Narco - Analysis

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 Term was coined by Horseley.

 First reached the mainstream in 1922, when

Robert House, a Texas Physician used the
drug scopolamine on 2 prisoners.
 It is a technique used in Forensic Psychology
for the purpose of Investigation.
 A diagnostic & Psychotherapeutic technique
that uses Psychotropic Drugs.
 Also known as Truth Serum test or Drug
Hypnosis or Narco Interview Technique.
 Hypnosis is induced by using Barbiturate’s or
other Psychotropic drugs as a means of
releasing repress feelings.
 Assumed that by using imagination a person
is able to lie.
 In this test subject’s imagination is
neutralized by making him her semi
 In this state of mind it becomes difficult to lie
& answers would be restricted to the facts
s/he is already aware of.
 Efforts are made to obtain probative truth
about the crime.
 The main objective of the test is to extract
information from the accused when s/he is in
hypnotic state.
 Clinical Forensic Psychologist.
 Psychiatrist.
 Physician.
 Anesthetist.
 Audio-Videographer.
 Writer.
 Pre-Test Interview
 Individual is explained regarding the whole procedure
& informed consent is taken
 Pre- Narcotic State
 Anesthetic induces Narco & maintain the pre-narcotic
 Drug is injected till the person appears relaxed and in
a state of good contact.
 Drug i.e Sodium Pentothal is given intravenously.
 A 5% to 10% solution of drug is injected slowly in
antecubital vein.
 As individual speech starts slurring interview begins.
 Semi – Narcotic State
 After establishing the semi narcotic state & the
individual appears to be :-
▪ Flushed
▪ Slowing and Slurred speech
▪ Nystagmus observing by testing examinee’s eye
muscles with fingers.
▪ Interview is facilitated by Forensic Psychologist or
 Individual is allowed to sleep off & allowed to
wake up on his/her own.
 Once s/he wake up, anesthetist checks him/her
and is allowed to drink coffee or tea.
 Post-Test Interview.
 Memory is checked.
 Individual is allowed to know what s/he has
spoken during interview.
 India still continue to use Narco Analysis.
 Interviews are conducted in Forensic
 Interviews are conducted where facilities of
minor OT is available.
 In India, Tests is conducted at Bangalore &
 Consent of Courts is required.
 On 5th May, 2010 SC concluded following
points w.r.t. this test
 Article 20 (3) of Indian Constitution “No person
accused of any offence shall be compelled to be a
witness against himself.”
 Suspect willingness & his right need to be
protected as mentioned in NHRC.
 American neurologist Dr Lawrence A Farwell.
An expert in brain wave science, called his
technique 'brain-wave fingerprinting' or 'brain
mapping test.'
 Dr Farwell found that a MERMER (Memory
and Encoding Related Multifaceted Electro
Encephalographic Response) is initiated in
the accused when the brain recognizes
information pertaining to the crime.
 It is a test that maps the brain to reveal 'guilty
 The brain-mapping test is done to interpret the
behavior of the suspect and corroborate the
investigating officers' observation and the
suspect's statements.
 During the tests, forensic experts apply unique
technologies to find out if a suspect's brain
recognizes things from the crime scene that an
innocent suspect would have no knowledge of.
 The brain-mapping test is also called, the
brain fingerprinting test, it matches
information stored in the brain with
information from the crime scene.
 Studies have shown that an innocent
suspect's brain would not have stored or
recorded certain information, which an actual
perpetrator's brain would have stored.
 During the test, the accused is first interrogated
to find out whether s/he is concealing any
 Then sensors are attached to the subject's head
and the person is made to sit before a computer
monitor. S/he is then shown certain images or
made to hear certain sounds.
 The sensors monitor electrical activity in the
brain and register P300 waves, which are
generated only if the subject has connection
with the stimulus -- picture or sound.
 The subject is not asked any questions.
 Abdul Karim Telgi Case
 Rahul Mahajan Case.

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