Domain 1
Domain 1
Domain 1
A new report from the World Health Organisation (WHO) says processed meat
causes cancer. Processed meat includes bacon, hot dogs, ham and sausages, as well as
canned meat and meat-based sauces. The report was made by the International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC). It said it was important to tell the world about the danger of
processed meat because of the large number of people who eat it and get cancer. The
report says that eating just 50g of processed meat a day increases the chance of
developing certain types of cancer by 18 per cent. Fifty grams is just two slices of bacon
or one sausage.The WHO also said eating red meat carried a risk of developing cancer.
laporan terbaru dari WHO mengatakan daging olahan sampai menyebabkan kanker.
Daging olahan seperti bacon,hotdog,HAM, dan sosis serta daging kaleng dan saos
berbasis daging. Laporan itu di buat oleh Badan Internasional untuk Penelitian Kanker
(IARC). Dikatakan penting untuk memberitahu orang seluruh dunia tentang bahaya
daging olahan karena banyak orang yang memakannya dan terkena kanker. Laporan
tersebut mengatakan bahwa makan hanya 50g setiap harinya dapat kemungkinan
mengembangkan jenis kanker sebesar 18 persen. 50gram hanya 2 potong daging dan satu
sosis. WHO juga mengatakan membawa resiko terkena kanker.
Although the WHO warned people about the risk of eating too much processed
and red meat, it did say that meat had health benefits. Meat has many important
vitamins and minerals. The WHO said people should cut down on theamount of
processed meat they eat. People should also eat more food that contains fibre, such as
fruit and vegetables, so they have a balanced diet. The meat industry is not happy with
some of the details of the report. It does not like the fact that the IARC put processed
meat in the same group as tobacco and alcohol. A spokesperson said processed meat is
not as harmful as alcohol or tobacco. The North American Meat Institute said the
report would unnecessarily scare people
Meskipun WHO memperingatkan orang-orang tentang resiko makan terlalu
banyak daging olahan dan daging merah, itu mengatakan bahwa daging juga memiliki
banyak manfaat. Daging memiliki banyak vitamin dan mineral penting. WHO
mengatakan orang-orang harus mengurangi jumlah daging olahan yang mereka
makan. Orang harus makan lebih banyak makanan yang mengandung serat seperti
buah dan sayuran sehingga mereka memiliki diet seimbang. Industri daging tidak
senang dengan laporan tersebut. Itu tidak seperti fakta bahwa IARC memasukkan
daging olahan dalam kelompok yang sama seperti tembakau dan alkohol. Seorang
juru bicara mengatakan daging olahan tidak berbahaya seperti alkohol atau tembakau.
Institut Daging Amerika Utara mengatakan laporan itu tidak perlu menakut-nakuti
1. What is teenagers’ favorite junk food? Steak,pizza,hot dogs,hamburger
(Apa makanan siap saji kesukaan para remaja? Daging panggang, pizza, hotdog, roti
isi daging)
2. What was said by International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)? IARC
said, Consume processed meat includes bacon, hot dogs, ham and sausages, as well
as canned meat and meat-based sauces cause certain types of cancer
(apa yang di katakan oleh Badan internasional untuk Penelitian Kanker? IARC
mengatakan, konsumsi daging olahan seperti bacon, hot dogs, ham, dan sosis, saos
berbasis olahan daging dapat mengembangkan jenis kanker tertentu)
3. How much is the equivalence of 50g? 50g is equivalen to two slice of bacon and
one sausage
(berapa banyak equivalen 50gram? 50g setara dengan 2 potong daging dan 1 sosis)
4. What does WHO recommend about meat consumption? WHO has recomended
people should cut down on theamount of processed meat they eat. People should
also eat more food that contains fibre, such as fruit and vegetables
(apa yang direkomendasikan oleh WHO tentang konsumsi daging? WHO telah
merekomendasikan seseorang untuk mengurangi makan daging. Seseorang
sebaiknya memakan makanan yang banyak mengandung serat, seperti buah dan
5. What do you think of a balanced diet? A balanced diet is consuming healthy foods
such as protein, vitamins, and others, and is balanced with exercise
(apa pendapat anda tentang diet seimbang? Diet seimbang adalah mengkonsumsi
makanan yang sehat seperti protein,vitamin,dan lainnya, serta di imbangi dengan
olahraga )
Report News Chance Opportunity
1. According to the report from WHO, processed meat can cause higher risk of cancer cells
in the body.
2. Processed meat is one of the causes of the emergence of cancer cells in the body.
3. Hot dog and pizza are fast foods.
4. Most people like to consume fast food.
5. Fast food has improved the quality of taste and menu varieties from time to time.
6. Every restaurant in different places has the opportunity to open other several branches
to sell meat in terms of processed products.
7. Each slice of processed meat sold in various restaurants has a very expensive price.
8. WHO gives reports that eating processed meat has a high risk of cancer.
9. Everyone must maintain their health by regulating their lifestyle and diet.
10.Eating less processed meat can minimize the risk of cancer.
11. According to IARC, eating 50 grams of processed meat a day increases the
chance of developing certain types of cancer by 18 per cent.
12. Processed meat contains lots of additives.
13. Food consumption must be in good balance with physical activities.
14. The meat industries have made the product’s composition in every product
15. Meat processing must be done carefully in order to maintain good quality and
16. According to WHO research, processed meat causes high risk of cancer cells
in the body.
17. A spokesman said that processed meat is not recommended for daily
18. People’s habit of consuming processed meat can be a danger to their health.
19. According to IARC, besides fibers meat also contains lost of important
vitamins and mineral.
20. Canned processed meat contains lots of preservatives.
In my opinion, I agree WHO statement said that meat can trigger cancer cell
growth for the body, where consuming 50g of processed meat can allow 18% of
cancer cell growth every day.
In addition, that processed meat does not have the original of the meat content,
because they are accustomed to various types and preservatives to keep them
healthy and fresh.
Processed meat was having a mixture of the cooking process and equipment
used to produce the flesh is like preservatives used to the flesh looks fresh and
healthy though packed in cans or plastic packaging.
Based on the results of a survey conducted on S1 TK 4 Stikes Hang Tuah
Surabaya students, the factors that cause cancer are hot dog, steak, pizza, and
others. Based on the result of a survey that been conducted highest percentage
shows that hot dog can cause cancer cell growth.