Struktur Sel Dan Organel

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Struktur Sel dan Organel

(Biologi Umum)
By. Hesti Riany, M.Si
• Mikroskop
• Struktur sel Prokariot dan Eukariot
• Stuktur dan Fungsi Organel Sel
• Ketidaknormalan Organel
Perbandingan Ukuran cell

Most cells are between 1 and 100 μm

in diameter (yellow region of chart)
and are therefore visible only under a
microscope. Notice that the scale
along the left side is logarithmic to
accommodate the range of sizes
shown. Starting at the top of the
scale with 10 m and going down,
each reference measurement marks
a tenfold decrease in diameter or
Tipe Mikroskop
Dissection or Scanning Electron Transmission Electron
Compound Confocal Microscope
Stereoscope Microscope (SEM) Microscope (TEM)
Compound microscopes SEM use electron
A dissection microscope This microscope uses a
are light illuminated. The illumination. The image
is light illuminated. The laser light. This light is TEM is electron
image seen with this type is seen in 3-D. It has
image that appears is used because of the illuminated. This gives a
of microscope is two high magnification and
three dimensional. It is wavelength. Laser light 2-D view. Thin slices of
dimensional. This high resolution. The
used for dissection to scan across the specimen are obtained.
Description microscope is the most specimen is coated in
get a better look at the specimen with the aid of The electron beams pass
commonly used. You can gold and the electrons
larger specimen. You scanning mirrors. Then through this. It has high
view individual cells, even bounce off to give you
cannot see individual image is then placed on magnification and high
living ones. It has high and exterior view of the
cells because it has a a digital computer resolution.
magnification. However, it specimen. The pictures
low magnification. screen for analyzing.
has a low resolution. are in black and white.
Source of Radiation
visible light visible light laser light electrons electrons
for Image Formation
Medium air air air vacuum vacuum
Mounted on aluminum Thin films of collodion or
glass slides with dyed
Specimen mounting glass slides none stubs and are coated in other supporting material
gold on copper grids
one electrostatic lens one electrostatic lens and
glass lenses with
Nature of Lenses glass glass with a few a few electromagnetic
dichromatic mirrors
electromagnetic lenses lenses
digital computer Electrical i.e. current of
Focusing mechanical mechanical motorized focusing electrical the objective lens coil is
mechanism changed.
Electrical i.e. changing
changing objectives usually 1 objective digitally enhanced electrical current of the projector
lens coil
Major Means of laser light with
light scattering or light
Providing specimen Light Absorption dicromatic mirror electron scattering Electron scattering
Contrast concentrated at pinhole
Where To Get More
meiosis Earthworm salt mosquito plant cell
compound Stereo Confocal


• Sel : unit terkecil yang menyusun organisme hidup yang memiliki
fungsi struktural dan fungsional.

• Teori Sel
 Setiap organisme terdiri dari sel, dan sel merupakan unit fungsional
terkecil dari organisme hidup.
 Sel berasal dari sel sebelumnya.

• Sejarah Penemuan Sel

Tahun Penemu Penemuan
1665 Robert Hooke Dengan mikroskop sederhana menemukan lubang/pori
pada potongan gabus dan menyebutnya sel.
1674 Leeuwenhoek Menemukan protozoa dan 9 th kemudian menemukan
1833 Brown Pengamatan terhadap anggrek dan menemukan inti sel
1838 Schleiden & Schwann Teori sel
Struktur Sel


Perbedaannya apa ya?????

Membran plasma
• Membran sel terdiri
atas dua lapisan
lipoprotein (lipid bi
• Berfungsiuntuk :
transpor zat,
mengatur aktivitas
penghantaran sinya
dan pengenalan sel
1. Nukleus: Pusat Informasi
• Nukleus mengandung
DNA (selain
Mitokondria dan
• Memiliki membran 2
lapis  nuclear
• Nukleolus sintesis
rRNA (ribosomal
2. Ribosom: Pabrik Protein

• Tersusun atas rRNA dan protein

• Berperan dalam sisntesis protein
• Jenis  ribosom bebas (sitoplasma)= sintesis protein yang
bekerja di sitosol; ribosom terikat (menepel pada retikulum
endoplasma atau Nuclear envelope)=sintesis protein yang
akan di sisipkan pada membran, disimpan dalam organel
tertentu spt lisosom tau dikeluarkan dari sel (sekresi)
Sistem Endomembran
• sistem endomembran meliputi:
– nuclear envelope,
– Reticulum endoplasmic ,
– Golgi komplek,
– lisosom,
– Berbagai jenis vesikel dan vakuola
• Sistem ini memiliki berbagai fungsi dalam sel
termasuk sintesis protein, transpor protein ke
membran dan organel atau keluar sel,
metabolisme dan perpindahan lipid serta
detoksifikasi racun.
3. Retikulum Endoplasma: Pabrik
• RE  RE halus da RE kasar
• RE halus berfungsi untuk
sintesis lipid, metabolisme
karbohidrat, detoksifikasi obar
dan racun serta tenpat
peyimpanan ion kalsium.
• Re kasar berperan dalam
pembentukan protein sekretori
dan pabrik dari membran yaitu
dengan penambahan protein
dan fospfolipid pada membran
sendiri . Seperti halnya RE
halus, RE kasar juga
menyediakan enzim
prekursor fosfolipid.
4. Apparatus Golgi :
Shipping and Receiving Center

• Products of the endoplasmic reticulum are usually modified during their transit from the cis
region to the trans region of the Golgi apparatus. For example, glycoproteins formed in the
ER have their carbohydrates modified, first in the ER itself, then as they pass through the
• The Golgi removes some sugar monomers and substitutes others, producing a large
variety of carbohydrates. Membrane phospholipids may also be altered in the Golgi.
• In addition to its finishing work, the Golgi apparatus also manufactures some
macromolecules. Many polysaccharides secreted by cells are Golgi products.
5. Lysosomes: Digestive

• Dihasilkan oleh aparatus golgi dan menghasilkan enzim-enzim hidrolitik seperti

proteolitik, lipase, dan fosfatase.
• Enzim hidrolitik berfungsi untuk mencerna makanan yang masuk ke dalam sel secara
fagositosis dan juga menghasilkan zat kekebalan sehingga banyak dijumpai pada
sel-sel darah putih.
• bersifat autolisis, autofagi, dan menghancurkan makanan secara endositosis.
Vacuoles: Diverse Maintenance
• Vacuoles are large vesicles derived from the
endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus
• Vacuoles perform a variety of functions in different
kinds of cells. Food vacuoles, formed by
phagocytosis, Many freshwater protists have
contractile vacuoles that pump excess water out
of the cell, thereby maintaining a suitable
concentration of ions and molecules inside the cell
• In plants and fungi, certain vacuoles carry out
enzymatic hydrolysis, a function shared by
lysosomes in animal cells. (In fact,some biologists
consider these hydrolytic vacuoles to be a type of
lysosome.) In plants, smaller vacuoles can hold
reserves of important organic compounds, such as
the proteins stockpiled in the storage cells in
seeds. Vacuoles may also help protect the plant
against herbivores by storing compounds that are
poisonous or unpalatable to animals. Some plant
vacuoles contain pigments, such as the red and
blue pigments of petals that help attract pollinating
insects to flowers.
Review: hubungan antar sistem
6. Mitochondria: Konversi Energi

• Fungsi: sebagai tempat berlangsung respirasi untuk menghasilkan energi.

• Tersusun atas:
- Sistem membran yaitu membran dalam dan membran luar. Membren dalam
membentuk tonjolan-tonjolan ke arah dalam (membran krista) untuk
memperluas bidang penyerapan oksigen.
- Matrik Mitokondria mengandung protein, lemak, enzim sitokrom, DNA &
ribosom sehingga memungkinkan sintesis enzim-enzim respirasi secara
otonom. untuk melintasi membran mitokondria memerlukan mekanisme
transpor aktif.
7. Chloroplasts (plastida):
Menangkap Energi dari Cahaya

• Organel yang memiliki klorofil (fotosintesis). Membran luar:

melewatkan molekul< 10 KD, tanpa selektivitas.
• Membran dalam bersifat selektif permeabel dan berguna untuk
memilih molekul yang keluar masuk dengan transpor aktif.
• Stroma merupakan cairan kloroplas yang berguna untuk menyimpan
hasil fotosintesis dalam bentuk pati (amilum)
• Tilakoid tempat terjadinya fotosintesis.
8. Peroxisomes: Oxidation
• Peroxisomes contain enzymes that
remove hydrogen atoms from various
substrates and transfer them to
oxygen (O2), thus producing hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2) as a by-product (from
which the organelle derives its name).
Some peroxisomes use oxygen to
break fatty
• acids down into smaller molecules that
are transported to mitochondria and
used as fuel for cellular respiration.
Peroxisomes in the liver detoxify
alcohol and other harmful compounds
by ransferring hydrogen from the
poisons to oxygen. The H2O2 formed
by peroxisomes is itself toxic, but the
organelle also contains an enzyme
that converts H2O2 to water.
9. Sitoskleton
• Merupakan sepasang struktur
seperti silinder yang memiliki
lubang ditengah dan tersusun
dari protein mikrotubulus.
• Membentuk suatu struktur
seperti jala yang tampak
berlekatan dengan kromosom
selama pembelahan sel (mitosis
dan meiosis).
• Jala tersebut dinamakan benang
10. Dinding Sel pada Tumbuhan
• The wall protects the plant cell,
maintains its shape, and
prevents excessive uptake of
water. On the level of the
whole plant, the strong walls of
specialized cells hold the plant
up against the force of gravity.
Prokaryotes, fungi, and some
protists also have cell walls,
but we will postpone the
discussion about it.
Matriks Ekstraseluler (ECM)
• Bentuk 5 kelompok!
• Masing-masing kelompok membuat presentasi
– Siklus Sel
– Mitosis
– Meiosis
– Gametogenesis pada hewan
– Gametogenesis pada tumbuhan
• Ppt paling lambat dikumpul tgl 26 Agustus jam 18 WIB.

• Email: [email protected]


Ketidaknormalan Organel
• Cari jurnal penelitian yang menjelaskan
ganguan yang disebabkan oleh
ketidaknormalan organel! (Minimal 3
organel= 3 jurnal) dan buat review
maksimal 1 halaman u masing-masing
• Semua Tugas di buat dalam bentuk
fortofolio dan dikumpul saat pertemuan

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