be tumbled before or after firing to achieve
an antique appearance.
• Porosity is an important characteristic of brick.
• In contrast to other moulded or pre-cast building materials, the porosity of
brick is attributed to its fine capillaries.
• By virtue of the capillary effect, the rate of moisture transport in the brick
is ten times faster than in other building materials. Moisture is released
during day-time and re-absorbed during night-time. The ability to release
and re-absorb moisture (a "breathing" process) by capillary effect is one of
the most useful properties of brick that helps to regulate the temperature
and humidity of atmosphere in a house.
• This distinctive property makes brick an admirable building material,
particularly suitable for houses in the tropics.
• On the other hand, all porous materials are susceptible to chemical
attacks and liable to contamination from weathering agents like rain,
running water and polluted air. Porosity of building material is an
important factor to consider in respect its performance and applications.
• Experiment results show that bricks with water absorption rate at 8% is 10
times more durable in resisting salt attack than that with water absorption
rate at 20%. Well burnt brick has a normal water absorption rate less than
10% in contrast to that of concrete block and cement mortar exceeding
15%. This explains why brick walls require comparatively minimum
maintenance in the course of time
Fire Resistance
Brick is inherent with excellent fire resistance, the non-combustibility of
brick helps to promote its use in building houses against fire.
Size Variation
• Because clays shrink during both drying and firing, allowances are made in
the forming process to achieve the desired size of the finished brick. Both
drying shrinkage and firing shrinkage vary for different clays, usually falling
within the following ranges:
– Drying shrinkage: 2 to 4 percent
– Firing shrinkage: 2.5 to 4 percent
• Firing shrinkage increases with higher temperatures, which produce
darker shades. When a wide range of colors is desired, some variation
between the sizes of the dark and light units is inevitable.
• To obtain products of uniform size, manufacturers control factors
contributing to shrinkage. Because of normal variations in raw materials
and temperature variations within kilns, absolute uniformity is impossible.
Consequently, specifications for brick allow size variations.
Compressive Strength and Absorption
• Both compressive strength and absorption are affected
by :
– properties of the clay,
– method of manufacture and
– degree of firing.
• For a given clay and method of manufacture, higher
compressive strength values and lower absorption
values are associated with higher firing temperatures.
• Although absorption and compressive strength can be
controlled by manufacturing and firing methods, these
properties depend largely upon the properties of the
raw materials.
A brick is generally subject to following tests to find
out its suitability for the construction work.
• Water Absorption in Bricks is carried out by immersing it in water for 24 hrs. It
is again weighed and the diff is in wt. indicates the amount of water absorbed
by Bricks. It should not in any case exceed 20% of wt. of dry Bricks.
• Crushing strength of a brick is found out by placing it in a compression testing
machine. It is pressed till it breaks. The min. crushing strength of bricks is 55
• In this test, a scratch is made on brick surface with the help of finger nail. If no
impression is left on the surface, the brick is treated to be sufficiently hard.
In this test, two bricks are taken and then struck together with each other, the bricks
should not break and a clear ringing sound should be produced.
A brick is broken and its structure is examined.
It should be homogeneous, compact and free from any defects
• Efflorescence is a phenomenon that soluble slats dissolved in
water are carried, deposited and gradually accumulated on
brick surfaces to form an unsightly scum. The soluble salts
may be originated from the raw material of bricks. But in most
cases, efflorescence is caused by salts from the external
sources such as ground water, contaminated atmosphere,
mortar ingredients and other materials in contacts with the
• Three conditions must exist before efflorescence will occur.
– First: There must be water-soluble salts present somewhere in the wall.
– Second: There must be sufficient moisture in the wall to render the salts into a
soluble solution.
– Third: There must be a path for the soluble salts to migrate through to the
surface where the moisture can evaporate, thus depositing the salts which
then crystallize and cause efflorescence.
• If these three conditions can be controlled, there should be no efflorescing
of masonry walls.
Reduce all soluble alkali sulfates.
Use good details to prevent water from entering the masonry.
Use good construction practices to eliminate migratory paths for
• Lime Bursts/pops"
A phenomenon that sometimes occurs with new bricks is lime pop s.
Lime pops are caused by small particles of lime that are located near the surface of
the brick. When the brick absorbs moisture, the lime particles swell and cause
portions of the brick lace to "pop" off The result are small pits in the surface of the
brick with a white spot in the center. The white spot is the lime particle.
It is strictly an aesthetic issue and will not affect the structural integrity of the brick.
The picture below is an example of lime popping.
• SUBSTITUTE FOR BRICKS.:-The indian construction industry has felt need to search
for alternative to the bricks for the following Reason:- high wastage during
• High water absorption of bricks.
• Inconsistency in size of bricks
• Increasing cost of kiln fuel.
• Unavailability of skilled Labor.
• It is possible to produce a variety of bricks from the materials other than Clay they
can be grouped in three categories;-
• 1) Concrete Blocks 2) Fly-ash Bricks 3)sand lime or calcium silicate Bricks
Concrete Blocks - Raw material -The material required for the production are
aggregates , cement and water. The strength texture and economy depend upon
grading of aggregate. The cement used is ordinary Portland cement.
Manufacturing – the fully automatic plants are available for high strength
concrete blocks. These automatic machines produce superior quality concrete
blocks but they involve large capital investment.
Advantages:- it increase carpet area because of small width as compare to brick.
It provides thermal insulation , fire resistance and sound absorption
Saving agricultural Land.
-The construction is Easier, faster and strong.
The perfect shape & size makes work simple. The vertical joints can be staggered
The joints are reduced, thus less mortar is required. Available in even sizes these
help in creating even and polished walls with minimum plastering.
Features Uses
Robust Construction of malls
Even in measurement Commercial buildings
Environment friendly
Residential buildings
Easy to handle For Boundary Walls
Technical Specifications
Sizes available :400x200x200 mm, 400x200x100 mm,
290x190x140 mm or any sizes as per party's requirement
Raw Material Used : fly ash, sand, grit, cement
Colors & packaging available : dark grey
Ancient Romans introduced paved carriage
ways around 2000 years ago. They were so
durable that some have been preserved till
date. They have been in existence in some
form since. Interlocking concrete pavers were
introduced after World War II and with the
advances in mass production pavers have
taken over the world.
Interlocking concrete pavers are segmental.
Formed of multiple small interlocking units
held together through friction these pavers
have excellent load bearing hard standing
properties. The pavement behaves as one
cohesive structural unit but embodies great
flexibility in weight transmission making
pavers the ideal and economic choice
SAND LIME OR CLACIUM SILICATE BRICKS:- raw material- the percentage of sand varies
from 88%-92% . The sand should be well graded and should be free from impurities.
-The percentage of lime is 8%-12% it should be high calcium lime of good quality.
-The water containing soluble salt in excess of 0.25% should not be used for preparation.
- The suitable colour pigment up to .2% to 3 % of wt. of bricks sholud be added to get
coloured Bricks.
- Manufacturing :-After mixing the raw material with water , they are subject to steam
pressure known as hydrothermal treatment. They form a crystal like compound
known as calcium hydrosilicate. Hence they are known as calcium silicate bricks.
Advantages:- the quantity of mortar required is less.
They are available in Brick, block and Tile Form, thus they permit wider uses in
housing & other const.
- Efflorescence does not arise in these bricks .
- They are uniform in colour and texture.
- They appear clean appearnce hence plastering may be avoided.
- The use of coloured bricks offers permanent finish.
- Disadvantages;-
- These are not suitable for furnaces because they will disintegrate.
- Theses cannot be used in Paving and Foundations.
Fly ash bricks:-The chemical compsition of clays and fly ash do not differ very much . The
process involves the use of Fly ash , lime, sand and a small quantity of magnesium
The hydraulic press is used for manufacturing. then semi dried are cured in a steam
- These are superior to the conventional burnt bricks in shape, compressive strength.
-they are also light in wt. & 10-15 % cheap.
• FIRE CLAY BRICKS :- These fire are made from Fire clay The process of manufacture is
the same of ordinary Bricks. These are usually white or yellowish white in colour.
They can resist high temperature softening or melting. Hence they are used for
linings of interior surfaces of furnace, chimney oven, Fireplace. Following are three
varieties of Fire Brick
• - Acidic bricks – Ordinary bricks are prepared from natural Fire clay. They provide a
good material for acidic Lining.
• Silica Bricks – These contain a high percentage of silica about 95-97% lime about 1-
2% added as binding material these are molded under pressure.
• Basic Bricks - The magnesia bricks are prepared from lime and Magnesia. They are
used for basic lining and refractory
• Chromite bricks.- they are prepared from mixture of chrome , iron ,ferrous oxide,
bauxite and silica. They are unaffected by acidic actions.
• High Alumina Brick- they contain high percentage of alumina.
• Bricks should be table moulded, well burnt in kilns, copper
coloured, free from cracks and with sharp and square edges.
• Bricks should be uniform shape and should be of standard size.
• Bricks should give clear ringing sound when struck with each other.
• Bricks, when broken, should show a bright homogeneous and
compact structure free from voids.
• Bricks should not absorb water more than 20 percent by weight for
first class bricks and 22 percent by weight for second class bricks,
when soaked in coldwater for a period of 24 hours.
• Bricks should be sufficiently hard no impression should be left on
brick surface when it is scratched with finger nail.
• Bricks should have low thermal conductivity and they should be
• Bricks should not break when dropped flat on hard ground from a
height of about one meter.
• Bricks, when soaked in water for 24hours, should not show
deposits of white salts when allowed to dry in shade.
• No brick should have crushing strength below 55kg/cm2
Advantages of bricks:
• Brick will not burn, buckle or melt.
• Brick will not rot and allow Termites to invade.
• Brick will not rust and corrode.
• Brick will not dent.
• Brick will not fade from the Sun's UV Rays.
• Brick will not be damaged by high winds, rain or
• Brick will not require constant maintenance.
• Brick will not devalue.
• Brick will not limit your design options
Assignment – 1 (Submission –26/8/15)
Q-1 Write down the comparison between Brick work and Stone work
Q-2 Explain the process of manufacturing of Bricks with Sketches.
Q-3 Describe the Properties , qualities & advantages of Brick.
Q-4 What are the other substitute of Bricks ?
Q-5 Explain about the different Test taken for Checking the Qualities of Bricks.