K02992 - 20180921174405 - Chapter 1-Raster VS VECTOR
K02992 - 20180921174405 - Chapter 1-Raster VS VECTOR
K02992 - 20180921174405 - Chapter 1-Raster VS VECTOR
◦ Each node, line and curve is defined in the drawing by the graphics software by a mathematical
description. Every aspect of a vector object is defined by math included node position, node
location, line length and on down the line. Text objects are created by connecting nodes, lines
and curves. Every letter in a font starts out as a vector object.
Resolution of Vector Images
Vector images are defined by math, not pixels. They can be scaled up or down without any
loss of quality. When an illustration (drawing) program sizes a vector image up or down, it
simply multiplies the mathematical description of the object by a scaling factor.
– For example, a 1" square object would need to be multiplied by a fact
or of 2 in order to double in size.
• When using a raster program you paint an image When using a vector program you draw the outline of
and it's similar to dipping a brush in paint and shapes: and it's similar to creating an image with tiles
painting. You can blend colors to soften the of all different shapes and sizes. e.g. an eye shape, a
transition from one color to another. nose shape, a lip shape. These shapes called objects
• They are more common in general such as jpg, gif, display one single color each.
png and are widely used on the web
Raster images are made of pixels. A pixel is a single Vector images are mathematical calculations from one
point or the smallest single element in a display point to another that form lines
device. If you zoom in to a raster image you may start and shapes. If you zoom into a vector graphic it will
to see a lot of little tiny squares. always look the same.
1. Raster image has specific number of pixels. 1. When you enlarge a vector graphics, the math
2. When you enlarge the image file without formulas stay the same, rendering the same
changing the number of pixels, the image will visual graphic no matter the size.
look blurry. 2. Vector graphics can be scaled to any size
3. When you enlarge the file by adding more without losing quality.
pixels, the pixels are added randomly
throught the image, rarely producing good
Comparison between Raster & Vector
Raster (Bitmap) Vector
Raster programs best for editing photos and Vector programs best for creating logos,
creating continuous tone images with soft color drawings and illustrations, technical drawings.
blends. For images that will be applied to physical
Do not scale up optimally - Image must be Can be scaled to any size without losing
created/scanned at the desired usage size or quality.
It is more difficult to print raster images using a Resolution-independent: Can be printed at any
limited amount of spot colors. size/resolution
Raster images are the most common image format, It is not the best format for continuous tone images
including: jpg, gif, png, tif, bmp, psd, eps and pdfs with blends of color or to edit photographs.
originating from raster programs.
Common raster programs: photo editing / paint Common vector graphic file format: ai, cdr, svg, and
programs such as Photoshop & Paint Shop, GIMP eps & pdfs originating from vector programs.