The document discusses the technique of narco analysis, also known as truth serum testing. It was first used in 1922 by a Texas physician using scopolamine. The technique involves inducing hypnosis through barbiturates or other drugs to reduce inhibition and make it difficult to lie. It aims to extract information from an accused person during this semi-conscious state. The document outlines the procedure and personnel involved in narco analysis testing, as well as similar techniques like brain mapping tests.
The document discusses the technique of narco analysis, also known as truth serum testing. It was first used in 1922 by a Texas physician using scopolamine. The technique involves inducing hypnosis through barbiturates or other drugs to reduce inhibition and make it difficult to lie. It aims to extract information from an accused person during this semi-conscious state. The document outlines the procedure and personnel involved in narco analysis testing, as well as similar techniques like brain mapping tests.
The document discusses the technique of narco analysis, also known as truth serum testing. It was first used in 1922 by a Texas physician using scopolamine. The technique involves inducing hypnosis through barbiturates or other drugs to reduce inhibition and make it difficult to lie. It aims to extract information from an accused person during this semi-conscious state. The document outlines the procedure and personnel involved in narco analysis testing, as well as similar techniques like brain mapping tests.
The document discusses the technique of narco analysis, also known as truth serum testing. It was first used in 1922 by a Texas physician using scopolamine. The technique involves inducing hypnosis through barbiturates or other drugs to reduce inhibition and make it difficult to lie. It aims to extract information from an accused person during this semi-conscious state. The document outlines the procedure and personnel involved in narco analysis testing, as well as similar techniques like brain mapping tests.
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Term was coined by Horseley.
First reached the mainstream in 1922, when
Robert House, a Texas Physician used the drug scopolamine on 2 prisoners. It is a technique used in Forensic Psychology for the purpose of Investigation. A diagnostic & Psychotherapeutic technique that uses Psychotropic Drugs. Also known as Truth Serum test or Drug Hypnosis or Narco Interview Technique. Hypnosis is induced by using Barbiturate’s or other Psychotropic drugs as a means of releasing repress feelings. Assumed that by using imagination a person is able to lie. In this test subject’s imagination is neutralized by making him her semi conscious. In this state of mind it becomes difficult to lie & answers would be restricted to the facts s/he is already aware of. Efforts are made to obtain probative truth about the crime. The main objective of the test is to extract information from the accused when s/he is in hypnotic state. Clinical Forensic Psychologist. Psychiatrist. Physician. Anesthetist. Audio-Videographer. Writer. Pre-Test Interview Individual is explained regarding the whole procedure & informed consent is taken Pre- Narcotic State Anesthetic induces Narco & maintain the pre-narcotic state. Drug is injected till the person appears relaxed and in a state of good contact. Drug i.e Sodium Pentothal is given intravenously. A 5% to 10% solution of drug is injected slowly in antecubital vein. As individual speech starts slurring interview begins. Semi – Narcotic State After establishing the semi narcotic state & the individual appears to be :- ▪ Flushed ▪ Slowing and Slurred speech ▪ Nystagmus observing by testing examinee’s eye muscles with fingers. ▪ Interview is facilitated by Forensic Psychologist or Psychiatrist. Individual is allowed to sleep off & allowed to wake up on his/her own. Once s/he wake up, anesthetist checks him/her and is allowed to drink coffee or tea. Post-Test Interview. Memory is checked. Individual is allowed to know what s/he has spoken during interview. India still continue to use Narco Analysis. Interviews are conducted in Forensic Laboratories. Interviews are conducted where facilities of minor OT is available. In India, Tests is conducted at Bangalore & Gujarat. Consent of Courts is required. On 5th May, 2010 SC concluded following points w.r.t. this test Article 20 (3) of Indian Constitution “No person accused of any offence shall be compelled to be a witness against himself.” Suspect willingness & his right need to be protected as mentioned in NHRC. American neurologist Dr Lawrence A Farwell. An expert in brain wave science, called his technique 'brain-wave fingerprinting' or 'brain mapping test.' Dr Farwell found that a MERMER (Memory and Encoding Related Multifaceted Electro Encephalographic Response) is initiated in the accused when the brain recognizes information pertaining to the crime. It is a test that maps the brain to reveal 'guilty knowledge’. The brain-mapping test is done to interpret the behavior of the suspect and corroborate the investigating officers' observation and the suspect's statements. During the tests, forensic experts apply unique technologies to find out if a suspect's brain recognizes things from the crime scene that an innocent suspect would have no knowledge of. The brain-mapping test is also called, the brain fingerprinting test, it matches information stored in the brain with information from the crime scene. Studies have shown that an innocent suspect's brain would not have stored or recorded certain information, which an actual perpetrator's brain would have stored. During the test, the accused is first interrogated to find out whether s/he is concealing any information. Then sensors are attached to the subject's head and the person is made to sit before a computer monitor. S/he is then shown certain images or made to hear certain sounds. The sensors monitor electrical activity in the brain and register P300 waves, which are generated only if the subject has connection with the stimulus -- picture or sound. The subject is not asked any questions. Abdul Karim Telgi Case Rahul Mahajan Case.