1 - An Overview of Programming Languages
1 - An Overview of Programming Languages
1 - An Overview of Programming Languages
Programming Language
IT11103/ IT12103 – Introduction to Computer Programming
Faculty of Computing & Informatics (FCI) UMS
2 Contents
Computer Languages
History of C and C++
C++ Standard Library
Typical C++ Development Environment
3 Computer
What is a computer?
A device that can perform computation and make logical decision through
processing data under the control of set of instruction is called computer
Consists of 2 types of device
Hardware (e.g., Keyboard, Monitor, Mouse, Hard Disk)
Software (computer programs)
4 Computer
Basic components
Input Unit
Output Unit
Memory Unit Storage Unit
Secondary Storage Unit
Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
System Unit
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
5 Computer Languages
Machine language
Only language computer directly understands (machine dependent)
Consist of strings of numbers
Ultimately 0s and 1s
Assembly language
English-like abbreviations representing elementary computer operations
Clearer to humans
Incomprehensible to computers
Translator programs (assemblers) convert to machine language
6 Computer Languages
High-level languages
Similar to everyday English, use common mathematical notations
Single statements accomplish substantial tasks
Assembly language requires many instructions to accomplish simple tasks
Interpreter programs
Directly execute high-level language programs
grossPay = basePay + overTimePay
7 History of C and C++
History of C
Evolved from two other programming languages BCPL and B
Dennis Ritchie (Bell Laboratories) – added data type and other features
Known as the development language of UNIX
Hardware independent (Portable programs)
1989: ANSI standard
1990: ANSI and ISO standard published
ANSI/ISO 9899: 1990
8 History of C and C++
History of C++
Extension of C
Early 1980s: Bjarne Stroustrup (Bell Laboratories)
Provides capabilities for object-oriented programming
Objects: reusable software components
Model items in real world
Object-oriented programs
Easy to understand, correct and modify
Hybrid language
C-like style
Object-oriented style
9 C++ Standard Library
C++ programs
Built from pieces called classes and functions
C++ standard library
Rich collections of existing classes and functions
“Building block approach” to creating programs
“Software reuse”
10 Basic of a Typical C++ Environment
C++ systems
Program-development environment
C++ Standard Library
C++ program names extensions
Basic of a Typical C++ Environment
Program is created in
Editor Disk
the editor and stored
Phases of C++ Programs: on disk.
Preprocessor program
1. Edit Preprocessor Disk
processes the code.
6. Execute
Loader puts program
in memory.
Disk ..
CPU takes each
instruction and
executes it, possibly
storing new data
.. values as the program
12 Basic of a Typical C++ Environment
Common Input/output functions
Standard input stream
Normally keyboard
Standard output stream
Normally computer screen
Standard error stream
Display error messages