Lect 4
Lect 4
Lect 4
What is Biodiversity
Importance of Biodiversity
Levels of Biodiversity
Threats to Biodiversity
Patterns of Biodiversity
A one-acre patch of elm trees produces
oxygen, removes carbon from the
atmosphere, and captures at least 16 tons
of airborne dirt, which rain then washes
back to the ground as productive soil.
Genetic Diversity
Species Diversity
Ecosystem Diversity
Genetic Diversity
10 Monserrat
Habitat degradation
– Some 93% of coral reefs damaged directly or
indirectly by human activities
– During the 1990s between 130,000 and 150,000
km2 of forest cover lost each year
Changes in atmospheric composition.
siltation, nutrient loading, pollution of air and
water by toxic chemicals
Patterns of species vulnerability
Rare Species
Long-lived species
Keystone species
Rare species