CSSD Performance Quality Analysis at A Super Speciality Hospital
CSSD Performance Quality Analysis at A Super Speciality Hospital
CSSD Performance Quality Analysis at A Super Speciality Hospital
Speciality Hospital
NAME : D. Gandhiraj
DESIGNATION : Microbiologist
DEPARTMENT : Institurte of Laboratory Medicine
HOSPITAL : Royal Care Super Speciality Hospital
DATE : 14/03/2018
Background: (about hospital)
• RoyalCare super specality hospital Inaugrated on 14th,Nov,2016 as a 750 bedded
project at Neelambur, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
• A checklist of APSIC used to analyse the performance quality (PQ) of CSSD and to
impliment the necessary requirements.
• Some of these questions have forced options and some are open ended questions
regarding CSSD.
Use of puncture resistant leak proof containers for soiled items Not practiced
Policy and procedure in place for transportation of contaminated items between buildings Not Applicable
Transportation carts should be covered and should prevent items from falling over or off Not practiced
Cleaning and decontamination processes
Written policies and procedures in place for all cleaning and decontamination process Policy available but
not practiced
Appropriate brushes or cleaning implements designed for use on medical devices are used Partial practice
Brushes/cleaning implemented are either disposable or if reusable ,are decontaminated atleast Partial practice
Instrumentation inspection,preparation & Packaging
Cleaning verification by users should include visual inspection combined with other verification ( ATP) Partial Practice
methods that allow assessment of instrument surfaces
Deligate/ sharp instruments are protected while being handled / assembled for sterilization (may use Not practiced
special holder ,tip guards, or foam sleeves).
Tip protectors should be sterilant permiable
Basins : Partial practice
• graduated basins sholuld differ in diameter by one inch
• use non lining absorbant material between nested basins.
• wraped basin sets should not exceed 11.3 kg ( 7 pounds)
Ridged container system instructions are being followed regarding weight and density of instrument sets. Not practiced
• Packing materials are held for a min.of 2 hours . prior to use at room temp (20 degree C - 23 Degree Not practiced
C) at a relative humidity ranging from 30-60%
Sterilization and monitoring
1.Paper - plastic pouches - use baskets to facilitate placing pouches on edge Not practiced
3.Non implant loads:optional monitoring with a PCD containing either : a class 5 integrating indicator Not practiced
4.Routine sterilizer efficacy testing testing with a BI PCD is done daily Not practiced
6.Qualification testing :For sterilization process failures where the cause is not immediately identifiable and Not practiced
after majorsteam or sterilizers repairs,run 3 empty cycles BI PCD followed by 3 empty cycles with a Bowie -
Dick test oif prevaccum sterilizer.
7. Sterilizer maintenance :-drain strainers are inspected daily for debris Not practiced
-sterilizer external and internal surfaces are routinely cleaned
Sterile storage and distribution
• Transport carts should have a physical barrier between the bottom shelf and the floor. Not practiced
• Reusable covers should be cleaned after each use.
• Carts are3 decontaminated/ dried before reused for transporting sterile supplies Not practiced
• Policies &procedures are clear and concise record maintened
• lot control label are used to include : sterilizer ID , lot number, sterilization date
,expiration date, name of pack and initials.
• Sterilization process failure : when cannot immediately identify cause of failure ( eg . Not practiced
selected incorrect cycle setting ), reprocess the load and recall / reprocess all items
dating back to last load in sterilizer with negative BI results
Facility Design
If centralized reprocessing is not possible , consistant policies and procedures between locations Not applicable
are in place
Emergency eyewash stations ( required by OSHA) located within 10 seconds travel time of all Not practiced
chemical usage locations , with a continuous flush for at least 15 minutes . E.g.,
Decontamination area
Temperature and Humidity monitoring controls in decontamination and clean areas and daily Not practiced
Appropriate positive and negative pressure ventilation system in place Not practiced
Personnel Consideration
All CS Personnel recieve a minimum annual training on department policies and procedures All Partial
CS personnel demonstrate comprtency annually
Wriiten policy on personal hygiene Not practiced
Assurance PCD not implemented PCD Initiated for every cycle
Handling,Collection and transportation of contaminated
Secured,dedicated containers are provided for soiled instruments Implemented, yet to
Use of puncture resistant leak proof containers for soiled items implemented
policy and procedure in place for transportation of contaminated items between buildings Implemented, yet to
transportation carts should be covered and should prevent items from falling over or off yet to implement
appropriate brushes or cleaning implements designed for use on medical devices are used Implemented
brushes/cleaning implement are either disposable or if reusable ,are decontaminated atleast daily Implemented
Receiving and
Instrumentation inspection,preparation & Packaging
Cleaning verification by users should include visual inspection combined with other verification ( ATP) On discussion
methods that allow assessment of instrument surfaces
-Deligate/ sharp instruments are protected while being handled / assembled for sterilization (may use Implemented
special holder ,tip guards, or foam sleeves).
- Tip protectors should be sterilant permiable
complex instruments (air-powered, endoscopes, having lumens or channels) are prepared according to Implemented
written instructions from device mfr.
basins : Implemented and
• graduated basins sholuld differ in diameter by one inch nested basins are
• use non lining absorbant material between nested basins. yet to impliment
• wraped basin sets should not exceed 11.3 kg ( 7 pounds)
Ridged container system instructions are being followed regarding weight and density of instrument sets. Yet to practice
• Packing materials are held for a min.of 2 hours . prior to use at room temp (20 degree C - 23 Degree Implemented
C) at a relative humidity ranging from 30-60%
Instrument preperartion
and sterilization
Sterilization and monitoring
1.Paper - plastic pouches - use baskets to facilitate placing pouches on edge implemented
3.Non implant loads:optional monitoring with a PCD containing either : a class 5 integrating indicator implemented
4.Routine sterilizer efficacy testing testing with a BI PCD is done daily implemented
6.Qualification testing :For sterilization process failures where the cause is not immediately identifiable and implemented
after majorsteam or sterilizers repairs,run 3 empty cycles BI PCD followed by 3 empty cycles with a Bowie -
Dick test oif prevaccum sterilizer.
7. Sterilizer maintenance :-drain strainers are inspected daily for debris implemented
-sterilizer external and internal surfaces are routinely cleaned
Sterile storage and distribution
• Transport carts should have a physical barrier between the bottom shelf and the floor. implemented
• Reusable covers should be cleaned after each use.
• Carts are3 decontaminated/ dried before reused for transporting sterile supplies implemented
Storage and Monitoring
PRODUCT RECALLS: implemented
• Policies &procedures are clear and concise
• record maintened
• lot control label are used to include : sterilizer ID , lot number, sterilization date
,expiration date, name of pack and initials.
• Sterilization process failure : when cannot immediately identify cause of failure ( eg . implemented
selected incorrect cycle setting ), reprocess the load and recall / reprocess all items
dating back to last load in sterilizer with negative BI results
Facility Design
If centralized reprocessing is not possible , consistant policies and procedures between locations implemented
are in place
Emergency eyewash stations ( required by OSHA) located within 10 seconds travel time of all implemented
chemical usage locations , with a continuous flush for at least 15 minutes . E.g.,
Decontamination area
Functional workflow pattern clear distinction (ie physical wall) between dirty and clean implemented
Temperature and Humidity monitoring controls in decontamination and clean areas and daily implemented
Appropriate positive and negative pressure ventilation system in place implemented
Floors and walls are constructed from materials that can withstand frequent cleaning implemented
Ceilings are flush surfaces and not of materials that are of particulate or fiber- shedding implemented
Personnel Consideration
All CS Personnel recieve a minimum annual training on department policies and procedures All Implemented, yet to
CS personnel demonstrate comprtency annually practice
Written policy on personal hygiene Implemented, yet to
• The APSIC guidelines for Disinfection and Sterilization of Instruments in healthcare facilities,
Revised Jan 2017.
• ‘Decontamination and Reprocessing Manual for Healthcare Facilities’ WHO Revised CSSD
Manual and Guidelines.