Management Levers New
Management Levers New
Management Levers New
Market Disruption
Seeking out new knowledge that can predict or create new windows
Strategic soothsaying of opportunity
Shifting the rules of Finding new ways to serve customers which transform the
competition industry
Control variables
Data The information collected, stored, and used by the organization.
The processes by which future direction is established, communicated, and
Performance measurement The set of measures that are used to assess success in the execution of
and evaluation plans and the processes by which such measures are used to improve the
quality of work.
The monetary and nonmonetary devices used to motivate
behavior within an organization.
Cultural variables The set of implicit and explicit beliefs that underlie decisions made and
Values actions taken.
Managerial Levers
Organization Control
processes Data
reporting Organizational
Strategy relationships People, Planning effectiveness
Information, and
networks Performance
Source: Cash, et al., 1994
Summary of Key Strategy Frameworks
Usefulness in Information Systems
Framework Key Idea Discussions
D’Aveni’s Speed and aggressive The 7-S’s give the manager suggestions
hypercompetition moves and counter- on what moves and counter moves to
model moves by a firm make and IS are critical to achieve the
create speed needed for these moves.
competitive advantage.
Source: H. Lucsa and J. Baroudi, “The Role of Information Technology in Organization.” JMIS, Spring 1994, pp. 9-23
Functional (Hierarchical) View of the Firm
Executive Management
3. Control: In response to management concern about cost 4. Integration: Considerable expenditure on integrating (via
vs. benefits, systems projects are expected to show a telecommunications and databases) existing systems. Users
return, plans are produced and methodologies/standards accountability for system established, and ISD provides a
enforced. Often produces a backlog of applications and service to users, not just solutions to problems. At this time
dissatisfied users. Planning and controls are introduced. there is a transition computer use and a approach from data
processing to information and knowledge processing
(transition between the two curves).
5. Data administration: information requirements rather than 6. Maturity: The planning and development of IT in the
processing drive the applications portfolio and information is organization is closely coordinated with business
shared within the organization. Database capability is development. Corporatewide systems are in place. The ISD
exploited as users understand the value of information and and the users share accountability regarding the
are willing to share it. application of computing resources. IT has truly become a
strategic partner.
1. Initiation: Initial introduction of computers to the 2. Contagion (expansion): Centralized rapid growth as
organization. Batch processing to automate clerical users demand more applications based on high
operations to achieve cost reduction, operation systems expectations of benefits, move to online systems as ISD
focus, lack of management interest, and Centralized ISD. tries to satisfy all user demands. Little control if any. IT
expenses increase rapidly.
3. Control: In response to management concern about cost 4. Integration: Considerable expenditure on integrating (via
vs. benefits, systems projects are expected to show a telecommunications and databases) existing systems. Users
return, plans are produced and methodologies/standards accountability for system established, and ISD provides a
enforced. Often produces a backlog of applications and service to users, not just solutions to problems. At this time
dissatisfied users. Planning and controls are introduced. there is a transition computer use and a approach from data
processing to information and knowledge processing
(transition between the two curves).
5. Data administration: information requirements rather than 6. Maturity: The planning and development of IT in the
processing drive the applications portfolio and information is organization is closely coordinated with business
shared within the organization. Database capability is development. Corporatewide systems are in place. The ISD
exploited as users understand the value of information and and the users share accountability regarding the
are willing to share it. application of computing resources. IT has truly become a
strategic partner.
I 2 3 4 5 6
Initiation Expansion Control Integration Data Maturity
Critical Success Factors Questions
4. What variables underlie these decisions, and how are they measured?
Value-Enabling IT Infrastructure
Computing Communication
• Hardware (computers, printers, etc.) • Hardware (networks, routers, etc.)
• Operating systems • Network operating systems
• Database management Information • Gateways
• Document management systems • E-mail and file transfer services
• Application frameworks (J2EE, .NET, XML, etc.) • Servers: Web, applications, and database
• Tele-& Video-conferencing equipment
知识 智慧
结构性 全面性
机会性 (资讯比率) (夏普指数)
市场投资时机 另类投资
资产配置 (包括保本型商品。。。)
(时间,资产类别 , 首选企业