Primary Survey: A: Clear B: RR 24x/m Adecuate, Simetris D/S C: HR 88x/m Reguler, Adecuate D: Verbal Respons E: Head
Primary Survey: A: Clear B: RR 24x/m Adecuate, Simetris D/S C: HR 88x/m Reguler, Adecuate D: Verbal Respons E: Head
Primary Survey: A: Clear B: RR 24x/m Adecuate, Simetris D/S C: HR 88x/m Reguler, Adecuate D: Verbal Respons E: Head
A : clear
B : RR 24x/m adecuate, simetris D/S
C : HR 88x/m reguler, adecuate
D : Verbal respons
E : Head
History Taking
A man, 41 years old, admitted to hospital with a chief complaint:
unconsciousness after an accident.
4 hours before admission, the patient was riding a motorcycle and
he was not wearing a helmet. The rider rode the motorcycle with
high-speed and loses control and the patient fell down, head
bumped asphalt road, he was found unconscious on the side of the
He looks sleepy. Unresponse when his family called him
There were vomiting 1 times of the patient, not projectile, contain
food and yellow fluid.
Blood from nose (-), blood from ears(-),
Seizure (-),Fever(-), Slurred Speech(-), Weakness of one side of
the body(-), alcohol (-)
After that, he was taken to Kandou Hospital for the first aid and
History of Past Illness
Hypertension (-)
Cholesterol (-)
Heart Disease (-)
DM (-)
Kidney (-)
Physical Examination
General examination:
General condition: Moderate, Consciousness : Somnolen
BP: 110/70 mmHg, MABP: 83, HR: 88 times per minute reg, RR: 24
times per minute , T: 36,4°C, SaO2 : 98%
Conjunctiva: pale (-/-), sclera ikteric (-/-)
JVP : normal
Thorax : Rale -/-, Wh -/-, heart sound I/II normal, gallop -, murmur –
Abdomen : Flat, normal turgor, peristaltic normal
Extremities : warm acral
Neurological Examination
GCS E3M5V2. Pupil round ø 2/2 mm. Direct light Reflex +/+
Indirect Light Reflex +/+
Meningeal Sign: nuchal rigidity not evaluated. Lasegue (>70/>70)
Kernig (>135/>135)
Cranial Nerves: impression of paresis (-).
Motoric examination : hemiparesis impression (-).
MT : N N PhyR : ++/++/++ ++/++/++ PathR : - -
N N ++/++ ++/++ - -
Sensoric exam : can’t be evaluated
Autonomic state : urination via catheter
Localized Examination
Otorrhea - / -
Rhinorrhea - / -
Racoon eye - / -
Battle sign - / -
Hematome r/ temporoparietal dekstra 4x5 cm
Hematome r/ temporoparietal sinistra 4x4 cm
Moderate head injury
Bed rest + C Spine control
Family CIE
Pro NGT+catheter ( family approval)
O2 nasal canule 2-4 lpm
IVFD NaCl 0,9% 500 cc 20gtt /m
Paracetamol 3x500mg NGT
Vitamin C 2x200mg NGT
Zink 2x20mg NGT
Observe GCS/Pupil/O2 per hour.
Diagnostic Planning
Blood exam: hematology, blood sugar, electrolyte, renal
function, liver function.
Brain CtScan + BW
Cervical X-ray AP/lat.
Laboratory Examination 8 September 2017
Hb : 13.8
Ht : 42.3%
WBC : 21.420
PLT : 280.000
RBC : 5.18 x 10^6
SGOT : 30
SGPT : 38
Ureum : 23
Creatinine : 1.0
Random Blood sugar : 165
Na : 137
K : 3.60
Cl : 106.0
OSM : 293 mOsm/L
Cervical X-ray AP/ Lat
Brain CT
Brain CT Scan (zoomed)
ICH r/ temporoparietal dekstra vol 33 cc
SAH traumatical
Fracture linear r/ temporoparietal dekstra
Additional Therapy
Tranexamat acid 4x1gr IV
Nimodipin 4x60 mg via NGT if BP>130/80
Manitol loading dose 300cc, next 4x 150 cc 6
hours after loading if BP> 110/80
Ceftriaxone 2x2 gr IV