The Greek Letters: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition, 1
The Greek Letters: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition, 1
The Greek Letters: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition, 1
Slope = D = 0.6
A Stock price
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,
Copyright © John C. Hull 2012 6
Trader would be hedged with the position:
short 1000 options
buy 600 shares
Gain/loss on the option position is offset by
loss/gain on stock position
Delta changes as stock price changes and
time passes
Hedge position must therefore be rebalanced
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition,
Copyright © John C. Hull 2012 7
Delta Hedging
This involves maintaining a delta neutral
The delta of a European call on a non-
dividend paying stock is N (d 1)
The delta of a European put on the stock
N (d 1) – 1
Stock price
S S'
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition, Copyright © John C. Hull
2012 16
Interpretation of Gamma
For a delta neutral portfolio, DP Q Dt + ½GDS 2
What position in option 1, option 2, and the asset will make the
portfolio delta, gamma, and vega neutral?
We solve
−5000+0.5w1 +0.8w2 =0
−8000+2.0w1 +1.2w2 =0
to get w1 = 400 and w2 = 6000. We require long positions of 400 and
6000 in option 1 and option 2. A short position of 3240 in the asset
is then required to make the portfolio delta neutral
S 0 N (d1 )se qT 2 T
S 0 N (d1 )se qT 2 T
qS 0 N (d1 )e qT rKe rT N (d 2 ) qS 0 N (d1 )e qT rKe rT N (d 2 )