Multiactuator Circuits
Multiactuator Circuits
Multiactuator Circuits
Prof. M. Adimurthy
BLDEA’s V.P DR. P G Halakatti college of Engineering
and Technology, Vijayapura
Source: NPTEL
Most of the practical pneumatic circuits use multi cylinders.
They are operated in specific sequence to carry out the desired task.
For example, to drill a wooden component first we need to clamp and then drill.
We can only unclamp the cylinder, if and only if the drill is withdrawn away from the
work piece.
Here sequencing of movement of clamp cylinders and cylinder which carries the
drill is important.
This sequencing is carried out by actuation of appropriate final control valves like
directional control valves.
The position of the cylinders is sensed by the sensors like limit switches, roller or
cam operated valves.
Methods Of Designing The Multi-actuator Pneumatic Circuits
Multi cylinder pneumatics circuits can be designed in various methods. There is
no universal circuit design method that suits all types of circuits. Some methods
are commonly used for compound circuits but would be too expensive for simple
There are five common methods used by engineering and they are given below
Classic method or Intuitive method
Cascade method
Step counter method
Karnaugh–veitch method
Combinational circuit design
Double piloted 4/2 and 5/2 directional control valves are susceptible to signal
conflicts. Cascading and Step counter method are more systematic methods than
intuitive methods. Signal conflict can be eliminated by using cascade and stepper
counter method.
In intuitive method, circuit design is done by use of general knowledge of pneumatics
following the sequence through intuitively. In general, steps involves
Write down sequence and draw motion diagrams
Draw in cylinders and control valves
Complete circuits intuitively.
Let A be the clamping cylinder and B be the stamping cylinder as shown in the Figure xxx.
First cylinder A extends and brings under stamping station where cylinder B is located.
Cylinder B then extends and stamps the job. Cylinder A can return back only cylinder B has
retracted fully.
Cascading method uses the revering valves ( also known group changing valves) and Step
counter method uses modular valves.