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Traditional Assessment Report

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Myrrha F. Taganas,RN
TRADITIONAL assessment

• a process of gathering evidence of what a student can do, and

provides feedback on a student's learning to encourage
further development.

• conventional method of testing which usually produces a

written document such as quiz, exam

• refers to standardized testing that uses questions with a

limited number of answer choices.
• frequently used to:

evaluate students;
rank them, and
assign a final grade.

– Provides the teacher a snapshot of what the

students know

– Measure students knowledge of the content.

– Requires students to demonstrate knowledge

by selecting a response/giving correct
– Students are asked to choose an answer from a set of
questions (True or False; multiple choice) to test knowledge
of what has been taught

– Provide indirect evidence of learning

– Require students to practice cognitive ability to recall,

recognize, reconstruct body of knowledge that has
been taught

1. Helpful for gauging students' progress

2. Reveal how well students can recall, organize, and clearly

communicate previously learned information.

3. Objective, reliable and valid

4. Easy to score; Teachers can evaluate students more quickly and


5. Requires less time and easier to prepare; easy to administer


1. Reveals and strengthens only the students’ low level

cognitive skills

2. Students answer questions one by one without the

need to apply long-term critical reasoning skills

3. Students also lack chances to demonstrate their

reasoning skills despite a lack of knowledge about a
question's specific subject matter
4. Involves students working alone; promotes

5. Invokes feelings of anxiety detrimental to learning

6. Time is fixed and limited; students are time-

pressured to finish the test.
• Types
– Objective test items
– Essay test items
Objective test items
• is used because the answers for these
types of test items are either right or
wrong and require no interpretation or
judgment on the part of the scorer
Major Categories:

• Supply type test items

– Short answer test items
– Completion test items
• Selection Type test items
– True – false or alternative response
– Matching
– Multiple choice
Supply type or Subjective type
test items
• Requires students to create and supply
their own answers or perform a certain
task to show mastery of knowledge or
– Types: short answer test; completion
• Supply type test items

• Advantages

• It covers a broad range of topics in a short span of time

• It is easier to prepare and less time consuming
• It can effectively assess the lower level of bloom’s
• It reduces the possibility of guessing the correct answer
• Disadvantages

• Only appropriate for questions that can be

answered with short responses.
• There is a difficulty in scoring when questions are
not prepared properly and clearly
• It can assess only knowledge, comprehension, and
application, and to a limited extent analysis and
evaluation of bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive
• Completion type

- “items are written either as a direct

question requiring the learner fill in a word
or phrase or as statements in which a space
has been left blank for a brief written
answer” (Simonson et al., 2000, p. 270).
• an alternative form of assessment because the examinee
needs to supply or create the appropriate word(s), symbol(s),
or number(s) to answer the questions or complete a
statement rather than selecting the answer from the given

• Two ways:
- question form or complete the statement form
• Short-answer questions are open-ended
questions that require students to create an

• Easy to construct, measure simple outcome

• Useful in interpreting diagrams, charts, graphs

• provide students with more flexibility to explain

their understanding and demonstrate creativity

• It is more subjective than objective type of


• May encourage student to memorize facts

• Mechanical scoring is not possible

Guidelines in constructing completion type or short
answer test
 theitem should require a single word answer or brief
and definite statement

Be sure that the language used in the statement is

precise and accurate in relation to the subject matter
being tested

Be sure to omit only key words

Guidelines in constructing completion type or short
answer test

Use direct question rather than incomplete statement

Be sure to indicate the units in which to be expressed

when the statement requires numerical answer

Do not leave the blank at the beginning or within the

statement. It should be at the end of the statement

• Kwako. A brief summary of traditional and alternative assessment.

Retrieved from www.stat.wisc.edu/~nordheim/Kwako_assessment4.doc

• https://prezi.com/8utnx81w5ojt/traditional-assessment-vs-authentic-

• https://abdao.wordpress.com/2015/07/18/traditional-vs-authentic-

• https://www.slideshare.net/nhisatot11/types-of-test-28772551
• https://bizfluent.com/info-8475094-advantages-disadvantages-
• https://www.slideshare.net/JessaArio/completiontestppt

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