Clinical Aspects of UMN LMN
Clinical Aspects of UMN LMN
Clinical Aspects of UMN LMN
Neuron Lesions
An injury or damage to an organ or tissue due to a disease process or trauma.
Upper Motor Neurons
Motor Cortex
Internal Capsule
Spinal Cord
Lower limbs:
Extensors stronger than flexors.
Hip and knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion and plantar
eversion weaker
Clinical Aspects of Lower Motor Neuron Lesions
Features of Lower Motor Neuron lesions:
Hypotonia (flaccidity)
Hyporeflexia or areflexia
Muscle atrophy
Nerve conduction studies (NCS)
Electromyography (EMG) CT scan image of
Some diseases associated with Upper and Lower Motor Neuron
Tone: hypertonic
Power: Reduced (graded 4/5)
Deep tendon reflexes: Hyperreflexic (3+)
Extensor plantar response (Positive Babinski)
A 66-year-old man with sudden right-sided weakness
Stroke with right-sided hemiparesis.
Classification of Strokes:
1. Ischaemic - interruption of the blood supply to a part of the brain.
2. Haemorrhagic – bleeding in the brain from a ruptured blood vessel.
Ischaemic stroke
Examination findings:
Wasting and fasciculations in both upper and lower limb muscles.
Muscle power reduced grade 4/5.
Reflexes all brisk 3+
Extensor plantar responses (Babinski response).
Brain and cervical cord MRI: Normal findings.
Nerve conduction studies (NCS): Abnormal motor NCS with reduced motor compound
muscle action potentials. Normal sensory nerve conduction studies.
Electromyography (EMG): fibrillation and fasciculations potentials present.
Case History 2: A 65-year-old man with limb weakness and both UMN
and LMN lesions
Motor Neuron Disease
A progressive degenerative disease of the upper and lower motor neurons that may
affect the cortex, cranial nerve motor nerve nuclei and the spinal cord.
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